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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1944)
4 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, February 25, 1 944 ARMY NEWS AST Students Ta Be Given Partial Credit Reassuring AST students that their academic achievements while at Nebraska will not go unre warded even for partial completion of courses, Dr. George W. Rosen- lof, director of Admissions and University Examiner, disclosed yesterday that the University of Nebraska will deal fairly with every single trainee and will rec ommend due credit for all course work completed while on campus. "Students in the ASTP should not let the present unsettled state of their future interfere with their study program," Dr. Rosenlof stated. He pointed out that "civil ian students have been allowed partial credit for course work completed only in part. There is no reason to doubt but that the trainees will be accorded the same privileges and opportunities." "Our advice," urged Dr. Rosen lof. "is to stay by your work and salvage all the credit possible. To do less is only to defeat your helf." . Co. B Tackles Blue Tomorrow Night in Prelim An old rivalry will be renewed Saturday night when Company C's Blue Wave and the Hustler-Cagers of B Company meet in the Coli seum prelim to the Oklahoi.-.a-Nebraska game. The tip-off will be at 6:30. The favored C men have two victories in three outings with the Green, and will be gunning for the championship of the third round in intermurals. The trainee cham pionship will be decided by the total number of intermural vic tories in the three rounds. Cur rently leading the crop is Com pany C.with nine consecutive wins, after their loss to "B" in their first intermural contest while the underdogs have dropped but two tilts, and can tie for the crown if thev dump "C" Saturday. The powerful Blue Wave have wins over the air corps and A Company in the third round, while Lt. Cook's team has topped the Field House and A Company. So Saturday's "crucial contest" should reveal plenty of action. "B" will stall off with Ml is Jessen at center. Bunny Fuller and Bob Scheer in the backcourt. and Doug Brady and Jack Baker at forwards. The Blue team will have Cliff Lind in the pivot, Chuck Bur dette and Al Burst ein holding down the guard posts, and Milt Dobrer and Kv Parminter in the forward Slots. Fund (Continued From Page 1.) Dr. Thomson expects the fund to stimulate interest in medical re search in the Lincoln hospitals. Residence is now offered by the hospitals, but such a program is expected in the near future. Free Juke Box Dance AST Bond 9:15-10:30 juke Box 10:30-11:30 Friday, Feb. 25 and Free Social Dancing Class 4:00, Sah, Feb. 26 Union Ballroom Garner lo Play For Trainee Hop In Union Ballroom Grab your gals while you can! Tomorrow's time for another Union-Army dance for all cam pus military trainees. Eddie Gar ner and his band will swing out with the jive and sweet in the Union ballroom starting at 9. Lincolnette and War Council hostesses with the usual white arm-ribbons will be on hand to dance with the stag line. Refresh ments will be served. The affair will end at 12. The dance is free to all GIs on campus. They must, however, pre sent their Union membership card at the door. As in the past, STARs will be admitted at 25c a couple. Three dances have been planned by the Union for the soldiers next month. They will take place on March 4, March 11, and March 25. Home Ec (Continued From Page 1.) Marian Rivett; clerical, Dorothy Wegner and Lillian Synder; and student faculty representative, Madeline Holtzscherer. Margy Ruth Pollard, Iris Bax ter, Monica Alberty, and Edith Pumphry are the new vice-president, secretary, treasurer and his torian for the group. Miss Carolina Ruby and Mrs. Angeline Anderson are the faculty advisors. The first council meeting of tha year will be held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Did you know that Nebraska has one of the largest percentages of graduates in Who's Who's of any university in the United States? PCKA CE! N -"V r. ' NEW SPRING FASHIONS have come to our Shoe Salon to make you rthe woman other women watch" Come make your once-in-a-lifetime discovery of Dc Liso Debs, and . . . m-m-m! feel that fine tingle of excitement you get when the florist boy calls, when the postman rings! De Liso Debs, the debutantes of our shoe salon, have that fresh young charm that says. "just try to pass me by"! 8.95 to 10.95 shoes ofve with youth designed by Patie-i de Jid Ourt Alone II Ml MM