Friday, January 7, 1944
Preparatory to opening Nebras
. ka's Big Six campaign against
Iowa Mate Saturday night. Coach
Ad Lewandowski has been putting
his small but willing Husker squad
thru final practices this week. The
game should be one of the more
interesting ones of the season after
Nebraska s defeat of South Da
kota before Christmas vacation.
Jowa State is rated by many
couches and sports experts all
over the nation as the probable
Big Six champion. Mr. Lewan
dowski said that the game tomor
row promised a good chance for
Husker fans to see the would-be
champs in action at this second
Hunker home game of the year.
The Husker varsity team has
been slightly revamped since the
last game. According to Lewan
dowski, the starting lineup will be
as follows: Tom Dworak and Al
len Artman at forward; Kenneth
"Buzz" Hollins, center; and War
ren Eisenhart and Douglas Nelson
at guard positions. Hollins, six
foot two center, lead the Huskers
to victory against South Dakota
and to far in the season has had
the most luck at hitting the hoop.
Nebraskan Becomes Eligible.
Doug Nelson has previously
been ineligible because of scholar
shipy requirements, but is in the
clear now. Lewandowski expects
several other squad members to
be eligible again within a week or
so. Bob Tangeman "looks good,
for a guard position, Lewandowsiti
said, but he has been ill for the
past couple of days, consequently
missing practices. Russel L.eger,
Elza Knhlman, Eldon Potter, and
Morris Gaiter have seen a lot of
play this year, and will probably
serve as reserves for this game.
Eldon Potter will play his last
game for Nebraska against Iowa
State. He leaves for the army
within a few days, as docs William
Iowa State drubbed Kansas
State in its initial Big Six game
last week 42 to 33. Forward threat
will be Lloyd Kester, top Cyclone
scorer of the season with 25 points.
Facing Kcr.neth Hollins at center
will be Price Brookfield, six foot
three addition to Coach Menze's
squad. Brookfield is an all Amer
ican from West Texas State, and
he scored ') points against Drake,
the only game in " '':"ui he has
played so far.
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ATOs Retain
Iiitermiiral Lead
With the volleyball tournament
completed before the Christmas
holidays, the fraternity intramural
program swings into basketball
competition early this month un
der the leadership of Joe Kessler,
new intramural director.
Despite their defeat by Sigma
Nu-ZBT in the volleyball finals,
the ATO's retain their lead in the
year-long intramural standings
with a total of 220 points. Sig
Chi's hold second with 165 points
followed by Sig Nu-ZBT with 150.
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