Wednesday, February 2, 1944 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 Mary Ellen Sim, Bob Dewey Wed Dorothy Hanks Bride ofLt. Smith The marriage of Miss Mary El len Sim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs P. B. Sim of Nebraska City to Pfc. Robert K. Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Dewey, took place at 7 o'clock Christmas eve in the chapel of the First Presbyterian church. A dinner at the Cornhusk er followed with only immediate families attending. Miss Sim is a senior at the unt versity. She is president of the Barb Activities Board for Women, a member of the A.W.S. executive board, and recently was chosen one of the 18 university seniors for Who's Who in American col leges and universities. Pfc. Dewey is a graduate of the university where he took an active part in campus activities and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He tk now stationed at Love Memo rial where he will receive academic training prior to his entrance into officer candidate school. Dorothy Hanks Marries. Miss Dorothy Hanks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H Hanks, became the bride of Lt. Jared Smith, son of Mrs. K. E. Smith of Nebraska City, on Dec. 12 in the post chapel of Biggs Field, n Paso, Tex. Mrs. Calvin Parmele served as matron of honor and Lt. J. Ward was best man. Mrs. Smith attended Doane col lege, Peru teachers college and the University of Nebraska where she was a member of Alpha Phi. Lieutenant Smith was enrolled at Peru teachers college at the time of his enlistment in the army air corps. The couple is residing at El Paso where the groom is sta tioned. Bulletin 1NTERHOISE COl'NCIL. Interhoiise rminrll of BABW will meet tomorrow at 7 p. ni. In tin- barb office. HOME EC (LIB, New officers of the 'Home Er rlnb will be Installed at a Ri-nernl mectini; of the rlnb at 7:80 p. ni. tomorrow In Iive Mc ntorlul hnll. There wll he a social hour and program followliiK the miffing NEBRASKANS NEEDED. Charlotte Hi'l, business nmnntrer of the NebrasUan, will pay students for copies of the Oct. 10. 1!I4S, and Iee. 3, l4:t, Nclirnskan. These papers are needed to complete the tiles. RAC.S FOR SmVICKMEN. ..All coeds who sinned tip for Rairs for Hervlcemcnt should attend a meeting- at 6 p. m. tonlulit In the Nebraskan office. New systems of addressing and mailing the papers will be explained at that Ume. CORNHI'SKER WANTS WORKERS. Betty Hohf, editor of the Cornhus ier, needs typists and workers, lots of them, Immediately. No experience Is accessary. Interested students should report to the Cornhuskr office. SWIMMING CLASSES BEGIN. The Physical Education department an nounce that evening swimming classes Will begin tonight, meeting In the Fast (lymnnslum of Grant Memorial for the first week. SAG TAGS. Rag Tags workers will meet tonight with Roberta Burgess m the nally Ne braskan office at 8. The first edition of the servicemen's rag for the aew semester will be printed next Monday. Nfc-MKDB. Originally scheduled meeting of Nn-Meds for Feb. t will be postponed antll Wed nesday, Feb. 9. BTl'DENT COUNCIL. There will be a meeting of Student Council In Room 815 of the I'nk at 8 p. in. today. Easy to Keep Young tip 4 Years Oid Today! Keep Young will) our "Fountain - of - Youth" Clean ing. 333 yo- 12th ... l Mrs. Robert E. Dewey . . . -."--'wsxv. , J 9i i i mm From Lincoln Journal, Above is seen Mrs. Robert E. Dewey, the former Mary Ellen Sim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sim of Nebraska City. Mrs.Jared Smith . . . 1 VIM" V - i. 4 V -.c "'p:;:-r " From Lincoln Journal. Below Is pictured Mrs. Jared Smith, prior to her marriage Miss Dorothy Hanks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hanks. Graduates Continued from page 1. Chandler Wnlliicc. Samuel Webmnn, Charles Wayne West, Jr. COLLEGE OF ARTS ANII SCIENCES. Bachelor of Arts. Mnr'on Eilwnrd All'crts. Luru K.s'lier Asplnwnll, J:ines rienujs Bell, Ned Em mons B' llr Hoer VVnulit Hftin, Juneph David. Jr.. Jack Samuel TVHiimk, rionilliy Jane Pourlas, Joltn Wlleox Kfluatds, Wil liam Melvln Filch, John Miltrm Kind.:,, Kvehrii lynilse Frli'ke. Ueli'ii Ann doireln, Atarft: Kuthryn MooHntra. (iecirre Mnrlin Horner. Pale Wavnn Hurley, PhilHt" Wil liam Knntor. Klchnrd Arthur Jones, John i'annifi Kupplncer, Hlierwoml lo Jjtrsnn, Mary Jo Lalseh, Vineent William l.auliy, Rnli'Tt Warrinn l.talwieli, Edward Marvih Alalnshnrk, Jeanne Yoshlko Narnlia, Dale Orville Porter, Joanna Mai'delene Kadke, Porranrc Hayninnd, Martha Anm Arthur T'dell Itlvin, Yozo Haliai. Karl Simiuelaon, Lelcoy James Tialph Wii'rcn Soule, Jr., Vlrflna Ttrfte, llindd lyniv Williams. Elinor Wooilruff, William J'eter Na ney llee-1, Mvron rMde, .Tanii's Martha Yoiichim, Jr. Bachelor of Fine Arts. Arthur Clarence Allen, Victor Wllllum M art ens. Iturhelor of Science. Billy June farter, Hans Kenneth Ctiriat teiiMiin. William Kturene Dye, Edward Lanudon, Fritz Arthur piersnn, Jr., Jean Ellen Rutneclte, Gury L. Sandy. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Bachelor ef Science In Agricultural Engineering. Olcn HennlnRS, Paul Edward Bohleus- ener. Bachelor of Science In Architectural EnKlneerlng. Harry Tatsuo Teslilma. Barhelor of Scicnie In iliemleal EiiKlnrcrlng. Marvin Slnamark Jolinsen. Haymond Frederick Andrew JnrcenKcn, Jj'wis Wylie Lehr, Ilohcrt Jxiwell Ocden. Bmhelor of Science In Civil Engineering. Mlltnn Pah' Hrehni, fiertrre Wettdidl Brians, Roh-rt Wihllnt; Iuis. Everett Au-j.-U!t Evdfii. Stanley Jx?c Howell, Kldoti ('.mil Matlutuser. Biichelor of Science In Electrical I liu'lnwrlnK. Herman Wdllam Kruecer. Roliert Clyde Iiviek, Bolanu Dlen OlderoK. Ctiaiiea AdolptiuH Htutt (with hlKh iltMtinctlon). Biichelor of Science In Mechanical EiiKlneerliiK. Robert Carl Bramtner, John Ellas. Wil liam Hmilcv ilorhatti, Verne Bercateii 'Irnzncr, rtinrle Kilvin Jlitclunnn, laiia Kenneth Holt. Kol.crl Hutua Kini-', Wll liam Hideo Morlta, Bershinj! Naknda, John I'hilMii Schlui'kelhler, Harvey Henry Htoltz- Authorized Electric Shaver Service Hrhlck Hhave Master and Rcnilnrton New Jurts. Free estimates, lluncst work by factory trained men. One ouy service. Electric Shaver Service f HS So. IWh S-IDnt "Suit Yourself" Is New Motif For Smart Fern Wardrobes BY BETTY KING Flash the first robins are on their way. You know what that means. Suits, of course. Now is the time women begin to think of their spring outfits. (Dont ask me why.) Suits, as always, will be the backbone of spring wardrobes. This spring suits are imoortant not only because of their practicality but for their versatility also. A change of accessories and presto a change of costume. A suit's go everywhereness is ideal for the busy coed of today. Wool gabardine is the most pop ular fabric for this year s suits An example of this is the lovely soft beige suit seen in a down town window recently. The suit was lapel-less (you've heard of the OPA, no doubt) and featured matching grosgrain ties instead of the usual buttons on the jacket. Wool flannel is as good this year as always. It is particularly smart in grey pinstripe. There are '.wo versions of this either the -opular tailored suit or the bolero suit which is staging a comeback. Waistcoats are the newest ac cessory for spring suits. The most amusing of the current crop is the one featuring a low-cut back for daytime (with the jacket) or formal (without the jacket) wear. Other favorite accessories in- man, Emll Clinton Webber, Howard Ed ward West pate. TEACHERS COLLEOE. Bachelor of Music in Education. Dorothy Marie Hendricks. Bachelor ol Science In Education. Barbara Harm Cockle. Barbara York Cockle, Marilynn Griffith with distinc tion), Katherlne Esther Client . Beverly Burton Hookstra. Peter Mitsuo Ida, Pons Janet Mamhall, Charlotte Eloise Mayflcld. Viola Lorraine Mnyer, Marie Elizabeth Nemec, Phyllis Anita O'llonnell. Clara MarRret Rodrhorst, Mary Martin Tunks, Merle Panlelpon Weller, Patricia Fulton Yetter. Marianne Gertrude Kicrjer. Certificate in Physical Education and Athletics. Peter Mitsuo Ida. Certificate In Physical Education. Katherlne Esther Oust. COI.I.ECE OF MEDICINE. Bachelor of Science In Nurslnt. Helen Louise Loitan, Evelyn Elsa Noakes. Bachelor of Science in Medicine, Robert Combs Cowter, Paul Ivan Ekart, Max William Flothow, Jr. Adrian Alan Km, Joseph Eucene Crnriam, Elbert Tay lor Phelps COLLEGE OF LAW. Bachelor or Ijius. Betty Jean Peterson. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Edward John Holscher (with distinc tion), Robert Cordon Hit, Rolland Her bert ManKold. chide matching hat and purse com binations, or hat and glove com binations. Hats are mostly on the Dutch cap or calot theme. T'n-y are shown in light weight straws or woolens. Suits are simple," smart, ancj feminine suit yourself. YVTNanis New Cabinet, Staff Heads Install Appointees At Ceremony Sunday In Ellen Smith Hall YWCA cabinet appointments for this semester have been an nounced by Ann Wellensiek, pres ident. Other newly elected officers are: Bonnie Hindricks, vice pres ident: Jean Whedon. secretary : Dorothy Camahan, treasurer, and Mary Ann Mattoon, district rep resentative. The cabinet will include: Jeanne Larson, worship; Mary Lou Holtz, social chairman; Mazei Stearn. international relations; Barbara Stahl, social service; Jessie Lou Tyler, freshman work; Ghita Hill, upperclassmen leader ship training; Margaret Swanson, membership; Jeannette Engle, personal relations; Aikane, Mary Alden; Hazel Abel, Estes co-op. Head Staff Groups. Staff leaders are: vesners. Shir- lev Hillmer: vesner choir. Mar garet Capron; comparative reli gions, Marianna Shoemaker; New Testament. Myrtle L. Johnson; social service, Marcia McKee; in ternational relations, Gerry Mc- Kinsey; Estes co-op, Gloria Mar clis: office staff. LaVerne Klt-in: surgical dressings, Alice Abel; United Christian Youth Movement representative, Suzanne Pope; N Book, Marilyn Adler; Tiriy Y, Margrct Penman. The work of these cabinets is to plan and execute all the so cial, religious, and war work functions of the university YWCA. Installation of the cabi net will bf held Sunday, Feb. 6, at b o clock in Ellen Smith Hall. NOW! THESE A. CREAMS REDUCED! CLEANSING CREAM, NO. 1 OR NO. 2 AND 4 SPECIAL FORMULA CREAM Jk(L $3 15 pi UK tX STREET FLOOR.