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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 1, 1944 Army lm Tfc. Bill Chisolm Editors News Pfc.Bill Calkins Precious Moments by Lew Davies Tps "B,1 35-31 Fr Army Citowgi ' Playing off for the army intramural basketball championship Company C's powerful quintet topped a scrappy B Company team Monday night, 35 to 31, in the Coliseum. Both teams had 9 and 2 rec ords in round robin competition -the Hustlers having two decisions over the Blue Wave in tournament play prior to Monday's meeting. Company C hopped off to an 18 to 17 halftime advantage, went on to increase their margin in the sec ond stanza and rack up a well earned four point victory to win the intramural crown. Pacemaker for the winners was 'deadeye" Milt Dobrer, flashy Blue forward, who scored 15 points. Bunny Full er led the Green's offense with 12 markers, mostly on pretty pivot Shots. Plav was rlnsp nnH hnvrl- fought thruout, with "C" finally Raining permanent possession oi ine leaci arcer eigni minutes ot the second half, and staving off the losers scoring threats. Jessen Opens Scoring. Jessen opened the scoring, regis tering a foul toss for "B." Milt Dobrer swished a set shot; Bob Scheer evened the scoie with a free throw. "Dob" dropped another set shot, which Staples nullified with a field goal from the floor. Lind made good on a free throw, then scored from the floor to mnkf it 7 to 4. Dobrer sneaked thru for a lay-up to give the C men a 9 to 4 lead. Nip and Tuck at Half. Bunny Fuller took personal marge or evening things up again, tossing two pivot shots. With less than two minutes left Kni-rf..ft. dropped a long set shot for the T1. . i. -r uiur, which jessen promptly coun tered, tapping in a rebound to tie ii up again. uoDrer gave Company C it's 18 to 17 halftime advantage via the free throw route. Big Ellis Jessen got off a pivot shot to bring the score to 27 to 29. but Lind brought the margin back to four points with a one hand set shot from the foul circle. Jessen tapped another in, and it looked like a "B" rally, but Dobrer then quenched it with another set shot. Bunny Fuller kept the Green in the game with a minute and a half to go with another pivot shot. However, Parminter put the game on ice for Company C with a tap- in, to make the score 35 to 31 when the whistle blew. Box score: "Bui honey the program's been speeded up Co. C 0? ft t Co. Dobrer f 7 1 is Jesson f Parminter f 3 0 6 SI anles Lind c BurdiMte g Riynes Burslein g ToIhIh 3 1 2 1 0 0 1 15 7 Bradv 1 4 Fuller i 2 Srhecr k 1 Baker g 5 35 Tot n Is fS ft 4 1 i 1 0 5 1 0 f 9 1 5 1 1 2 12 2 4 0 0 News of ASTPs Elsewhere Includes A&L, Music Notes 12 7 31 1NTRAMI RAI. SKASON STANDINGS TO I) ATK W Company C til 4 S n ( mnptiny K Air Cttrim Kteld House Otmpiitiy A AWS . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Alpha O Paradise .. Alpha Omicron Pi Helen 1 1 eusel. skitmaster. For Whom the Bel: Tolls. .. Alpha Phi MarKinet Reese, skitmaster. Brown Suar Alpha Chi Omega Ruth Blattspielcr. skitmaster. The Mad Hatter Delta Delta Delta Helen Hemphill, skitmaster. Little Red Riding Hood Goes to the Junior Prom Chi Omega Jerry Neumeyer. Happy Hunting ('.round. . . .Pi Beta Phi Jo Weaver Kline, skitmaster. Blind Date Show. Kappa Kappa liamma Mimi Ann Johnson, skitmaster. Comedy of Krrors or No K.nse, No Nothing. . Dlet'a Gamma Nadia Kunmnn, skitmaster. Ticket sales Will close March ft Until then thev will he on cnl at all organized houses. 1) THE WOMEN CO WAAC-Y OVM fan II cusen Shirts AND why shouldn't they? Iff the . neatest, best-looking shirt a man can wear thanks to its famous collar that can't wilt, can't wrinkle -looks starched but isn't. No lining to pucker. Stays neat all day. Van Heusen white shirts are Sanfor ized, laundry-test4d-have the famous Van Heusen collar attached! 925 tick tor- . m COLD'S . Mrn't Sl.r. From the latest issue of the Army Specialized Training Bulle tin, odds and ends from all over the country about the ASTP: More about Area and Language techniques in use at AST units a uerman language newspaper is prepared monthly by trainees at Haverford College. It's called "AST Lampe" ... At the Univer sity of Wisconsin, A&L's converse auring meais in the lanauaaes n which they specialize. Sometimes appropriate dishes are served by the University dietitian . . . French Clubs have been oraanizeH at number of units. Carleton's lege's French Club held a dinner recently. The entire oroaram was in r-rencn. With the musicians the Cadet Glee Club at North Texas State Teachers College made its first public appearance recently . Wc'-.tern Reserve University has a trainee band that plays for cam pus functions . . . Indiana Univer sity has been organizing a 120 piece marchine- hand a mn.vnieo chorus and a swing orchestra . Aft is at the Colnrarin Kphnnl Mines have their own an t-iuu ana a n-piece orchestra with uve vocalists ... a 50-piece regi menial Dana and a 15-piece or- cnestra has been performing at the University of Pennsylvania. sometimes the AST takes the law into its own hands trainees 31 JOnns HODkins Univpreitv h-.wo ine oenern or a "law firm" which CLASSIFIED 1 fj "n par day. w Parable ! adr only. , ln In, l nlon. lurqnoiie rln. Kilter art tin, ailjiintulile hand, ( all NVIdu Oil man. 8-7181 , eMen,ln 80. LOST Brow Shneffer wn between Averv and dorm. uj 2-7i.ll Betty llubka.' 'Of1 Juke Box Dance is strictly Gl. Four former law yers, self-described experts in matrimonial troubles, income-tax, life insurance and civil judgments, are in the A&L section and offer advice gratis to fellow trainees in the barracks. AST Laments In Own Lyrics We found a couple of song gema in an old paper the other day and we print them herewith. We like to admire the profound phil osophy of all those brave souls who concoct such and adapt them to popular tunes. For the ASTP these songs prove that soldiers can still gripe even humorously and in a song. Tune: Air Corps song. Off we go into a filled up TO Idaho out In the sticks Here we are victims of the ASTP We're in one helluva fix. We've been done out of our promised ratines Bars and stripes are things of the past; For we've been burned We've lived and learned You're lucky to be a private first lune: I Left My Heart at the Stage Door Canteen. I left my hopes with the ASTP. I thought that they would commis sion me. I worked, I slaved, I studied, My work was never done. And it was all for nothing, not even for fun. My hopes are still with the ASTP. But hopes are all that thev'll ever be; Those eolden bars are not for me. My hopes died with the ASTP. 9-12, Fri., Mor. 3 Uni Raaaaaanapvj ion Ballroom Union-Army Francis Eisworth's Bond & Refreshments 9-12, Sot., Mor. 4 UNION BALLROOM Come Alone or With a Date on otm THIRD FI.f Al l. WASH BIT. ., n in M,h;,uU, Ue It goes everywhere, does everything. Button your self into this enchanting young casual. In maize, beige, red, powder, green, luggage. 12 to 2o! YOUTHFUL PRINTS cK5 I'HONK OK Mll. OKDI RS WKICOMF. KXCI.l SIVK HF.KK III SHSflN