The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1944, Page 4, Image 4
THE NEBRASKAN Friday, SeptemHer 22 Pledges . . . (Continued from Page One.) Elinor Detweiler, Omaha. Jean Douglas. Omaha. Marjorie Doyle, Lincoln. Mary Esther Dunkin, Hunting ton, Ind. Donna Ellyson, North Tlatte. Mary Jane Fry, Beatrice. Nancy Carey, Lincoln. Pauline Gilmore, Kearney. Joan Holmes, Lincoln. Paula Jones, Omaha. Pat Kocum, Anoka, Neb. Lorraine Landeryou, Omaha. Lois Latsch, Lincoln. Dorothy Manion, Kearney. Imogene Minier, Lincoln. Barbara Ogden, Lincoln. Helen Schroeder, Curtis. Jean Taylor, Kearney. Joan Traum. Fairbury. Joline Van Home, Omaha. Audrey Wallace, Lincoln. Shirley Walsh, Lincoln. Phyllis Wjnquest, Holdrege. Pat Winter, Aberdeen, S. D. GAMMA PHI BETA. 4 Margaret Asmussen, Norfolk. Kay Diers, Ulysses. Wilma Fraser, Lincoln. Dorothy Fraser, Lincoln. Charleen Frost, Lincoln. Adele Green, Broken Bow. Myra Lee Hadan, Bennington Virginia Hamilton, Omaha. Phyllis Hoke, Lincoln. Lois Johnson, Elkhorn. Dorothy Kreifels, Paul. Mary LeDoiyt, Paxton. Gail McKee, Lexington. Doris Olsen, Gibbon. Marjorie Ross, Norfolk. Mary Frances Shurtleff, Lincoln. nuwi ii oawycr, Aurriiigion.j wyo. Jean Shapland, Omaha. Janice Thorson, Lincoln. Mary Jean Way, Decatur. Susan Weber, Norfolk. KAPPA ALPHA Til ETA. Joanne Ackerman, Sidney. Delphine Ayers, Lexington. Mary Alice Caywood, Fremont Patricia Colton, Lincoln. Virginia DeForest, McCook. Rosemary Gass, Seward. Helen Gillespie, Omaha. Bette Heckenlively, Lincoln. Nancy King, Falls City. Susan Lancaster, Lincoln. Jeannette Magnussen, Omaha Mary Miller, Ord. Phyllis Mortlock, Lincoln. Ruth Ann O'Hanlon, Blair. Sally O'Shea, Lincoln. Call Quigley, Omaha. Katherine Reese. Lincoln. Jane Sultou, Valley. Bette Taylor, Omaha. Dorothy Thompson, Omaha. Billette Trombla, Lincoln. Jo Ann Yonts, Omaha. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Frances Abbott, Mexico City, Mex. Martha Aitken, Lincoln Nancy Baylor, Lincoln Marilyn Boettcher, Columbus Ella Burket, Lincoln Patricja Counley, Sterling, Colo. T..V T T- i. 11 i-'uiuiujf uuuidii, ourweu Beverly Engdahl, Omaha Joan Fankhauser, Humboldt Joyce Geddes, Grand Islands Zoe Rita Gesch. York Joan Guenzel, Lincoln Helen Hummel, Omaha Joyce Keckley, Almena. Kas. Adelaide McCague, Omaha Jettie Mcintosh, Lincoln Jane Meyer, Omaha Sarah Louise Murry, Yuba City Calif. Lois Phillip, Red Oak, Iowa Josephine Radcliffe, Sidney Kathleen Schaecher, Lins.y Sally Stebbins, Lincoln Virginia Turner, Council Bluffs, Barbara Williams, Lincoln PI BETA PHI. Marjorie Alexis, Lincoln. Nancy Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Jean Compton, Schuyler. Kathryn Douvas, Hastings. Margaret Ely, Guide Rock. Marjory Ericson, Lincoln. Jean Fullbrook,' Lincoln. Lucy Ann Hapeman, Minden. Vernelle Henninger, Lincoln. Ann Jennings, Council Bluffs, la. Lujane Johnson, David City. Mariel Mielke, Bancroft. Mary Minnick, Cambridge. Carolyn Mottcr, Fremont. Natalie Newcomer, York. Evelyn Osborne, Holdrege. Suzanne Owen, Lincoln. Huldah Phelps, Spencer, la. Joan Shirey, Long Beach, Calif. Lillian Soderberg, Omaha. Jeannette Strain, Lincoln. Jo Ann Strain, Lincoln. Janice Schwartzer, Omaha. Mary Low Van Burg, Lincoln. SIGMA KAPPA. Jo Ann Baird, Brunswick. Maxine Campbell, Lincoln. Janet Dalrymple, Lincoln. Beverly Davis. Ord. Helen Green, Lincoln. Mary Ellen Howell, New Castle, Wyo. Donna June Haas, Lincoln. Geraldine Ann Kyser, Lincoln. Carolyn Koehne, Lincoln. Jane Leonard, Lincoln. Helen Lehman, Carroll, la. Jean Lehmkuhl, Minden. Virginia McCorkindale, Belle- vue. Ann Morse, Lincoln. Ruth Moycr, Nebraska City. "Rose Osborne, Omaha. Cora Pcttys, Wilcox. Virginia Rioter, Lincoln. Mable West, Lincoln. Marjorie Thompson, Omaha. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT The NOOK Next Door to Long's FlightTraining Government Approved School Flight lessons arranged at the Union Air Terminal by ap pointment. Night classes for ground school instruction. 2415 O Street. Phone 6-2359 or 2-6124. Lincoln Airplane & Flying School FRANK SCUCERA YOUR CAMPUS BARBF' Haircut 50c Vz Block East of the Library 512 No. 14th w T0I1IGIIT THE MUSIC AND TODW PLAYED IT THE I 1 4 0. ORCHESTRA tfCOMMN VtJtt A dm. $1.11 e. plus tax Sat. Sept. 23 Web Feierman and his 12 Men of Melody ret I used to cross my fingers "Since I discovered how care fully Evans clean even the most delicate fabrics, I don't worry about cleaning problems." 4 332 ICO. 12 J rV!" II 1 "" n r w m -'i " - ' ' SINCE 1SSS r At Long's Nebraska Book Store Largest Stock Used College Text Books in the Middle West Yes, Sir! Long's Nebraska Book Store will cut your school costs. . . . Here's why! First, we had an un usually successful summer buying trip and picked up thousands of used text books at exceptionally low prices . . . from Harvard, Minnesota, Alabama, Wiscon sin, and 200 other universities where they are not in use this year . . . but they ARE in use here at Nebraska. All are in fine condition and ready to be snapped up at the lowest prices in years. Second, Long's Nebraska Book Store now has the largest stock of used college text books in the entire Middle West You know what that means: Volume sales and lower prices. And remember . . . you can sell your old text books for more at Long's Nebraska Book Store. So buy here and SAVE! SAVE ON NEW TEXT BOOKS TOO! tnupus PME'5 jM. OEMS SHOE