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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1944)
Friday, October 6, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN University Theatre Brings New Faces To Stage For First Play Fourteen newcomers stampede the University Theatre as the first play of the season goes into re hearsal. The cast, all new faces on the university stage, Is as follows: A Girl Wilda. Smith The Reverend Phineas McQuestion Dewey Ganzel Winston Urquhart Bill Boydston Mrs. McQuestion Gerry McKinsey Rule McQuestion Avrum Bondarin Venture . . . .Margaret Hunter Faith Ingalls . . . . Arlis Swanson Happy Penny. .Garland Kistner Letty . . . .Lucy Ann Hapeman Nathaniel McQuestion Harold Marer Oparre ..... Gloria Baumont Toiila Barbara Jenkins Harry, a bailiff . John D. Lind The Wingless Victory was first produced in 1936 with Katherine Cornell playing the role of YWCA Schedules First Leadership Train in 2 Classes The Girl Reserve leadership training course, offered by the YWCA, will meet for the first time Thursday at four. The meet ing, first of a series of nine, to be offered every Thursday, will have as its guest speaker, Miss Barbara Jean Faiker, now assis tant director of the USO. The course, offered especially for future teachers, but open io all, will include both theory and practical experience in Girl Re serve leadership. The advisory board is made up of three former Girl Reserve sec retaries, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly Carter, Mrs. Leo Black, and Mrs.j Lyman Wallen, and three students, Mary Alden, Hazel St earn, and Gerry ' McKinsey. Oparre. The play is a vigorous dramatic tragedy of early New England. It was written in the same dramatic tragedy of early New England. It is written in the same form as Winterset which was awarded the Critics Prize in 1936. Action in 1800. The scene of The Wingless Vic tory is laid in Salem about the year 1800. The central figures are Nathaniel McQuestion and Oparre, his wife. NaUianiel is a sea cap tarn who left Salem penniless but returns a wealthy man after an absence of seven years. With one exception the pleasure of the various puritanical members of Nathaniel's family is badly mar red when they discover he has brought a Malay wife and their two children back with him. Deeply as he loves Oparre, the Malay princess who has shared both danger and misfortune with him, Nathaniel cannot help but feel the invisible finger of scorn pointed at him by the towns people. For Oparre's sake he lends them money to consolidate his social position but they find this a weapon to be used to their own advantage The struggle of this man's soul when he is faced with a sudden choice between dishonor and the loss of his property or the loss of his dark-skinned family, and the magnificent self-sacrifice of the woman who has given up her native country and risked all she has for love, have never been more clearly presented. This story of Nathaniel and Oparre Is one few can forget. The play presents a problemjto make people of all races un notr of color but of race and be- dstand and tolerate ne an liefs. The aim of the play is 'other. Have a "Coke" Welcome back . . . or giving a returned soldier a taste of home There's an easy way to make a soldier on furlough feel right at home. It's to offer him refreshing Coca-Cola. Have m "Coke" is always the hospitable thing to say. In many lands overseas, as io your own living room, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes, has become a happy symbol of hospitality, at home as every where else. aoma undo, authority op the coca-cola company by LINCOtW COT A COI. A BOTTtING CO. 2I2 G St. "Coke" Coca-Cola It's natural fot popular names to acquire friendly abbrevia tion. That'a why you hear Coca-Cola called "Coke". Chiirches . . (Continued from Page One.) from 8 to 10, will be held in the church house again this Friday. The Holiday services in the Tifereth Israel Synagogue Sun day will be held at 8:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. A special service, Sin chat Torah, will be held at 7:15 Monday evening. This is a me morial service in observance of the holidays. Other services to be held Monday are at 8:30 and 10:00. The regular Catholic services will be held in the XYZ rooms of the Student Union at 11:00. Hsny! Hurry! LAST CALL...yocr ChrTstmat gift pictures mast bt taken immediately to allow time for ftrishing. S fcr95S3 October 15 Last day to mail Christmas gift to Mm overseas. ICS aw""" S,ed ctesi . . sn MUH C PAW ( l.EjaJSSM' 0 Chase away the chills with these anti-freeze frills. They're grand for midnight gab-fests! FLANNELS longer look like Cranny's "nighties. They come in rielit flashy prints, stripes and plaids. All coltons in sizes 32 to 42. 425 Third Floor. If OJmfL up. In, a, WARM ROBE like tliis one. It's fleecy warm, made of rayon, with some perky polka dot trim. Blue or Red, 12 to 20. 85 Milter'a Botes Third Floor. DORM SOX are cuties for your tootsies! Slippers and socks all in one ... felt soles with knit tops. Ked, white, lIue or dark green with bright embroidery. 250 . 295 Miller'f Boaiery Firrt Float. PA1 fl LEI a a a a O Q