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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1944)
THE .Wednesday, March 8, 1944 It CDflrtOIvrn 75 ASTs Win Blue "Shears Awarded to Top Ten Per Cent Seventy-five members of Ne braska's ASTP have been awarded the "Blue Insignia Star" for hav ing achieved high scholastic hon ors. These stars were given to those in the top 10 percent acad emically last term. The order awarding these in signia stated that the trainees were "reported to the commandant by educational authorities as hav ing achieved an honor status scholastically and having furth" been commended by their resr tive company commanders military efficiency. For their meri torious service" iney win receive me ..Blue insignia star. Blue Stars on Brown Patch. The insignia, which are small blue stars on a round brown patch, will be worn on the left sleeve of the uniform blouse with the lowest point four inches above the lower edge of the sleeve. The following students in the AST unit on campus have been awarded these stars: Army Editors Vic. Bill Chisolii News Pfc.Bill Calkins William G. Allen John T. Ayers Jerome C. Broder Glen A. Burdick Walter E. Clark Jr. 'inomas A. Cobb Thomas CI. Lisa jr. John T. MeNeilly Herbert H. MacCoby Dean T. Mace Bernd Mandel John F. Monroe Georue M. Crum 1r. Stanley Morion Anthony J. Demski Walter G. Muller Jack H. Dresae Paul L. Murphy John D. Dyer Clifford E. Nelson Charles R. Dygert Thomas 13. Nelson Charles L. Etheridpe Harry B Neustein John J. EvatiKelakos Gilbert W. Nutter James A. Fairchild James O. Onderka HI Daniel L. Patterson Bernard F. Fallon jr. James M. Pitillo jr. Murray H. Feder Ronald H. Filets Marcel N. Filteau Frank L. Racher Donald R. Fletcher Eusene G. Retten Herbert S. Furst maier Frank T. Gerould Joseph E. Rhea James P. Hastie Charles S. Roberts George E. Hervert Jr. Frederick B. Hobe Vernon S. Robeson Henry P. Hoffstot Norbert E. Rosen Warren D. Hootmun winkel Jack W. Hotsenpilier Heinz B. Russelmann iiener s. Hudson Westly E. Ruther David InKlis John A. Jenkins Kills J. Jesaen Alton C. Johnson Robert N. Schafer Charles A. Schmidt Walter E. Shaw William B. Shore James H. oJhnson jr. Richard F. Spooring TTouuii r. punier iawrence i. star William G. Jurevic Paul H. Kaiser Abraham Kate Sam J. Kayser Edmund D. Stevens Jr. Robert D. Tally fcrnest R. Vlerk Cluke M. Lawrence David B. Weaver Jr- Irvin J. Weaver jr. Army to Find Dinner Given important Jobs For AST Men AST students, released from the ASTP program in the near future for duty with the Army Service Forces, will not be dissipated on unimportant assignments which do not utilize their skills, it was stated in a recent order from Lt. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, chief of SOS, concerning the as signment of ASTP personnel. The order called to the atten tion of Commanding Generals of ASF Replacement Training Cen ters where ASTP students are be ing sent that these men were se lected for ASTP training because of their previous education and high intelligence rating. "They have since received varying de grees of training at the college level at a considerable expense to the government. This group must not be dis sipated on unimportant assign ments which do not utilize their skills," the order read. "Their potential value to the service as technicians, non-commissioned of ficers and, in many cases, of ficers," the order went on to state, "must be exploited." Sport coats i7 'siHr :. From the Downstairs lien's Store 11 'A . ft fi&jVtXL COLORFUL: Plain Diagonals' i L. : I V :.f: 4 1 .11 -Mil It ) m- For Army l-M Court Teams Finale to a successful army in tramural basketball season was staged last night, when the Uni versity Athletic department feted the players and coaches of the five army teams with a dinner at the Cornlnisker hotel. Members of the champion Company C aggrega tion, B Company's runnersup, the 348th CTD team, the Field House and A Company were all present, along with their coaches. Dr. Raymond G. Clapp, director of physical education for men; William H. Browne, assistant di rector, and A. J. Lewandowski, Nebraska basketball coach, head ed the athletic department guests. Other members of the staff who attended the dinner were Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Knight, Mr. Da vis, Mr. Beck, Mr. Higgenbotham, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Reid. Company CO's Present. Other army guests were the commanding officers of the par ticipating units, Lieutenant Smith of Company C, Lieutenant Burg- iuna lor company is, Lieutenant Yoxneimer of A Company, Lieu tenant Schaffer from the Field House, and Lieutenant Connors of the Air Corps detachment. The dinner was held at 7 o clock, and was followed bv in formal speeches. The intramural basketball season produced some very good basketball, and revealed much talent in the army units on campus. Competition was close and nard fought all season, with Company C showing the way with a 10-and-2 record in the three round robins. AST Chorus Holds Concert Sunday Afternoon in Union Nebraskas-AST chorus will pre sent a concert this Sunday after noon at 3 p. m. in the Student Union ballroom. Donald A. Smith, a music major graduate of Oberlin will direct the chorus, and Robert T. Henry will be the accompan ist. The program will climax sev eral months of nightly practices by the soldiers in the third floor study hall of Love Library, in their own free time. The choir was organized and advised by Sgt. Dayton Smith, formerly on the music staff at the University of Nebraska. The program will include, "Adoramus Te Christe' by Pales- trina, two songs by Bach, "Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light" and "My Chosen King Is Christ the Lord," along with Rom berg's "Soldiers of Fortune," "Ye Bands and Braes O'Bonny Doon" by Vogrich, and "I Love a Parade" by Arlen. Donald R. Frey will be soloist with the chorus in a performance of Grieg's "Landsighting." Both bmith and Henry will also present a group of piano solos. The con cert will be open to the public at no charge, and soldiers especially are invited to see the AST chorus in action. The members of the chorus are: Earl Lampshire, Paul Margelli. Howard Morey, Robert Schafer, Maxwell Smith, George Burton, Donald Frey, John Ranseen, Robert Deich, Marcel Filteau, Ralph Johnson, Norman Walker, George Cipoletti, Edmund Stevens, Maurice Switzer, Joseph Crilly, John Huston, Hilliard Dangler, Walter Evans, Frank Gerould, MiU ton Colin, Dale Hiller, Robert Kep ner, David Llewellyn, Leornard Jones, Jan Kolar, Richard Peder son, Frank Racher, Alvin Rams ley, Louis Siegel, Lawrence Stein heimer, William Wilder, W. Min shall, Eugene Christenson, Robert Stevens, John Triplett, Frederick Verink, and William Johnson. Nisei Students . . (Continued from Page 1.) nese-American male student will have been called for service in the armed forces." At present there are about 35 men students in the university who have transferred here as a result of the federal relocation program. No women wanted! A recent poll at St. Mary's colleee revealed that the men do not want coeds at tending the school. The poll came as an answer to the proposed change to make St. Mary's co-educational college. A.S.T. Chorus Concert Directed by Donald Smith Soloists Donald Frey and Robert Henry 3:00 P. M., Sun. March 12 UNION BALLROOM Open to the Public The sport coat season has no end, as this comfortable and handsome style is GOOD any time of year . . any time of day. Magee's downstairs men's store features well-tailored tweed, Shetland and camel type materials in plaids, plains, diagonals, herringbones . . tan, brown, blue, grey and other colors. $12.95 - $13.95 German Students Sent to Reynolds For Assignment Sixteen A&L. stud graduated and transferror! fmm the University of Nebraska ASTP last week, it was announced by oi. james r. Murphy, command ing officer of camDus militarv ujius. ine graduates received di plomas for work done in their military AST courses. The men were sent to Camn neynoias, ureenvuie, Pa., for as signments based on their wnrV in German at Nebraska. The follow ing is a list of those transferred: Walter E. Clark, John A. Czer- wiec, Robert D. Davis, Mai tin El len, William M. Gaines, Paul B Henze, Clifford M. Lind, Lauro L. Lopez. Frank N. Otal, Thomas F. Pettus. Samuel C. Rutherford Re train G. Sadock, Harry J. Stasny, Joseph B. Stynes, Ralph E. Upp- inan ana narry m. ware. Follies . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Ruth Way will nlav between the features of the 'Follies.' Ticket sellers must turn in money and tickets bv 9 n. m. to day in the Temple. "Is an old maid more useful on a farm than a wheelbarrow?" was the subject in a recent debate at the University of Manitohn Tho old maids suffered defeat by three votes. Free JUKE BOX DANCE 9 TO 11 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 10 UNION BALLROOM II l IThe RED CROSS is at his side . . . and the Red Cross is YOU! Be ready to give. I Score. Far Sprin9 j I t0 39,95 ;H-f Underscored for Iier- (L""' 1 tliaii-ever success this f II spring the marveloubly 1 i 11 versatile sliorlroal. J f f -r Smooth a'lop suits, it I I "ensemhles" with all 1 5 l yur dresses. In gay col- i I J 1 gold, lilac, Mue, red I A I anl green. Sizes 10 to 1 ' ,8' l I J I GOLD'S... Thir Flu