The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Fri'dcry, OctoKer 6, 1944
crojil Pi I
EBciracltt - Warming
Dick Dilsaver
With nothing to lose and every
thing to gain, we will attempt to
pick the winners of grid games
scheduled for this Saturday. Bui
before starting, may we mention
the fact that we guarantee nothing.
In the Big Six opener at Man
hattan we find two teams hard
hit by the war when we see Mis
souri hedging out over Kansas
State. Oklahoma goes into the
southwest and tries to beat Texas
A. & M. and we think they can
do it. Iowa Stale, prospective Big
Six 'king, meets little Doane in
what should be a pushover. Re
maining conference team to play
is Kansas and the Jayhawks have
more than their match in the
Golden Hurricane of Tulsa.
Here in Lincoln fans are privi
leged to witness a game bringing
together two of the nation's top
elevens when the Second Air
Force Superbombers tangle with
Iowa Tre-Flight. This promises
to be a honey -of a contest and
we see things the Superbomber
way but wouldn't want you to put
your last penny on them.
In the neighboring Big Ten an
old feud is again coming up with
Minnesota and Michigan back
fighting for the little brown jug.
This should be another close one
with Michigan ending as victor.
Another Big Ten game sees Iowa
going against Ohio Stata and
losing while they are at it. The
Boilermakers of Purdue are our
favorite over Illinois. The Army
and the Navy should both be
winners over Brown and Penn
State respectively. Bob Kelly
will lead Notre Dame in winning
over Tulane. Wisconsin should
edge by Marquette and the Great
Lakes should show enough naval
strategy to drown out North
western. Moving southward we pick
North. Carolina Pre-Flight edging
out Duke; Michigan State over
Kentucky; Randolph Field over
Texas; Rice over Louisiana State,
and Oklahoma A. & M. knocking
over Texas Tech.
On the western Iront our
choices are California edging a
breather from Southern Cal, Den
ver over Utah, Colorado College
taking Fort Warren, and San
Diego navy eclipsing U.C.L.A;
.The Husker's next fray will be
next week when they venture
eastward to challenge Bo McMil
lians highly touted Indiana
Oklahoma Meets A & M.
The other three schools in the
conference Oklahoma, Kansas,
and Iowa State again meet out
of league teams. Oklahoma suf
fered a 28 to 14 trouncing at the
hands . of the Norman Navy
Zoomers last week but will be in
fit shape to meet Texas A & M
at Oklahoma City Saturday.
Kansas University shared a 14 to
14 count with Denver last Satur
day and are now set to meet
civilian Tulsa's Golden Hurricane
in a night contest at Tulsa. Iowa
State, only team in the Big Six
to claim a victory last Saturday,
trampled all over Gustavus
Adolphus by 49 to 0 and will meet
V-12 bolstered Doane college
from Crete, Neb., in a Saturday
afternoon game at Ames.
Electric Shaver Service
Shirk RhavcmnMer and Remington
New Paris. Free estimates. II 711 rut
work by factory trained men. One
day service.
143 So. 12 5-7864
At the outbreak of the Revolu
tionary war, Baltimore had a
population of about 7,000.
Before the California gold rush
Ik 1849, North Carolina was the
chiei' gold-producing state.
featuring Nationally Known and
Local radio favorites
9 P.M. 11 P.M.
Missouri Plays
Kansas State;
Nebraska Idle
After going thru a rough day
against out of conference elevens
that netted only one win, two ties,
and three losses last Saturday,
the Big Six has its first game
this week end when Missouri
and Kansas State set the ball
rolling at Manhattan. Old Mizzou
was really snowed under last
Saturday taking the week's worst
drubbing from Ohio State with
a 54 to 0 score. Kansas State
fared better than did the Tigers
by holding the University of
Wichita Shockers to a 6 to 6 tie.
However the K-State boys didn't
show up like the experts had ex
pected and had to come from be
hind late in the last quarter to
even the score.
Nebraska remains idle this
week giving time for them to lick,
the wounds received from Minne
sota in last week's 39 to 0 defeat.
Passing Too
Passing On
a Good Tip
When You're Looking for Truly Great Sayings
You'll Always Find Them at Your
"Cheapper" Drug Store
2nd Air Force Superbombert
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