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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1944)
n a u urn Li LL Vol. 89, No. 3 Registration Shows Slight Gain for '44 UN Engineering School Records Most Increase After the first three days of registration university enrollment this year showed an increase of 55 students over last year. There are 2,205 civilian students en rolled this year compared to 2,150 at the same time last year. Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, registrar, said that late registration pros pects pointed to a further gain in first semester enrollment over that of last year. Registration in the colleges of dentistry and med icine, the graduate college and the school of nursing will come later. Freshman registration in the college of engineering is nearly one-third greater than last year, according to Dean O. J. Ferguson,' head of the college. Upperclass registration has dropped slightly, but the ranks have been aug mented by the return to school of former members of the armed forces. There are still approximately 250 army engineering students, fourteen of whom were initiated into Chi Tau Sigma, honorary scholastic fraternity for mechan ical engineers, last week. Army Closes Dent Program At Nebraska Discontinuance of dental train ing in the ASTP was announced by the War department August 1. The only students who were al lowed to complete their course under Army sponsorship were those in the final year of dental college. This announce- rnent affects about 40 students in the University of Nebraska alone. 'Undergraduate dental students and those finishing pre-dental training this semester were given two alternatives by the Army, an honorable discharge with contin uance of education tinder draft deferment, or assignment to the Medical department. The unit here has received discharges. All others were given assign ment to the Medical department as enlisted men at the semester's close. At the same time, the Army an nounced that ASTP medical train ing will be given only to those medical and pre-medical students who were n training before June 7. Students . . 'it Tour ticket admits you to all Nebraska Football, Basketball tames, and Track meets, and all athletic contests. 7T Lincoln 8, Nebraska Frosh Women Attend Dean's Tea on Friday Opening the social affairs for all students on campus, Dean Boyles and her staff will give a tea in Ellen Smith today irom 3:30 to 5:30. Freshmen and new students are especially urged to attend. Introducing the guests to Dean Boyles will be Dorothy Carnahan, president of AWS. Others in the receiving line will be Miss Elsie Ford Piper, Assistant Dean of Women, and Miss Marjorie John ston, assistant to the Dean. In the drawing room Mrs. R. M. Green, Miss Sallie Wilson, Mrs. Evar An derson and Miss Mildred Taylor will assist. During the first hours Mrs. C. S. Boucher and Mrs. A. E. Westbrook will preside at the tea table in the dining room. At the table in the court will be Mrs. W. W. Burr and Mrs. R. J. Pool. During the second hour Mrs. T. J Thompson and Miss Margaret Fedde will preside in the dining room and Miss Mabel Lee and Miss Clara Wilson in the court. The following students will as sist in serving: Amber Hasty, Beverly Biba, Margaret Hagen, Evelyn Learner, Sally Busch, Nelda Oltman, Jeanne Bowers, Grace Peters, Margaret Alms, Helen Fricke, Anne Lage, Shirley Crosby, Natalie Neuman, Betty Stehlik, Margaret Heim, Hazel Steam, Bonnie Hinrichs, Ethel Miller, Betty Jean Dickerson, Jes sie Lou Tyler, Thelma Zoppelli, Joan Witt, Beth Montgomery and Peggy Leach. A string trio, composed of Mrs. Louise Barta, Miss Gretchen Burnham, and Miss Mary Alice Ziegler played throughout the afternoon. Frosh Audience Fills Coliseum At Annual Convo A practical balance of study, play, and work was the subject Jean Larsen, Mortar Board presi dent, chose to present yesterday to a large crowd of freshmen at the annual freshman convocation held in the coliseum. Miss Lar sen explained that study must necessarily come first, that activi ties should be chosen for cultural improvement. The freshmen will have a good time, make friends, and get an education, she said. Chancellor C. S. Boucher spoke briefly on the contrast between pre-war university life and the present, and Ellsworth DuTeau, alumni secretary, administered the Cornhusker oath. He also com mented on ;lass spirit and its im portance to any group of stu dents. Harold Andersen, student coun cil president, acted as master of ceremonies and Don L. Lentz di rected the freshman band. Tassels and Coed Counselors acted as ushers for the meeting. TDTD Vote Sftasd MEifeSic TScEefts Sdfrfff Friday, September 22 Tassels Plan Campaign For Huskers Tassels will open a campaign Monday for 1944-45 Cornhusker subscriptions. Charlotte Hill, business man ager, said yesterday that sub scriptions must be in early to pre vent a shortage of covers such as there was last year. Miss Hill and Myra Col berg, editor, will go to Chicago next week to pur chase covers. Photography Begins Soon. Photography for individual pic tures will begin in the latter pail of. next week. As in last year's book, students will be pictured in class and social groups. Sororities will be given one beauty queen contestant for every 20 books sold within the houses. Affiliated girls who bought books during registration v.ill receive credit for their sororities. Prices for the book are $5 full payment and $3 down payment with $2.25 due Jan. 1. YWCA Makes Plans for Teas At First Session Friday afternoon teas for the benefit of all university women were among the plans discussed lor activities during the coming year at the YWCA cabinet meet ing Wednesday. The traditional rendesvous tea for upperclass women will be held in Ellen Smith on September 27. All upperclass YWCA members are invited to attend this tea to gether with new upperclass stu dents. On October 26 there will be a freshman tea at which freshies will be invited to join the YWCA. Each tea, at which the girls gather informally, will feature some branch of service or social work. The Estes conference held this summer at Estes Park, sum mer service projects, the Lisle fellowships, women leaders of the Democratic and Republican poli tical parties, the USO, and the WACs are suggestions for inter est meetings at some of the teas. Officers of the cabinet are Anne Wellensiek, president; Bonnie Hinrichs, vice president; Jean Whedon, secretary; Dorothy Car nahan, treasurer. M4 Cornhusker Needs Student Staff Workers Staff positions on the Corn husker are open, according: to Editor Myra Col berg. Persons interested in taking charge of write-ups and divisions of the book should apply at the year book office In the Union base ment before Tuesday evening. Only a minimum amount of experience is necessary. of- the Student Actirities Office in the Coliseum! $550 W tax included Must Hare Identification Cord Kappa Kappa Gamma Leads List With 28 New Members Climaxing the third wartime ' . V . 1 " f 1 1 1 S rusn wcck dd cocas were pieagea Wednesday to thirteen sororities on the campus. Kappa Kappa Gamma led with 28 pledges. Twenty-six rushees were pledged to Alpha Omicron Pi and 25 each to Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Phi at the annual preference luncheons held at 1 p. m. Bids were issued at ranhellenic offices in Ellen Smith hall at 12:30 p. m Multicolor ribbons will be worn for several weeks by each pledge until formal pledging ceremonies take place. ALPHA CHI OMEGA. Allen, Becky Lincoln. Becher, Janice Lincoln. Calhoun, Bonnie Columbus. Curley, Elizabeth Seward. Denison, Marilyn Omaha. Ernst, AudreySheridan, Wyo. Gueck, Mary Bemice Scotts- bluif. King, Mary Lou Lincoln. Kmph JTarkie McCook. McElwain, Janice Sloane, la. Pauley, Jo Red Oak, la. Payne, Patsy Council Bluffs, la. Schmid, Marcile Sabetha, Kas. Senght, Eleise Lincoln. Sorenson, Phyllis Ames. Swan, Eldonna Tecumseh. Tripp, Mary Jo Lincoln. ALPHA OMICRON PI. Marjorie Allen, Weeping Water. Elaine Anderson, Chadron. Joann Brt, Wakefield. Mary Lou Bonner, Lincoln. Donna Gene Dahl, Fremont. Phyllis Davidson, Palmyra. Marialice Douthit, Curtis. Janet Douthit, Curtis. Ruth Ann Finkle, Lincoln. Doris Gebert, Nebraska City. T.ila Gillan. Lincoln. Katherine Henderson, Beatrice. Grace' Heins, Lincoln. Student Pastors Announce Sunday Service Plans Reverand H. Erck, Missouii Synod Lutheran pastor on the campus, will resume the Sunday mfirninff service held an room Jio the Stuudeunt Union beginning promptly at 10:45. This early te- gmning is made to accomodate students who are working and whn must be at their work by 12. Sunday morning sermon topic will be "Jesus Our Compassionate and Almifhtv Savior." Miss Charlotte Filter will accompany the hymns. rrfn house will be held at the Presbyterian House for all univer sity faculty members ana stu dents Reverand Kearns has been in the South speaking at various colleges but will return Friday. , The Roger Williams club, the Baptist organization of Univers ity students, will have a picnic and steak fry at 4 o'clock Sun day, September 24. All students attending will meet at the stu dent House at 4 o'clock and will go to Pioneer Fark from there. Six-thirty A'espers and social hour with service men will be held as usual. Homer Gamboe, who recently returned from India, will be the guest speaker this Sunday at the Christian church. The Methodist Student House will hold open house for all Methodist preference students Friday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. The occasion will give new students an opportunity to meet Rev. Robert E. Drew, (the Methodist Student Pastor), Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Doris Pugh, Method ist House hostess, Alice Rife, Wesley Foundation Student Fel lowship president, and other Methodist Student leaders. Ann Manchester, Omaha. Margery Maffitt, Douglas. Anne Robmson, Denver, Colo. Marilyn Strong, Stromsburg. Joan Sanders, Lincoln. Bonnie Lou Smith, Grand Island. Nancy Lee Smith, Lincoln. Jean Skinkle, Chadron. Jo Ann Srb, Omaha. Dorothy Sundall, Wakefield. Darlene Tracy, Lincoln. Jackie Tobin, Lincoln. Donnie Wageman, Cheyenne, Wyo. Doris Westfall, Nebraska City. ALPHA riiL Marjorie Barney, Friend. Joan Bauer, Omaha. Gloria Bremer, Imperial. Ann Chamberlain, Lincoln, Priscilla Flagg, Lincoln, Gladys Grothe, Geneva. Myrlee Holler, Omaha. Jane Little, York. Jackie Lamberty, Fremont. Ruth Larson, Omaha. Ruth Lykke, Grand Island." Pauline Martz, Syracuse. Jane Mudge, Beatrice. Beverly Murray, Omaha. Marjorie Ann Olson, Liseo. Mary Alice Peterson, ChappelL Shirley Peterson, Nebraska City. Virginia Purdham, Omaha. Gloria Rabe, Sioux Falls, S, D. Marjorie Sauer, Tekamah. Mary Schmale, Lincoln. Alice Simpson, Sioux City, la. Betty Sparks, Burlington, la. Betty Stenger, Imperial. Lucille Stryson, Seward. ALPHA XI DELTA. Jo Ann Anderson, Lincoln. Patricia Burley, Lincoln. Shirley Corbin, Villisca, la. Jean Deering, Onewa, la. Doris Easterbrook, Arcadia. Marjorie Ells, Sidney. Shirley Ewing, Onawa, la. Ruth Harling, Beaver Crossing. Lois Henderson, Lincoln. Shirley Jenkins, Casper, Wyo. Jeanne Marchant, Omaha. Peggy Plum, Hastings. Barbara Russell, Dwyer, Wyo. Marjorie Settell, Bloomfield. Donna Tateman, Lincoln. Marcia Tyner, Lincoln, Helen Ullom, Hastings. Barbara Veseley, Bennet. Maxine Weldin, Arcadia. CHI OMEGA. Margaret Ann Amend, Lincoln, Mary Beranek, Rapid City, S. D. Kay Blue, Lincoln. Becky Brodin, Rapid City, S. D. Pat Costello, Rapid City, S. D. Sue Golden, Palmer. Barbara Gooding, Lincoln. Mary Hinman, Wyroore. Doris Hoffer, Albion. Dorothy Hoffer, Albion. Juanita Kime, Mullen. Mary Kay Lane, Lincoln. Mary Ann Marshall, Verdigre. Marjorie Newton, Goodland, Kas. Marilyn Nordgren, Omaha. Harriet Quinn, Gothenburg. Donna Wagner, Lincoln. DELTA DELTA DELTA. Jacqueline Andrews, Lincoln. Jean Bogan, Lincoln. Margaret Bowen, Lincoln. Ann Converse, McCook. Virginia Eberly, Wahoo. ' Beverly Evans, Rapid City, S.D. Patty Ferguson, McCook. Jessieanne Horn, Hay Springs. Margaret Hunter, Hastings. Elise Lough, Omaha. Marilyn Lowe, Omaha. Jeanette McGinnis, Beatrice. Marjorie Minthorn, Washington, D. C. Jayne Robertson, Cheyenne, Wyo. Shirley Schnittker, Lincoln. Shirley Smith, Sioux City, la. Marilyn Stevens, McCook. Barbara Strahan, Wayne, Neb. Beverly Swartwood, Adams. Mary Jane Wall, Ft. Dodge, la. Phyllis Wescott, Lincoln. Dale Winter, Beaver Crossing. DELTA GAMMA. Marilyn Coffey, Rushville. See PLEDGES, Pape 4) Students huvinr purchased season tick ets are permitted to purchase tickets for Lincoln Army Air Base came for 50c instead of general adm. price of $L7S.