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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, October 1, 1944 BY NINA SCOTT. This week-end seemed to be the one for picnics and lieutenants . . . Phi Delts threw a big Ne braska picnic . . . laughing at someone's poetry were Theta Gretchen Smith and Jim McEach- en, DG pledge Ellie Detweiler and Dick Capek, Kappa pledge Ella Burkett with Danny Lilly, Chi O Shirley Crosby plus Bob Krutz, and of course the chaperons. Howie Chapin and wife, the for mer Betty Dick . . . everyone iroze, so they say, and had mad fun . . . Attractive blonde Chi O "Hink" Aasen has returned from visiting her newly-commissioned Willy in New Mexico . . . also hear that Johnny Safford, Beta, is in town on leave . . . Some go Staff. Delt Johnny Van Home and ATO Chick Neal went to the Northeast-Boys Town game stag Friday nite . . . suppose the gold bars are" cramping the boys style ... or else they wanted to get away from it . . .Friday nite also saw Joyce Stuve, Alpha Chi, and Delt Gordon Ehleis in the Union. Seen with lieutenants over the week-end were Pi Phi Sue Coch ran, Mary Lou Holtz (Alpha Chi), and Kappas Jo Radcliffe and Irene Hanson . . . Kappas Jo Dow and Mary Jean Fisher picniced in town withtudy Srb and Pete Anderson, Phi Psis . . . Quite a number of coeds went to church in accordance with Church Night . . . some tore to the cinema in groups . . . others watched the Sigma Kappas play the AST boys in football . . . Omaha Attracts Thetas. Thetas Jenny Magnussen and Margie Heyn are hurrying back from a luncheon in Omaha next Saturday to trip with some Fair mont Air Base men . . . they were invited to the big game with them too, but due to previous plans had to decline . . . Mary Claire Clark, KKG, is now wearing the SAE pin of Bob Fast who was the '42 senior class president and Innocent ... a won derful couple . . . Tri Delt Fan chon Jones has been noticed with a diamond on the correct fin ger . . . Marbles, Doers, Cats! One of the more unusual sights oi me week-end was KKG pledge Addie McCague and DG Mortar Board Helen Johnson playing marDies at night by Teachers Col lege ... the results beine that "Johnny" came home with all of Addie s marbles and the promise of a live kitten . . . Helen bet her dog against Addie's cat . . . Gamma Phi Ann Doudna was out with a smooth lieutenant Fri day night ... Pi Phi Janice Blakeslee and Johnny Jones are stui in the thralls of love . . everybody's in love . . . Goodbye, honey, huh . . . Fraternity . . . (Continued from Page One.) Richard B. Cnpck, Lincoln. Robert J. Pauley, PeWltt. Rnnert K. Halm, Fremont. Richard W. Lamberty. Fremont Daniel N. Lilly. Lincoln. PHI GAMMA IKI.TA. Wllltiim L. Berner, Omaha. Andrew B. Rcshore. Kearney. Jack R. Bryant, Teknmah. Alfred T. Cornish, Omaha. Tlinrne R. Dillon, Nebraska City. Richard L. Dilxaver, Kensington, Ka I. Hill Griffin, navld Oily. Donald L. Hendrlckson, Lake Charles, (Music Sororities Open Rush Week For New Students Rush week for the three music sororities opened with a Mu Phi Epsilon picnic at Antelope park last Saturday. Invitations to the six rushing parties, two given by each so rority, are sent to all new girls in the music school and to others who appear, interested. The rush ees, who must attend at least one party of each sorority to be eligible to pledge, declare their preferences the afternoon of Oc tober 18 and will receive their i sorority ribbons on the following day. Delta Omieron will have its first party, a formal one, from 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. today. The sec ond party is an afternoon, sweater and skirt affair. A lawn party is planned by Sigma Alpha Iota for next Satur day. Pam-Pipes is the name of the second party, to be held on October 15 from 4 to 7 p. m. OWI Sends UN News Overseas The Office of War Information is receiving two copies of each issue of The Nebraskan, including the special bi-monthly service men's issue, so that coverage of the University of Nebraska s ac tivities may be included in news dispatches to OWI overseas out posts. In an effort to satisfy an ever- increasing demand from overseas for news about youth activities in the United States, the over seas branch of the OWI is plan ning to make available this news in radio and cable transmissions Forum of the Air Features Future Of Liberal Arts "What Is the Place of Liberal Arts in Postwar Education" was the topic for discussion on the University of Nebraska's Forum of the Air Saturday at 5 p. m. over KFAB. Dr. C. H. Pattei of the philosophy department, acted as moderator. Oth ticipants were Mr. M. A. Hude oi tne security Mutual Life In surance Co.: Dr. H. F. nmruv. chairman of the rienartnifnt if vocational education; and Dr. O. H. Werner of teachers college. Hold Cheerleader Tryouts Tuesday Boosting football morale as a colorful addition to the pep squad, women as well as men will be chosen this year to lead the yells on Nebraska's gridiron. Try outs are to be held in the Ne braskan office Tuesday evening at 7:30. Because of an AWS ruling which bars freshmen women from activities for the first six weeks. only second semester freshmen women and upperclass women will be eligible to try out. This ruling does not apply to men, however, and all men interested in cheerleading are urged to try out Tuesday. Competitors for the positions should know at least one yell and be prepared to demonstrate it at tryouts. To be eligible students must be carrying at least twelve hours this semester and must have completed twelve hours for every semester they have spent in the university. Fuither univer sity eligibility rulings require that all credit hours must be in good standing. Bulletin Af! MEN A meeting of the Ag Men's Social club will he held Monday, Oct. 2, tn Ag hall at 8 p. m. deadond most ciarming dlij.(eS Harold K. Jncobsen, Rlous City. Ia. George R. Johnson, Franklin. 1 Kltnlierly Lukens. Tekamuh. Ralph L. Major, Culhertwin. Murl 1. Maimer, Rig Springs. Charles A. Peterson, Omaha. I.eo B. IlKinrr, Olnalia. fiordon K, House, imperial Darrell Hrharmann, North I'latle. William A. Hrliniirlrh, Jr., Imperial Gaybert P. Hehroeder, imperial. Wayne H. Van Home. Syracuse, N. 1 PHI KAPPA HPI. Thomas F. flrocn, I.lnrnln. Jaiiw L. Ilenkle, Lincoln. Walter K. l,ong. Grand Inland. HU.MA ALPHA FPNII.ON. Jame K. f'hndderdon, Lincoln. Chester b. McCoy, Hprlngvlcw. Lester A Morrow. Lincoln. Paul Ohlhel.'ier, Lincoln. Raymond C Hcholtx, Hastings. George T. Bhcstak, Lincoln. HK.MA ( HI. Htile R. HIosk, Woodward. Okl. Mnrvln B. Howhay, Lincoln. Richard A. Freeman. Lincoln. Arvid K. Gilmore. Omaha. Kenneth D. Headrlck. J. William Keifer. Bostwiek. Lee R. KJelson, Stromsburg. Patrick K. Mack, Scottsbluff. Leo J. Masld, Scottsbluff. Don H. Peeler, Lincoln. Y. Sterling Seaton, Hemingford. Vernon W. Van Ornam, Superior. NIGM A NH. Robert t. Oole, Emmet. Karl A. Comerford, Lincoln. Harry D. Harris, Fairbury. Harold V. Harshaw, Brush. Colo. Clifford C. Holmes, Fairbury. Burton C. King. Marysville, Kas. William A. Koehn, Lincoln. Stanley L. Mark, Humeston, la. David W. Russell, McCook. Sam B. Warren, Lincoln. Robert F. Wible. Lincoln. SIGMA PHI KPHIIX)N. Richard S. Battles, Genoa. Thomas W. Bauer. Wray. Colo. Raymond A. Blemond, Ord. James C. Binkerd, Wakefield. LaVcrn A. Curry, Dffvld City. Stewart D. Felker, Hastings. Marvin V. Franklin, Wallace. James R. Frans, .Union. D. Evan FrlHto, Dickens Walter Oaeblcr II, Winslde. Donald F. Jay. Alnsworth. Raymond F. Koubek, Arnold. Edwin B. Lawsnn, Genoa. Keith K. Leatherman, Tecumseh. Ben McDowell. Reynolds. Thomas O. Mickey, Grand Island. rtoger w. Mountrord, Davenport. David A. Portwood, Davenport. Richard K. Smith, Osceola. Isadore H. Stoetzel, Hastings. Edward E. Strickland, Plattsmouth. William E. Thompson, Red Oak. ia. Charles L. Thomsen, North Platte. XI PHI PHI. Robert A. Green, Seward. William J. Hawkins, Flier, Ida. George H. Liggett, Lincoln. Philip W. Munson. Gardner, Mass Thaddeus J. Novlckl, New Haven, Conn Martin G. Pesek, Detroit. John V. Bmedley, Denver. George E. Ulbrlck. Talmage. ZFTA BF.TA TAP. Avrum R. Bondarln. Omaha. Marvin IV Bordy, Silver Creek Irwin S Chesen, Lincoln. Gerald M. Colin. Omaha-. Irvln B. Epstein, Omaha. Stanford W. Flnkelsteln, , Lincoln Harold M. Marer. Harold M. Mozer, Omaha Sydney H. Rodin, Sioux City la Herbert I. Singer, Omaha. FliglitTraining Covernmrni Approved School Flight lcwn, arranged at the union Air Terminal bv an. pointmpfit. Nirht classes for (tTonnd school instruction. 2415 O Street. Phone 6-2359 or 1-6124. Lincoln Airplane fir Flying School "There are sly short-cuts to cleaning . . ." Prof. Fox has the right slant. He takes His to Evans. 333 NO SINCE 1886 - 11... i iiTTi nTiTiTnniT liUVLMJJ MVM M featuring lite In Ul! m ' v