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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1944)
Friday, March 17, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN Murphy Calls ASTP Study Job Factor The specialized training' re ceived by trainees at Nebraska will play a big part in their re assignment when they return to Good old St. Patrick's day. Of course most everyone forgot till I troops, according to information just now that it is St. Patrick's day. but what could we do about it rec;ved J?y Colonel Murphy re . .. . . . , , cently. The commandant of the aynay . c um-u ui weir green necKiies can i quue gee tne connec- local AST unit said tnat men tion between a fellow driving snakes out of Ireland, and green neck- separated from the program due ties- but the army has nicely eliminated this old tradition for us for to the recent curtailment in ASTP the duration anvwav. would nave jods which would utu- . . . lze their special skills. .r. ,., vr green sweaters, in commemoration, or just sweat- Colonel Murphy said: "Specific crs, but we just have to say "Happy St. Patrick's Day" and be done army instructions have been is with it. Paddy was a great guy his heyday was back in the fifth cen- sued to a11 concerned with the tury. He did for Ireland what the Pied Piper did for Hamlin only it s'&nnien' f AST personnel, that . , . jr.A , the special capacities and skills ... .... w ...oicau u. ,.. r--i w a gooa man, so iney 0f these men are not to be dis- made him the Patron Saint of Ireland, and now we celebrate some- cipated by assignments having thing or other to do with the great event every March 17. nothing to do with their special For the past ten years or so another fellow has been having a "'"just Utilize A&Ls " - "uu"- "c UU,B "For example." the colonel con- uii a nun.- muubiacne ana an inferiority complex, seeing as he was tinued, "instructions call for spe- an Austrian, he decided that everybody except the Germans were all cial attention to see that language wrong then proceeded to make himself a German (by inviting Aus- students are assigned to positions tria to loin him in . UttU Pn. h. ... r,iawi.., . t .... where their language can be fully ... . r-j-b ".v,u6,. ".sr utilized. Another instruction pro- Liitrn own luinpaiiy ueuer; ana Deal &uperman to tne draw by vides that 'where appropriate about ten years. assignments cannot be made, the Well, 'cause of him, here I am in Nebraska. Of course St. Pat name' serial number. special abil- had never heard of Nebraska, but what he didn't know won't hurt him. Sported 7 tie adjuVTt . ..c ncdiu ui Hcurjinj iney uvea nere. out iney a never general. heard of Hitler. But then, if they'd known that Hitler was comma. Recent war department in- they'd probably have fought a little harder to keep the pale faces out Ructions have been issued pro-Thrv-A rath., emir. h.;. ;LkAM .u jj, vidmg for the recommendation of They d rather scalp their neighbors than paddle across an ocean or quaiified AST students for addi- two to fight for some ideas; instead of a squaw, or maybe some good tional technical training, service hunting ground. So anyway, (how did the Indians get in here?) this 33 technicians, use as essentia little self-centered gink with a schnurr-bart (moustache to you) fia- hon-commissined officers and, in ured that his idea ,ere hetter tha aw u. : ma.ny "Mtances. for appearance , .. -. s.,, ... oetore officer candidate boards. ciuamg a leiiow namea Jesus, who said that to love people, and to be The directive to military corn kind to them, and to try to understand your enemies, and to love God, zanders who will receive AST were a lot more important than a few oil wells, or a scrap of paper. tra!nces. stat-s 'Peir (the train' k. mt f ti, th ..-I...: P ees Potential value to the service , " " arouna on mis as technicians, non-commissioned revolving, rotating sphere, thought that this gent who said, "Do unto officers and, in many cases, of fi- others as you would have others do unto you" had the right idea. Of cers' must be exploited.' course more than half of the time they forgot all about him-and did ''dncfln thlftr thir rwr t ... . Ihe reduction in the AST pro ; " ""7 "'""y tuum Kin meir neignDor out gram," Colonel Murphy pointed " v...t- I1C waau i iwKiiig. v nen u came to a showdown, though, out, "was not occasioned by a lack they decided that freedom to live, breathe, and talk; justice, and equal- of appreciation of the work the itv. were more than iust word ' college program was doing, but c .ui. t , . . . by overall factors such as the ..... .....7-,vV,3 llIC ,u,rx rx or a uerman version of failure of draft boards to meet Charlie Chaplin comes up with some crackpot idea that he is the army quotas for new men and master of the master race. There are about 65 million Germans ahn.ii impending developments in the half of these, accordina to Nazi fioure.. ar of Mri; h..... war- The valuable special train i-..i,.: . J .... .... ... ' 7 '"ff the AST men have received "' 7-"- " one-nan million "Aryans" are going at considerable government ex- to ruie over several Diinon weak, misguided, worthless individuals pense will not be wasted, but will (that's us). Now we don't go for this line of chatter, and we tell him Put to use w'here it will benefit about it. Then we let him clan in h. ,- i . the army most. .... ... -.u-. -u'J" ' lur" l"e mmr I" the case of the AST men at Vl,'c' V,,CCR- lncn lne olner cneek and finally say, the University of Nebraska who "you'd better cut that out or else you'll be sorry." So he hits us again, will shortly be separated from the And we were looking too. Luckily there are a few Irishmen, like St. Program, recommendations for as-l Pat, in the crowd, so we went to war. Bignmem win, oi course, oe oaaea 'on the trainee's academic record Goodbye, ASTP (To the tune of the "Notre Dame Sung.") Goodbye dear old ASTP, . t . n m M YOU nave meant v Firm uco. w We've worked and slaved to keep you goln . Our office canoe we've kept a-rowmK. You A.L.'a and Dents we've carried you thru, Ensineeis, we've all praised you. too. you've done O.K.. but now it s time To Join in with Uncle Sam. f rom iteg. nfHtiiiuiinriD. and efficiency rating. Those train ees who are recommended to ap- Dear before an OGS board will ao so after assignment to their next unit or station. Present Trials Important., "In makine such recommenda tions, account will be taken of how the student has carried on in this last period of his participation in the program, because the ability to carry on one's job under trying Positions on Rifle Team Open for National Meet As a result of the departure of several members of the rifle team, positions are still open to soldiers and civilians. Compe tition in the National inter collegiates, for which Nebraska qualified last month by placing fourth in the Seventh service command matches, begins to morrow. All men interested are asked to report at the rifle range at 5:15 this afternoon to Lieutenant Yoxheimer. conditions Is one important test of a trainee's usefulness to the army in a responsible position." McKi nsey (Continued from Page 1.) be held in the evening, and 11 participants will take part, each one speaking on a different phase of th subject. Miss McKinsey's topic will be "Inter-American Trade and Commerce as a Basis for Permanent Co-operation." Select Six for Finals. Six .students will be selected from the semilinalists for the na tional finals at Washington, D. C, which will be aired over a nation wide radio network. These six finalists will each receive a $500 award for study and travel in Mexico during the summer of 1944. This is the second time a uni versity student has participated in the semifinals of the three-year-old contest. In 1942, Bill Rist of Wymote repiesented Nebraska. Authorized Electric Shaver Service Sibick tbsvc Mater mm 4 Utrntngtam rrt. rrrm tMiaiWt. Mnet "rk fcr factory trumed . tfmt Electric Shaver Service IU f. 1Mb S-7SC4 EASTER CARDS Now on Display Open Shopping Piightt GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 NorU 14th SL POL? FUR HEALTH SKATE al Skating Friday Saturday Sunday 7:30 to 10:30 Matinee Sunday 3:00 to 5:00 FREE VARIETY SHOW Alfred Hitchcock's Super-Adventure in II "FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT Starring Joel McCrea & Laraine Day with Herbert Marshall, George Sanders and Robert Benchley 4:00 P. M., SUNDAY, MARCH 19 UNION BALLROOM BOARDMAN ROBINSON LECTURE 3:00 P. M., SUN., MAR. 26 VLAND Joqetlier . . . WEAR WITH ALLS mm FROSTY VESTEES Tailored styles in pique or dressy sheers. All are clever wardrobe sti etcher. LIS to 8.9S. SOFT BLOUSES California prints, pastels and whites. New spring fashions for any type suits. 30 to 40. 2.f 5 to 9.95. WOOL CASHMERE SWEATERS Long sleeved cardigans short sleeved slip-ons. Green mist, dream blue, cherry, salmon, gold. 11.95 and 12.95. STREET FLOOR. w 1