The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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Sunday, October 15, 1944
One of the more unusual hap
penings of the week came forth
on Wednesday at 7:45 a. m. when
Beta Tom Hyland called Tri Delt
"Pinky" Williams long distance
from Texas . he just wanted to
talk . must be the memories of
numerous dates this summer
when he was home...
Mary Esther Dunkin. DG
pledge, has the magnetic attrac
tion of a lodestone . seems that
she had a date with Fiji Russ
Ledger Friday night and when
he called for her he noticed that
his watch showed 16 minutes to
9 . . when they came out of the
movie, Dunk asked what the time
of nite and when he gazed at his
watch, it still said 16 minutes to
9. . .
Four Kappas had a hilarious
week-end in York... they were
Jo Radcliffe, Addie McCaguc, and
Lynn Lyle, who all visited Zoe
Desch for a formal dance in her
home town. . .
Friday night saw a contingent
of Betas and their dates doing the
town . Ed Robinson was with
Alpha Phi Jo Martz, Bob Schulte
had a date with another Alpha
Phi, Donna Peterson; KKG pledge
Jo Guenzel was escorted by Bob
Cunely; Theta Beth Montgomery
danced with Gene Merchant, and
DG pledge Jeanie Douglas was
with a Beta from the Base. . .
Everyone remembers Mickey
Allen who is coming home very
soon to see Alpha Chi Barbara
Emerson . . he'll be here for
Homecoming, Harry James, Tiny
Hill, and so on ..Theta Mary
Waring's heart is throbbing over
a Capt. she has been dating quite
frequently of late... the same
goes for the relations of Johnny
Van Home, Delt, and Mary
Claire Phillips, KAT. . .
The football game Friday the
13th gained the attention of Billie
Trombla, Theta pledge, and her
companion, the DU with the con
vertible. . ? .
DG Nell Scott passed the candy
most informally with Lt. Tom
Walner Thursday nite.. after a
courtship of several weeks
'What a Difference a Day Made"
is their theme now. . .
We still want to know who the
girl is who will not wear her
newly acquired diamond because
she happens to be in possession
of a fraternity pin from an en
tirely different man ??????????
Down Beat, jt
a Hn per day.
Payabla la adr
LOST Rrnwn purse.
Griswold. 4-23M.
Reward. Barbara
244 N. 13th
Remember when a pick-up was
considered tops on the list of
Things That Just Aren t Being
Done, or at least those who in
dulged had the decency to speak
of it in hushed voices? Times
have certainly changed.
Despite the advent of the wolf
call and the "Pardon me, but
what's there to do in this town?"
probably not many people ex
pected this popular pastime to be
put into song. But the inevitable
has happened in the form of a
cute number called "The Trolley
Song." If you haven't yet heard
the ditty about a pick-up on a
street car, turn on your radio or
visit the Crib practically any
hour of the day. You can't miss
it. Incidentally, the Pied Pipers
record is definitely a smooth one.
Sinatra Improves.
There's a certain pressing of
"What a Difference a Day Makes"
that has been heard a lot lately.
Upon first hearing it we could
have sworn the vocalist was a
very much improved Sinatra. A
glance at the label revealed it to
be Andy Russell, a fellow who
has everything Frankie probably
wishes he had.
It was a great day for the sen
timentalists when Victor released
its new "Smoke Rings" album.
People who associate certain songs
with their very nice moments will
have a lot to remind them of
wonderful time and the people
they meet when they say it was
"our song." The collection las
eight sides and features tunes that
were tops each year for eight suc
cessive years, beginning with
Benny Goodman's waxing of
"These Foolish Things Remind
Me of You" in 1935 and progress-
Personalized for Gifts
Open Eveninrs
215 North 14
ing right thru Glenn Miller's
"That Old Black Magic" in 1942.
Government Approved
Flight lesson imnirM t th
Unioa Air Terminal by ap
pointment. Nlfhl claxsoa for
jrroaiMl t h I Instruction.
24IS O Street, rhono C-235
or 1-CI24.
Lincoln Airplon fir
Flying School
Ready-to-wear , Fourth Floor.
The Fall Story
Is in 2 Parts!
Junior Two-Piecer
Nail head trim adds glamour to this
wool and rayon frock pictured at the
far right. In gold, blue, chartreuse
or melon. Sizes 9 to 17.
Wool Suit Dress
A simply tailored two-piecer that finds
a ready place in your wardrobe. In
deep purple, Kelly green or red. Sizes
12 to 18.
iT "Ol7 " Na
a til 'I T m t I
Doelame Suit
A softly tailored suit that will make a fashion-!
ight backbone of your autumn ward
robe. In fuchsia, brown, tangerine, black or
green. Sizes 12 to 20.
Crepe Blouse
With shirred neckline, tie
front. White and colors.
S;?es 32 to 38.
lAston in Tvho. 9:30 a. m. Tuesday and Thursday