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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1944)
Friday, January 7, 1944 DAILY NEBRASKAN J caa BY LAURA LEE MUNDIL. Back again with a hello to all who have come back to school to recuperate from vacation and New Years eve. The left hand diamonds are blinding us (some right hand ones have us wonder ing too). Acquaintances are now pinmates. In short, the campus and world in general seem to have gone completely "hedonistic." Tri Delt Jean Whedon passed the candy after receiving a ring from George Remmenga, former UN student and now an air cadet at Phoenix, Ariz. Delores Schwen ker of the same house also re ceived a diamond from Dick Chapin, Phi Delt in the air corps. For many . weeks Delta Gamma "M. A." Lehr has been wearing a beauty from army man Randy Pratt, former Farm House. And for a bit of the short and the long of it Sigma Chi navy man Ed Favtinzer clinched a several years' deal by presenting Pi Phi Shirley Johnson with one of "them" rocks, while more cinching was done of a rather short affair when Alpha Phi Carolyn Held turned up New Years eve with same from Kentucky's Jack May, ASTP. On to pins Pi Phi Sue Newman is wearing the Beta pin of George Pinney. ChiO Betty Ruth Dunlap is now pinned to Sig-Alph Bill Hewitt of the air corps who came home on a surprise furlough just before Christmas . . . ChiO Betty Jean Hatch has had the Sigma Chi pin of Jack Grainger since a week before Christmas, but it was a secret till Jan. 5. Tri Delt Janice Pauley received the Sigma Nu pin of Keith Atkinson, former UN man, now at Crete. Serious Affairs. Down fraternity row, the Sig Eps are out in front with their new pin hangings, serenades and what have you. Jim Kratochvil's heart hangs on Mary "Kitten" Hall; Selma Pfingsten is the beaming dorm gal (preoccupied too) with Day Slout's pin. This is what we've been waiting for and we hear tell it is really seri ous but no more serious, perhaps, than the affair of Merrell Shutt and Eoren Bevan. Rare Bits. Things rare: Sig Ep Ernie Luther travelled to Washington, D. C, for the holidays to see his "sister." Brothers know he didn't have reservations and they do.i't think he has a sister. News of Alpha Chi Betsy Wright passing the candy in Professor Arndt's Friday 9 o'clock money, credit and prices class. What "price" love! And by the way, for you read ers' information, Sig Ep Bob Henderson, the "Alpha "Fiend," is no half-witt; he's all "Witt." Ta ta. STAR Notes By Pfc. Patsy Noto. The University girls missed the biggest affair in Lincoln on Christ mas night, when they 'all hurried back to their native cornfields There were no lonely hearts at the STARs' Ball that evening, and the girls who came are still talk ing about it. Rightly so, too, for they got anything their hearts de sired, from G. I. transportation to maidenswoon brutes of men. The decorations were beautiful, with an array of colored lights that put Army Editors On Furlough There will be no army news' todayor Sunday, as the editors, Pfc. Bill Chisolm and Bill Cal kins, and their staff are on fur lough. Watch for the army news in Wednesday's issue. SATURDAY NIGHT AT DAVE HAUN and his Orchestra Dancing 9 to 1 Adm. SSc Tax Incl. Bus Service from 10th & O even the chaperons in the mood. There were refreshments galore and Francis Ellsworth gave out with the sweetest music on this side of heaven. It made such a big hit that everyone is asking, "When is the next dance?" Among the girl celebrities at the dance were Patricia Murphy, the Colonel's daughter and Pat King the unforgettable daughter in "Hay Fever." That King girl, by the way, called a queen. She seems to be even more won derful of the stage. She is also the reason Cpl. Jerry Rozanski is shaving twice a day lately. New Year's Eve was so quiet in Lincoln, that the new-born '44 babe crawled back into its crib and lay there wondering. They only event that brought a gurgle from him was the grand affair at the U.S.O. Here they really made merry, and Old Man '43 was kicked out merci lessly. At one house party, where Pvt. Antnony Piccola was raising the devil, a few neighbors com plainingly knocked on the wall. Piccola, mistaking this for diver sion, knocked right back. This continued for 15 minutes, until the neighbors realized it was New Year's Eve. Everyone has probably made a '44 resolution. For anyone who has not done so, T5 Herman Kros schell's poem will certainly sug gest a fine one: EDDIE GARNER'S BAND Playing 9 to 12 SAT., JAN. 8 40c per person "A smooth floor"- "A smooth band" Union Ballroom Free Flicker Show The Sleuth . . . Mary Pickford in Savage Lore . . . Wild Western "Border Law" ... Ben Turpin in "Total Loss" Peg Shelley at the Piano 4:00 SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Union Ballroom Popcorn and Peanuts, 5c 014 i. I " 11 January Clearance Women's Wear This is your opportunity to get some extra ouf fits for now or to put away 'til Spring . . at tha savings in Magee's January Clearance. Suits dresses, coats, furs and accessories are offered at substantial reductions. DRESSES.. were $10.95 to $25.00 NOW 55.48 tO $12.50 SUITS were $25.00 to $45.00 How $12.50 to $22.50 2 Price DRESSES.. were $50.95 to $29.50 SUITS were $16.95 to $49.95 How $8.21 to $22.46) "j How $12.71 o 37.46 4 Price Fur-Trimmed and Casual Coats I3 off 1 l4 off Fur-tinnmed, were $59.95 to $139.95 now $39.37 to $93.90 (tu sr Casual were $22.95 to $55.00 now $15.30 to $36.67 ALL REVERSIBLE COATS, were $16.95 All Corduroy Sport Coats, were $12.95 and Fur-trimmed, .were $49.95 to $139.95 now $37.46 to $104.9 (tax extra) Casual were $19.95 to $49.95 now $14.96 to $37.46 to $22.95, now 1 J QFF id $13.95, now J 4 Furs Reduced y BLACK PERSIAN PAW . . $ AQ25 was $199.00, now YIT7 PLATINUM CIIEKIANG PLATE was $Qfi75 $129.00, now U HOLLANDER GREY -DYED ASIATIC LAMB . . was $ AQ25 $199.00, now TI"T HAIR SEAL WITH OCELOT $1175 TRIM . . was $189.00, now. . . BLACK CIIEKIANG CARACUL $Q75 PLATE . . was $129.00, now. . . . Third FISHER-DYED OPOSSUM $ 09 50 JACKET . . was $110.00, now.. fOZ WINDSOR SEAL-DYED CONEY $99.00, now $74" SEAL-DYED CONEY . . $- J 25 was $99.00, now t BLACK CARACUL PAW . . $"TJ,25 was $99.00, now " BROWN CARACUL PAW . . $"7l25 was $99.00, now T" Floor ACCESSORIES y4 off BLOUSES ,.. were $2.95 to $6.95, NOW $2.21 to $5.21 SKIRTS were $3.95 to $9.95, NOW $2.95 to $7.46 JACKETS were $6.95 to $22.95, NOW $5.21 to $17.21 SWEATERS were $2.95 to $8.95, NOW $2.21 to $6.71 JUMPERS. were $5.95 to $12.95, NOW $4.46 to $9.71 JEWELRY was $1.00 to $3.95, NOW 75c to $2.96 JERKIN SETS ....were $7.95 to $9.95, NOW $5.95 to $7.46 STREET FLOOR