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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, April 30, 1944 j Society . . . Here, there and everywhere aorority, fraternity, and barb lads and lassies pulled the big; deals for a bang-up weekend. Barb: Highlighting all social events was the presentation of the goddess of agriculture, Dorothy Anderson and her court picnic topped off the day for all ag students: Alpha Phi: Phi kiddies feted Ginny McCulla, Carolyn Held and Polly Petty for whom the wedding bells will soon toll -Lorraine Rabe and 'Blackie" Blanchard were seen with Russ Ledger Phi Gam end Gene Dixon. Sig Ep. Sig Ep: Ignoring the advice of the weather man, the inmates of this domicile still held their out door excursion! Alpha Xi Delta: LaRayne Schmalz danced at tl: pike with Lt. Ronald Leigh prexy meets prexy, thus the combination of Bonnie Calmer and Edon Neiman, Pioneer coop I Alpha Tau Omega: Life became suddenly rough so the Tans jour neyed homeward, quote Gordon Fillers . Gamma Phi Beta: Roberta Bur gess and Leota Sneed toured Oma ha with Lt. William Malley, Sig Alph at M. I. T. and Lt. Raymond Burgess, Texas A. & M. Sigma Chi: A fraternity pin changed owner Shirley Bacon sports the badge of Harlan Hout chens! Chi O: Lois Metcalf journeyed to the deep south to do the wed ding march with Jack Kennedy, Sigma Nu. KKG: Iva Foreman now proud ly displays the new rock from Lt. Jerry Zajicekl Theta: P. Chambeiiin and Jean Rottort rough it at the Chamberlin farm Marge Christensen gives the cheery greeting to Paul Wyk ert. Phi Gam, in Omaha Clucky Rosborough will soon be found in Corpus Christi visiting pin-mate Jim Van Landingham, former Tau activity man. Martins and McCoys might be rugged gentlemen but from the evidence of shiners, it looks like and extra-special feud took place Yearbook Beauty Queen Pictures Go on Display Pictures of the 12 Cornhusker beauty queen candidates are now on display in the Miller A Paine photography studio. Mu Phi Epsilon Presents Stefan Bardas, Pianist Stefan Bardas. pianist, will ap pear on a program celebrating the eighth annual scholarship con cert of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music sorority, Monday at 8:15 in the Union ballroom. Mr. JKaraas, wno was bom in Austria, has presented several concerts in the United States since his arrival here in 193S and has toured England and Italy former years. The son of a well-known pianist and teacher and a concert singer, he has studied at the Royal Con servatory in Rome under Alfredo Casella and also under Arthur Schnabel and Ignaz Friedman in Europe. When Bardas played in Chicago, after being introduced into the country by Henry Van Loon, the Chicago Tribune said, "Undeniably Mr. isardas has a big talent; his tone is resonant and fluid, tech nique flexible, strong imagination, 1?articulavly effective clarity, and grand style." i Tickets are being sold bv mem bers of Mu. Phi Epsilon or may be oought at the door for 50c, tax included. mem member of home ec club council. Arlene Casey belongs to Phi U. Omicron Nu, Tassels, YWCA, home ec club, and a past presi dent of Love Memorial hall. Jane Johnston is president of Omicron Nu, a member of Phi U, Tassels, home ec club, Coed Counsellors, Coll-Agri Fun board, and past president of Love hall. Dean Oldfather Reviews Five-Point Peace Program points Outlining five points in his speech on "The Peace Policy,' Dean C. H. Oldfather of the col lege of arts and sciences spoke at the annual dinner of the Nebraska ( C U Av 1 say about Friday night. Ag Goddess . (Continued From Page 1.) ec club, Student Council, ag re ligious council, home economics student-faculty council, former president of ag YWCA, and is listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The six attendants have also been active in campus affairs. Phyllis Lyness is a member of Kappa Phi, Phi U, home ec club, and YWCA. Geraldine HenderS' n is president of Phi U, a former officer of home ec club, a member of Omicron Nu and student-faculty council. Mildred Yost is also a member of Phi U and Omicron Nu, borne ec club council, YWCA and for mer president of the ag campus war council. Gwen Row is active in Coed Counselors and YWCA. and is former state president of Nebraska home ec clubs, a mem ber of ag exec board, and a for- Dr. B. J. Pool Speak Before York Students Dr. R. J. Pool, chairman of the department of botany, appeared before the York college and York high school students April 24. as the principal speaker for the Ar bor Day celebrations. Parker Anderson of the Univer sity of Minnesota forestry depart ment is in Ecuador seeking to develop a supply of chinchona bark, needed to combat malaria. From Lincoln Journal. DEAN C. H. OLDFATHER . . . speaks at state teachers meet History Teachers' association at the Y.M.C.A. Friday evening. People should not expect the world to be remade in a short while. Dean Oldfather said, warn ing that the forces of nationalism are so strong as to prevent any drastic move in the direction of new social, governmental, and eco nomic world orders. Peace mak era must guard against an elabor ate peace structure as "we naa plenty of structure after the last world war and it broke down, he said. The five points outlined in his speech were that the peace will be preserved; that power will con tinue to reside in the hands of those .who will possess it the United States, Britain and Russia; that this power will be exerted globally; that there should be no notable shifting of long-established national holdings; that there should be no violent changes in forms of government and in social and economic organizations. Three Teams Meet in Quiz . Contest Finals Preliminaries for the Union quiz contest were held yester day, from which three out of 11 teams were chosen to com pete in the finals at 4:00 this afternoon in the Union ballroom. The teams with highest scores were: ASTs, Dale Chapman, W. J. Keating, Milton Zelma; Delta Gamma, Jean Swarr, Bar bara Witt, Gerry McKinsey; Gamma Phi Beta, Doris Dole- Tea Honors Ag Seniors Tuesday from 3 to 5 Seniors on ag campus will be honored at a tea by the Juniors Tuesday from 3 to 5 p. m. In the home ec practice dining room. Sponsors are Miss Margaret Fedde, Miss Gladys Ruby and Miss Blanche Reid. sal, Peggy William, Jean Fres coln. The quii covered questions on current events, music, literature and the arts. Any member of a team could answer a question for the entire team, and one minute was allowed for each question. One team, the ASTs, received a perfect score of 100 percent. These "quii kids" even confused the quizmaster by answering, correctly, an estimate of the German fighting strength. They answered with the number of men and the answer on the question sheet was 300 divisions. Judge Janet Krause was obliged to inquire the number of men in a division and do some quick figuring to grade the answer. When the three teams come together this afternoon brains wiil be buzzing and the contest should be an interesting spec tacle for anyone wishing to attend. "Are you the trained nurse mamma said was coming?" "Yes, dear, I am the trained nurse. "All right. Let's see you do some of your tricks.' Engineers . . . (Continued From PageJL) medal at the banquet as winner of the afternoon's Tall Story con test Jokes and humorous events of the engineering college were re lated in Sledge Senior report a tabloid sized pampnlet distributed at the banquet. Following the presentation of awards was an address by Mayor Lloyd Marti. "The postwar period offers great opportunities and pre sents a real challenge to those with engineering ability," he declared. Marti stressed the fact that the rebuilding of the world is largely the task of the engineer. Switch To The ABLE Way Today Cleaners and 1 Laundry H 223 No. 14 I 1 Block South of I Student Union J Call 2-2772 I Get ready for Spring! Let us clean your winter clothes before school is out Get on the beam!" MRS. MINIVER ROSE HOTHOUSE ROSE ROSY FUTURE 'BRIGHT I OR I. CAST (m to by another name) y Far ahat Rn; Look your loii-e of four make-ap aliade im P.evloo )lor original. Dooll Feature containing Nail Enamel plat iil-ira Adheroa, 75. Matching Lipittivk, 60 an S1.O0. Row-Touched Face Powder 60c alt f 1.00 SIM. price. 1 tec gtmi riMT BRAINSTORM QUIZ FINALS 4:00 TODAY The University Theatre in Noel Coward's "WAYS & MEANS" and "SHAKESPEARE'S LADIES" 3:00, Sun., May 7 FREE MAY DANCES 9 to 12, Soh.May 6 and Sot., May 13 AT THE STUDENT UNION 31 Slews of H A For war work For ebout-homt For outdoors 95 .to 10.95 Streamlined U yonr stream lined life of today, slacks are fast becoming the Important "must" In every knowing woman's life. Here's an as sortment of slack suits In rayon rabardine, faille or stmtter -loU. Solid colors trimmed in contrasts. Sires 12 to 2s. Nary Brown Green Red Luygogt Elite prU Sb COLD I . Tfer riMT. "Quality Klach" Play Sdoc Ideal for beach wear. Wooden rocker soles Ita Jersey tons of kT print Sires itol Kation free. L'S. . .Tklii rtMS. B L 3