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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1944)
TnSaj, September 22 THE NEBRASKAN ReigStration, AWS Revises l? u l Social Function UN Practice Lewandowski Juggles Team Husker practices have been Regulations Residence Rules Stay Unchanged for Year According to AWS president. Dorothy Carnahan, 1944-1945 regulations for women students remain much the same as the 1943-1944 rules. Residence gov ernment rules are exactlv the dence rules. This year's list includes a para graph on social affairs for wo men and those which both men and women attend, such as din ners, dances, socials, mixers, and the like. Application for such events is to be filed in the office of the secretary of the faculty committee on student affairs and social functions in Ellen Smith ers and presidents. hall, five days before the event. Sophomores last term were able Previously this ruling was inelud- to receive upperclassmen psivil ed only in the list for housemoth- eges if they had no delinquencies. slowed this week because of the' same. The only changes initiated student registration and the rain, are included in the general resi Showers Monday and Tuesday! caused Coach Ad Lewandowski to hold practices under the pro tection of the east stadium. Hf k. a. Authorized Electric Sharer Service Shirk Shavrmastvr ma ttiU Ktt Tuns. Fr rMimatrx. Be vrk hf fmrtrr tri4 bhb. Om 143 S. 12 5-7164 The right end position is still a question in the minds of the Husker coaching staff. With Bob Srhleiper lost to the armed serv ices and Bert Gissler helping hisjl father on the farm, a wide cap I has been left to be filled by less experienced freshmen. Buckley, Strahan and McCulla are receiv ing top consideration for the end spot. Tackles Kops and Johnson are still battling for a starting berth. One squad now includes Lyle Coierick. Alliance, and Winton Buckley, York, ends: Lyle Kops, Bassett, and Bruce Pollat, Co 7 ad, tackles; Allen Grundmann, Ne braska City, and Bill Berquist, Lexington, guards; Junior Cal lopy. Scottsbluff, center; Joe Kessler. Wayne, quarterback: Dick Lair.berty, Fremont, and Bill Betz, Lincoln, halfbacks: and Buzz Hol lins, Valley, fullback. SecMid Unit Named. A second unit includes Bob Koenig, Yankton, S. D, and Jack Dedrick, Sidney, ends; Johnny Johnson. Norfolk, and Ralph Ma jor, Culbertson. tackles: Bernie Kasdan. Yankton. S. D., and Frar.k Hazard. Sioux City, la., guards: Keith Doyle, Curtis, cen ter; Ed Gradoville, Plattsmouth, quarterback: Doue Nelson. Wausa. and Jack Selver. Scottsbluff, half backs; and Francis Kenyon. Callaway, fullback. S I . I V - WELCOME STUDENTS VISIT OUR STORE and SEE THE ZIPrER LEATHER NOTEBOOKS BOOKS (NEW AND USED) LABORATORY SETS ENGINEERING SCrrXJES DRAWING SETS r w i. ri .... ' Slrc I 3 K St. There's Always Something Ifoing at I lie Union Watch for thse events Gophers Will Field Rugged, Heavy Squad When the University of Ne braska Crr.huskers travel to Minneapolis Sept. 30 to play Min nesota, they will find that Dr. George Hauser will field a heavy team, led by 13 letlermen. The mighty Swedes .n field J a team two to ihree deep in all positions wiih men with college i cr prtp experience, especially in the line. The bark field will be beaded by Wayne -Red" Williams and Tm Cates. "the mighty mite" ' last j car. The veteran and He si re Williams, new playing his third year for the Gephers, will be first fliiht player in the afl impartaiit left half position. With pee4, passing ability and rvperi enee. Williams will be a bark field dependable. Cates. fraaod gainer in 1943, has been shifted to fnllhark. where be is nvaVin; w for hts relative Laek f meififct , I7 poonO by b'rs tfrire nd spirit. The line will be led by Tackle EM Ald'Aorth, the outstanding li--tir.;n of last year. Big awl frrt. AW worth, also a slar rest -l', K part in the 1944 11-star A r other man who would kar w r.U'hing is Bob Lossie AtO't fxAnxi r-erer. PxJ-j, who rapidly developed into an 01 landing : itei Toward the er! of the 1943 wason, has firsl call on his posi-( tion and -.hould b a rr-rd vat " l tT) 1 A'5-E;g Ten li'ts. rWr first ifim huM aerre te t 1V4) pounds. On the whfrle. it kuld be a tjpal Gfber Orchestra Dances, Varsity Shows, Lectures, Con certs, Plays and Flicker j Shows s For your leisure momnts any day f Try the Book A oofr. Music Room, Game Rooms the rxiox is at yoi:ii seiiyice .1 Union Scheduler Faculty Members Dinner Friday Stjeiert Union adiuiies are Mheduled to begin Yiitli,y nighi wjth the annual Faculty Home coming dinner to be held at 6:34' in the Student Union barroom. The Chancellor will introduce the speakers. An AST dance, open to the en tire campus, will be held Saturday rughi arjd the AST band will play. A variety show, "The Cat and the Canary," featuring Bob Hope and P&uluette God'tard, will be presented Sunday ai lex noon. BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS Zipper Note Books Engineering Supplies Laundry Bags Fountain Pens Study Lamps Laboratory Kits Note Book Paper Drawing Sets Slide Rules Stationery Latsch Brothers Phone 2-6838 ZTJjJl 4 SL JhodiiionoL... TO MEET AND EAT AT HOTEL CORNHUSKER TASTY PASTRY SHOP A hearty welcome awaits you in the friendly atmos phere of the Hotel Corn- husker's popular Tasty i Pastry Shop. You'll find r this same warm hospitality and fine service for the parties you'll be planning soon. Mpet vmir friends af the t. p. -HOST TO THE MOSr IN LINCOLN A. Q. SCHIMMEL, MANAGING DIhECiOR A. U LEW, RESIDENT MANAGER J I W I it SPORTSWEAR on SECOND Am nil o 0 0 .0 miLLER PA!! 3