THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, September 27, 1944 With approximately 15 min utes as a deadline, ye old society reporter will try and dash off the latest affairs and scandals, that Is if the latter exist on our campus. Saturday proved a most inter esting evening in many a way for many a person. Vast flocks of popular feminine fatales with their dates were seen dancing Among them Nina Scott with a lieutenant and movie celebrity whose name is anonymous. We do know he played the part of Micky Rooney s roommate in Girl Crazy He proved to be entertainment for all. Couples seen within the campus providence were Jean Hazen, Tri-Delt, and Bill Flory, Kappa Sig; Mary Jean Fisher, Kappa with Pete Anderson, Phi Psi. A novel and very new way insure a date was presented to Theta Corky York. Her date handed her the funds for the evening's entertainment because it seems that it slips throu his fingers to readily. Welcome back to Lt. Jim Seltzer, Phi Psi and Lt. Mike Seltzer, ATO, who are in Lincoln while on leave. The navy has taken over aat the Pi Phi house, or at least in the case of Mary Minnick who re turned from Crete with a flashy new diamond. It seems that candy passing already in season with Jean Milton, Chi O and Frank Jarrold ASTP and Delta Phi at Cornel), doing the honors. Congratulations to Beverly Marcus, SDT, who is wearing the SAM pin of Lt. Bob Branson. Flash, the first meeting of thel Towne Club was featured by the passing of candy by Jean Albert and Bill Gilbert. Recently Pi Phi Janet Sherwood removed the diamond from her left hand and returned it along with the SAE pin she wore to Norm Alverson of the Navy. Rumor has it that latest interest of Ben MacDowell, Sig En, is Kappa Pledge Beverly Engdahl. Kay Reese, Theta pledge, is really doing things up right by having a sandwich date with Dean Kratz, DU, and Bob Ackerman. Incidentally, the Sig Eps should be congratulated on their seran ading which occured a week ago Wednesday night after sororitv pledging. Also the Phi Delts rate notice for their serenades Theta and Kappa way before Joe inter rupted. , Lt. DeWayne Borne, former Phi Delt, left Lincoln Monday for parts unknown. Rems Heinie, an other Phi Delt is in Lincoln. Last but not least, greetings to Kit Carson, former Theta, who is Nebraska Farmers Provide Grains for Plastic Material Nebraska farm crops are step ping into new fields, rubber paper, plastics, and paint oils, ac cording to a "progress report, made by the University of Ne braska Chemurgy project. Safflower and castor beans will in the future, figure in the manu facture of paints, plastics and paper. The oil from castor beans tho as yet difficult to obtain, is described as valuable in the manufacture of paints, varnishes and leques. At the Tri-county experiment farm north of Hold rege, twenty acres of this crop have been grown under irriga tion. Oil Worth 40c Pound Safflower oil, also used in paints is worth about 14 cents per pound, and the irrigated saf flower yields 600 o 800 pounds of oil per acre while the dry land crop will make 200 to 500 pounds. The Alliance Safflower Com pany in Box Butte county is har vesting 170 acres of safflower this fall. Most of the crop will be kept as seed for next year but a small percentage will be ground for livestock experiment feeding Chemical cellulose made from the stalks of either plant, joined with alcohol, yields two of the most important plastics, cellulose acetate and ethyl cellulose. The former is a familiar sight in foun tain pens, button and acetate ray ons while the latter is almost en tirely going for war purposes. Study Plant Breeding Thru the co-operation of the agronomy and chemurgy depart ments, Carl E. Claassen, agrono mist, is directing a plant breed ing studies to develop improved varieties of safflower and castor beans. Nebraska straw, according to visiting the familiar haunts of Lincoln before taking the final steps of marriage Oct. 29. Harry Miller, chemist is already being shipped east, mainly to Carthage, Indiana, to be made into paper. Straw makes good wrapping and boxing paper. This fact can soon be demonstrated in the chemurgy laboratory on the college of agriculture campus, where paper manufacturing equipment is now being installed. When enough cellulose of saf flower and castor beans Is avail able, fine grade writing paper can be produced. Further research on the paper industry in the mid west will be aimed at lowering the cost of production so that after the war the midwest will be able to compete with other areas in paper production. Alcohol from Grains Alcohol, to be converted into butodiene, a compound of syn thetic rubber, is manufactured from midwest grains at the Omaha plant. Fifty thousand gal lons of this war necessary pro duct are shipped east daily. "Our Chemurgy research proj ect and the efforts of its director, Dr. L. M. Christensen, are large ly responsible for the presence of this important war plant in Ne braska," stated C. Y. Thompson. university regent and chairman of the Chemurgy executive committee. Outline Activities. In the report, Chemurgy project activities were outlined as follows: 1. Co-operation with other uni- Tassels Need One Member from Ag There is an opening in Tassels for a barb-at-large from the Ag campus. The applicant must have sophomore standing, an average of 80 and be registered for at least twelve hour. She must also have attended the university last year. Any barb girl on the Ag cam pus who can meet these require ments should file at the Ag hall in Dean Burr's office before Fn day. Bulletin FRKSHMAN CAM, A new aupply of freahman cape will Available at Ben Bimon'a thia week. Bin dents who have not obtained carta lor the rape may do o at the Union office. There are ami 41 boyi cap In atock. CLASSIFIED a Una per day. Payable ka advaaaa mtf. TWO tuxedoes, like new. Size 36. Reas onable. Phone 36848. FOUJ1D Fountain pen In Grant f riday. uwner call at Admin. 7. Mem. versities in a research project for the United States department of agriculture and the war produc tion board to study the problems of making alcohol out of wheat. Gerrish M. Severson, chemist, now working for the Farm Crops Processing corporation, operators of the Omaha plant carried on this work jointly with Wisconsin and Iowa State. 2. The Chemurgy department conducted a special "mold bran pilot plant" operation for the of fice of production and develop ment of WPB. "Mold Bran" is a product that by substituting for barley malt in alcohol, reduces the cost. 3. K. H. Lewis had directed a project studies of "bacterial armylase," which also aids in the production of alcohol. TINT T 8TAFT MEETS. There will be a meeting of the "Tiny Y" ataff and all othera Intereated Wed neaday at 4 o'clock In Ellen Smith hall. A( Oollece. Meeting. A meeting of all Agriculture college boya will be bed Wedneaday, Sept. 2T, at 8:00 p. m. In 303 A( Hall. rhl CM Theta. Phi Chi Theta meeting will be held Wed. neaday at 6 o'clock, room 3l of the Union, Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner Sept. 14, 1814, during the sieze of Fort McHenry by the British. Girl Student To work in private home for board and room. $5.00 eek. Private room and bath on car line. Family also has full time help. 3-4629 U of N Students WELCOME TO THE GoraoD Lincoln's Exclusive CARD SHOPPE and STATIONERY STORE 215 North 1 4th St. Hi Black Seat of Stadent Vmtm Open Evenings Wanted! A Han or Woman Who Can Do Poster Work Apply at Union Office Commerce Barber Shop 121 No. 13th In Nat'l Bank Bldg. 13th & O STUDENT SEASON TICKETS Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Concert Series LAWRENCE TIBBETT liaritone TODD DUNCAN Baritone WILLIAM KAPELL Pianist ERICA MORINI Violinist ALEC TEMPLETON Pianist AUDITION WINNER Season Ticket $ 20 6 Concerts ($3.50 Plus 70c Federal Tax) On Sale Sept. 27th t& Oct. 3 inclusive SCHOOL OF MUSIC OFFICE llth & R ' ft Junior FtrocEss . Jk-A For Coeds nifZ Careerists iW . til i f J IM.2 You'll Save. Your Time u ith Charga-Plate! If yon do not have one, inquire credit office, fourth floor. J T f J ft 1 1 y i ' Ufa : 7- 1 II II 1J 1 and - 1295 Take lo k of your dress wardrobe for Fall, a Doris Dodson will add spice and charm with their lush colors and new ideas In styling! A. "Campus Blazer, a one-piecer of raon and wool rabbit's hair, in naturalgreen, natural blue, naturalred. V to 15 Ill B. "Action-Wise," a two pieeer of plain and plaid wool and ravon Shetland. Black skirt' with black, red, white blouse. .zes 1095 to 15 m QOLO'I...ThU4 Fleor