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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Friday, March 3, 1944 Army News Editors Pfc. Bill Chisolni Pfc.Bill Calkins R. Johnson Heads On eAS TBa tta lion In a complete reorganization of the entire military setup at Ne braska during the week, what formerly constituted three battalions was dovetailed into a single unit, headed by Captain Robert K. John son. This move was taken to simplify the administration of a reduced number of trainees, and to prepare for expected further reductions. The new First Battalion is made lip of service command units N'os. 3T02. 3709 and 3771. It consists of five Companies under the recent shakeup. Companies A. B and C in Love Library, formerly in the Sec ond Battalion, re under the of ficership of 2nd Lt. Yoxtheimer. 1st Lts Cook and Smith. SCU 3771, the University's AST-ROTC Ag campus, formerly the First Battalion .is now included in the overall First Battalion as Com pany F. Its old battalion com mander. Capt. Adams, continues as company commander. Capt. Johnson, who has taken! over the office whih Maj. Patti-' son used to occupy, willl retain his position as Regimental Execu unit U'itl frrtinn oc Kfr in t-e-i: : . v,;.. .1.. ' ......... ..v. ...-..v. ... v . uu' U11H.C in iiytmiuii iu uu- Company. ties as battalion commander. In The old Third Battalion, housed length of time stationed on Ne in the Field House, is now desig- braska's campus the new bat nated as Company E. It Ls beaded : talion head is one of the oldest by 1st Lt. Shaffer and contains officers on campus, having; been what u?ed to be Companies E and attached to UN's ROTC staff in F. The STAR unit. No. 3702. on j September 1940 Bn. Officers, STAR Lieut. Transferred j Nebraska's military units lost two of their battalion commanders and an officer from the STAR unit this week, Col. James P. Murphy, commanding: officer, re vealed yesterday. Maj. Harland G. Fattison, old commander of Love Library's Sec ond Battalion, has left for Camp Cooke. Calif., where he will take over as executive officer of the 95th Replacement Battalion there. The Field House's Third Battalion commanding officer. Capt. James D. Ciabill. has been transferred to quartermaster at Fort Francis E. Warren. Wyo. From the STAR unit on ag departed First Lt. Charles H. Neff for duty with the Station Complement, SVC, Camp Crowder. Mo. Edrmson at Camp Cooke. Further news of Maj. Marvin1 T. Edmison. an ex-ROTC staff member, has also been received by Colonel Murphy. Major Hdmi- son, who until recently was sta tioned at Iowa State with the AST unit there, has been sent to thv !'7th Replacement Battalion at Camp Cooke, Calif. Field Huse ps Company A, AST Give SI OS Sine the start of the annual Red Cross drive. AST trainees have contributed $103.75. No so licitation of soldiers is permitted -V 4 4 M- Start Thinking of for Spring and Summer V line . , -mt .... For your college or war work or social career, very soon you're going to need cool little dresses that look fresh as new lettuce . . in spite of hot weather! This is a two-piece coin dot Minx Modes spun with re movable white pique collar. It comes in butterscotch, blue or desert rose. Sizes 9 to 15. $10.95 Other axA juthiont, $10.95 to $2.()0 Jumping off to an 18-12 first half lead, Lieutenant Shaffer's Field House five piaintained the pace to top Company A. 33 to 26, last Pight in the coliseum. High man for the winners was DeSilva with 11 points, followed by Hays and Cook with eight counters apiece. The win was the Field House s third straight over the Red Raid ers, and left A Company in me intramural cellar. Pacemaker for "A" was Livingston with four field goals, assisted by Aho and Mc Auley with six points each. Play started out slowly in the first stanza, with the Field House grad ually building up their margin thru the under-the-basket work of DeSilva. and Havs' set shots. Second Half More Even. The second half was more even both teams fighting hard, with A Company never quite able to close the gap. despite the work of Livingston, Aho and McAuley. With about two minutes to go. the winners had a not too safe 29-24 lead before DeSilva broke thru j for a lay-up and Hays dropped at one-handed ptishshot to make it ' 33-24. McAuley tossed in a set shot just before the whistle to 1 make it Field House 33. Company A 26. The victory assured the Field Housemen of fourth place in the final standings, the same position which they occupied in the last) round, and gave them an over-all intramural record of three wins a nd seven losses. Remaining Games Uncertain. Several games remaiTi to be played in the third round, but whether or not they will be run off is not known because of the j uncertain future of ASTP. B and; C met for the championship last Monday they had identical sea son's records in intramurals anl the C men came out on top, 35 t ) 31. to become campus trainee champs. The box score: rirlif Hnuar Company A McNilly f Anthony Havs ( Waish l1.Si!v C M'Vov Fro.. hlr g SmaaiiT Cook g Tot Is fK " v 1K p f 0 2 2 Fallon f 0 (1 0 0 0 0 Aho 8 0 4 0 8 PiRott f 10 2 0 2 2 Kennrdy 0 0 A 111 Jurevlc c 009 0 0 0 Oliver. 10 2 1 0 2 O Reillv g 0 0 0 0 0 0 McAuley 2 2 3 2 8 Kemp E 10 2 ILivingMon 0 13 7 33: Total! 12 2 Selective Service (Continued from Page 1.) by separate quotas limited to needs of the profession. Full-time preprofessional stu dents in these fields in good standing may be considered for deferment if they present three pertinent certifications. First, their school must certify they will complete the course in 24 months from certification. Then a recog nized professional school must certify he will be admitted for his professional training. Finally, the national roster piust certify this deferment within the quota for prcprofcssionals. There is a further limitation upon medicine and dentistry stu dents. Schools in these subjects cannot grant admissions beyond their civilian capacity, since the military already utilizes 80 per cent of medical school capacity and 55 percent of dental school capacity. This means medical schools can certify admissions to only 20 percent and dental schools up to 45 percent of their capacity to any entering group. if A? L 3 The Coat Jumper - Some thing new - on in a jiffy -Good looking, too. In aqua, black and brown. 10 to 18, 9.95. Sportswear - 1st Floor.