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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, January 19, 1943 JIvl 7bri)iaAkarL f FOHTY-FOURTH YEAR Subsciictlon Rates are J1.00 Per 2 50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents. postoffice in Lincoln, Nebraska, under penal rate of postage provided tor in Authorized September 3D, EDITORIAL Day 2-7181. . Night Editor ' Bustneo Manaoer Published three tliuea wrrhy on Sunday, Offices Manajcinii Kdltora Newn Kiilton Jran Glotfelt, MarvtoulM 4iHMlwin. bliila Hill. Mar? llrlea Thoma Army Editor! Pie. William Calkins and Pit. William Cbisolm Society .Laara Lo Maad'l BU8INK8S AmManl Bnviiwsa Manarera Circulatian Ma later What Basis For Election? . Paraniont interest on the e;miiis is now centered lack, a diisio.'illy, true enough on the avo men's elections for Tasse find Y"Vt'A offieers. Next Aveeli to decnle Xebraskan staff members for Hie second semester and this, too, Avill be tilmost entirely a women's election. Politics on a widespread basis have not noticeably en tered into the elections already held, except in the individual houses or between certain small groups. It is lamentable that the nominating- committees must sometimes decide who they want to win an office and run a weak contender as opposition to cinch their choice. On the other hand, col laboration to prevent the election of one candidate rather than to secure the election of the other one, has an even worse effect. Chairman by chance and not choice is danger ous to the efficiency and reputation of any organization. And it is also demoralizing- to anyone honestly deserving the office. Decidiii" who should have job. Too often those in power vho isn't very pood, but io else avJio has a great ileal ol auimy nut a no noesn t incasun n iv tn lmr i-ivnl in tlif mniiiiiil nf wnrk accdiii rtlished. Aii in timate knowledge of the posilion open and ibe two coeds involved is necessary to make tins decision, ideally energy and talent should be combined. Possibly the one attribute any candidate can be judged on is "capability,'' but ibis, unfor tunately, is a tjuality difficult to evaluate. In the spring- the black masques will present their suc cessors already chosen? and who these are customarily de pends on what happens now. An upset in the apple cart is always interesting. And, new thought, has there been any so far? Requests a (Continued from Page 1.) The dumbfounded waiter was relieved to find out that root beer was the desired item. One may easily wonder "what ere college students made of" when they crave such delicacies as raw hamburgers, ketchup on ice cream, pepper on ice cream and the daily request for "a raw g'g. please, in a glass." Could it be that the person who ordered the half a glass of lemon juice decided to add the mix after the chaser? "I don't get stopped up very often by strange orders," said Nakata, "but when they come in and ask for a Coca Cola, then I have to stop and think." Probably realizing the em ployment shortage, were the thoughtful couple who came in and asked for two grilled steaks on the same plate. Oh, well, it gives that cozy, intimate feeling. Note: To whom it may con cern: According to the last kitchen report, there are still enough dishes to go around.) Since the soldiers have in Taded the grill, they have intro duced new names to the list of fountain concoctions: Boston coolers are sodas whipped up on the mixer; pine junction is another way of asking for a sundae; chocolate cabinet is the way one asks for a shake in the Ftate of Maine. Some people prefer coffee, and then again some peopl? pre fer ice cream, but there is one person on the campus who doesn't like to waste time or who doesn't want to make one of these foods feel left out of things, 80 he combines the twe and asks for, "ice cream in cof fee." Most frequent A'isitor of the crib has her own special dish which is known as the Lahr special, no less than ham steak on two buns. Maybe there is another way of making banana splits with out the bananas. The waiters have been wondering since a customer came in with the defi nite, decided demand for a "ba nana split with bananas." (No r Semester or 11.60 for the Collere Tear, Entered aa serond-clnss mnltr ct the Act of Congress March 3, IS - 9. and nt section uux Act ol October 3, IVH, OEFARIMEM 2 - 7193. Journal 2-3330. Marjorle Marietta Charlotte Hill Wrdnmday and Friday during iJl yar Union Building. I'al Ohamhrrlln. Jnne JamM STArr Jo Marti. Sylvia mrmuia Bill Korff, ihe puMieal ion ho;ml meets an iniporta'H position is a hard must decide between someone has Avorked bard, and someone preference as to color was given.) "I'd like a vanilla sundae, please." "A vanilla sundae? Do you mean a chocolate sundae?" "No, I mean a vanilla sun dae vanilla sundae with choco late sauce." (Of course, get it that cus tomer knew what he wanted a slight pause here while the difference in the two is thor oughly discussed.) This is the last week in the student union's crib for the three pharmacy students who graduate at the end of this se mesterEd, Bob, and Roily. Laverna and Mary Jane will also leave the UN grill for nurses training. Rd voiced the opinion of the five when he said, "It's been good experience, working here. It has given us a chance to meet new friends and we are going to miss it." tary Trainees: Tithe Notice Dave Haun' Band s 9 to 12, Sot., Jon. 22 Refreshments For Dates and Stags Union Ball Room Admission Your Union Cord s oae 9 Well, something new and dif ferent rif ht here, kidding again, of course ... A dia mond to Ruth Lund from Phi Delt pinmate Herb Von Goetz AOPi Helen Gogela is "porting one on third finger ft , I i a vr 5. ly- i out :tt flook in i;kt siioi CuHiompr Praise Our Fine- StorU Every day. we greet new customers and see again familiar faces in our Budget Shop. All are delighted over our fine complete stocks at "pin money" prices. Now we have cottons galore in clever styles and all colors. Do your Cotton Pickin' on our 3rd floor. SIZES 9 to 15 and 12 to 20 left hand from Nu Sigma Nu Art Austin . . . and AOPI Betty Wefso Is also engaged via sparkler to Aviation Cadet Don Hagel in Cali fornia, For some facts: SDT Frayde Sobcl received a diamond from AST Harold Levanthal; big news of big Joe Byler, former footballer, being married to Ruth Wielage; Phi Gam Warren Eisenhart hung his pin on Theta Beth Montgom ery, which is really not news cuz r A s Wv ... ."T :. .J " -ox1""' . ... t fx? . IV7 JaJI MMSI everyone figured it was going to happen any day anyway. Literacy Plus. The Pi Phi s are really literal (or what have you) this year ask them about the Book of th Month and see the reaction . . Janet Hemphill and Min Beede have entered the scrap drive in a big way. Without love, life's a match that doesn't strike, which is a good policy for-the dorm girls such heat, such steam, such fun . . . V