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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1943)
1 DAILY NEBRASfCAN Wednesday, December 8, 1943 J Jul (Daih ThbhaAkan. FOKTY-FOURTH TEAR Subscription Rates are 1.00 Per Semester or $1.50 (or the College Tear. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy. 6 Cents. Entered aa second-class matter at the postoffice In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, Authorized Septettber 30, 1922. ribllihed three times weekly aa Bandar, Wednesday aad Friday daring school yea. Offices Union Building, EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Day 2-718L Night 2-719X Journal 2-3330. Editor Msrlorls Marietta Business Manager Charlotte Hill Army Editor!.. . Tit. William Calkins and Me. William Chlsolra Sports John C. Bentley News fcdllors Jean ttlot(elt), MervtoulM Uoodarla, Chlla Hill. Mary Helen '1 bonis Managing Editors Tat Chamberlin, June Jamlrsou BUSINESS STATF Society Laura Lee Mundll Assiatant Buiinni Manaters Jo Marl.. Bylvia rlernatrin Circulation Manager Bill Ksrff, -:J2S All ideas expressed in the editorial columns of the Nebraskan are those of the editor unless otherwise indicated. They may or may not reflect student opinion. To Contribute? Yes War council voted lo rive $25 to the All University Fund for WSSF and Rags for Servicemen in their meetings last night. Last week AWS was the first organization to give to the drive. This is an important war activity in which all groups can nartieinate with little effort merely by voting )iione from their treasury and it is a campaign in which every grouj possible should take part. WSSF stands for World Student Service Fund. It pro vides money for students in oppressed lands, for our men in concentration camps throughout the world, and very little of the budget is used for administrative costs. WSSF is one of the three organizations allowed in enemy prison camps through a Geneva treaty, and it is because of this privilege that they are able to carry books and encouragement to American prisoners of war. Rags for Servicemen is new, instituted this year by the Daily Xcbraskan and workers from war council. Its success has been tremendous, and enthusiastic letters Jrom soldiers auu sailors prove how welcome it is to those far away from the ranipus. For the first few months the Aehraskan Avas ame 10 . A 11' A 1 A J T.. ... contribute enough money lor its puDiicauon, oiu irom tianusu 1 on it needs other contributions to continue. Sponsoring both of these organizations, AUF is contact ing every student on the campus. Organizations should give from their treasuriesas AWS and war council have already done. Individuals should give too $3, $2, $1, or less what ever and as much as they can. A successful AUF drive will be a credit to the whole campus and to every group and in dividual who can say, "I gave." GEEEEO IL. BY LAURA LEE MUND Hi again Another big week end gone with Christmas Stocking girls and more too, and another one coming up. From the Gamma Phi house comes news of Presi dent Carol Chapman having re ceived the Sig Nu pin of Roy Sides, med student, at the annual formal dinner dance last week end. From the Kappa house, news that Mary Dale Prince and Phi Psi Bin koi ton have been going steady for some weeks now. And from the ATO house news of various people about Bill Edgecomb and Alpha Chi Marj Dillman who have been going to gether - "plenty" since way last Anril in hleh scnooi or tnic Neill's deal of three years stand ing with Omaha's Mary Kaye Fangman of Bob Frary who of late seems to be monopolizing one little dorm gal, Jan Wilson (a nice Xmas stocking bundle, huh. Bob?). Then there's Jim Nicola seen not a little bit witlt Alpha Phi Janice Campbell and of course, the cigai and candy passing of Tom Dvorak and AOPi Pat Bee tem on Monday nite. Brothers Confuse Things. Interesting bits: from the Tri Delt house about Carol Frederick son cutting Thanksgiving vacation short to come back and spend time with Rollie Rogers, cadet . . . one of those deals which might soon be a steady (it says here). And then there's the confusing situa tion (to onlookers, at least) of Mary Miles seen now with AST hnv Chuck Burdette. Phi Delt from Ohio, and then again with a certain fraternity brother of Chuck's, one Ralph Exline. More people around last week- nH were Phvllis Johnson and STAR Ken White, Phi Gam from New York and a mighty happy Alpha Phi Shirley Keith with her fiance RAF Flight Officer How ard Dutton, on leave from Okla homa. . Things it would be fun to know more about: the incident or inci dents which caused both a certain Tri Delt and a certain ATO to refuse to attend an hour dance between houses of same some time ago; why Junior Operator ATO Jerry Jacupke really deserves the title Senior Operator and would have it if it weren't for mere tech nicalities as pledge and active pins; the inside story of a bus driver's ride from Lincoln to Omaha with a solitary passenger, Theta Marj Christensen. Ah life! Diamonds and Stuff Always diamonds, engagements and stuff, as Alpha rm jean is-oie-zar returns from California wear ing a diamond from former vni Gam Jim Lindberg and aa AST Vincent Petrie, of Co. E, ana Jo sephine Guinta, R. N. of Lincoln announce their engagement. Bio ChiO house party Saturday nite at which will be seen Phyllis Holbrook with Beta Paul tsonnen, Pat Williams with Bob Moumaw, Sig Chi, Shirley Stuben with Bob Creutz, Phi Delt, Betty Jean Hatch with Sig Chi Jack Grainger, and lots more too, Examination Schedule Laboratory r?ut nwlliii for several rontlnuoas bo Mrs ea one or two days ahall nMt ..r . . tl-aae. meet., Monday a.d Tae.y ah.ll be .n,lel u, Z&S? ft, boraUry BMetlnc; Wedneeday er Thursday riawa the eeeoad hour ( the .-TT- -T?T . mm the third boar. 7 their laboratory elaeor I nit eiamlaatkme have been erheduled for all seetlnns In the followlnr eaibJret and ! t) Chemistry 1 ana 3; (3) civil Knglneerlng I; (4) duration :t0 and S Km . iti.1 Ma j, i,, nmw wwimKt i aae 4z, si Mai nemaiics ii, is, 3, j Minimi ii (ivi rwjcmotofj i; () ppanwa Bl MS S J, t (II Bneineaa ( Kulloa . . 1. 4. II. li! ai in, , ioi, H: iS) II. If ataH.-nta k.. . m.uj..i . ' . . "aa tllctlng with the abuve specially arranged schedule, arrangements to take earn snrriaJIv rtee4uUl VTl """" nne onoaia wr maae nun in aenanment eoacera ea on er Deront Jiuior 1 1 ir ,.. erhedalrd for mm eiamlnatloa shirk rennets with a specially rbediil rumiHtha la' rnmrm mrmmmi ma4fl lth the rreneh trpartnmit to take aarb eurnioalloa at another time. ' If S:M a.m. 1:M a.m.- Wa4.. KH., mr any ono ar tmm MONDAYi MMAV U. -Tlaoara meetlnc at l:M a.m., flv ar fovr daa, or Moa.. inme , I8:.)0 a.m. to ItMS p.m. lanwa ntrrllas at a.m., Tan., Thar., Sat., or any mp or tw ..f thrw oat. 1:30 p.m. to 4::t0 p.m. ( luturn mertlns at 3:ee p.m.. Tort, and Thar., ar either mr of llt.- d4 J:3U p.m. to 4:110 p.m. Al) SMtkina In Merhanlral Knslnr erlns 1. ::t p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All Mvtlona In Krrarh II and 1:1. t:MI p.m. to 4::l p.m. All arrtion In Spaninh HI and A:. Z::iO p.m. to 4:30. p.m. All nrrtlona in Home Krononilr 41 and 41. Tl'KHDA V, 4AM AM tt. Ia-ur nwrllnj at 1:00 p. m.. Turn, and Thuri., er eitlh-r one ot IIm-mi daa V f Ive or four dn , or M.i 'rl. tri. any to -I m) eat ar two of 1:00 a.m. lo 10:00 a.m. 10::U a.m. to IZ:30 p.m. 4 lauu- mrrtlns at Ihfw day. . 2:30 p.m. to 4::ut p.m. UaM-i mertlas at S: p.m., five or four da, or Mmi Hd thenr data. t::ii p.m. to 4:.H0 p.m. All mvIIon l Matht-matlca l, 12, 13, tl, tt, 41, 101, 10:1, 104. WKIIAV, JAM ANY M. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 luii, mretlns at t:Ofl p.m., five or four ria, ar M.m., Wed., tri., ar any awe or two ol 10:S0 a.m. to l::ui p.m. 4 'taiar nm Har" at S:O0 a.m. Tun.., Thur., Hat., or any one or Iwn of lhn.e day 10::i0 a.m. to Iti.iO p.m. All M-rtlm In Civil tjtslnenn( 1. 1 ::i0 p.m. to l:SO p.m. Clanxni Hireling at 4:00 p.m., luii. and Thurs., or Hlhi-r ,,nr of lhr-e dan p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All Mrtlon In Builm- OraanUiitliin 3 and 4. Z::0 p.m. to 4::0 p.m. All arrllomi In I hrmMry I and 3. ' 2:. Ml p.m. lo 4::i0 p.m. All arrtiomi In Munition SO and S.I. , " t:3 p.m. lo 4:30 p.m. All rrtloni In Pnyrhology 10. TIHRSIIAV, JA.M ARV VI. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. lar mrrllnt at 8:00 a.m., five or fi.ur lay, or Mon., Wod.. rl.. ar any one f iwv of thrfte day. 14:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. these day. 4:30 p.m. l laahm merlins ' law nillnx at 4:00 p.m., live or four data, or Mam., Mrd., I'ri.. or any one oae or two l :00 p.m., flv e or four daya, or Moa., Wed., Frl., ar any one ar two of f'ri., or any owe or lw M M.r dar. 2:3(1 p.m. to thrne days. 2:30 p.m. lo 4:30 p.m. Claaaei inrrtins a4 5:00 p. ni five or four da, er Mum., M -d thrae days. t:30 p.m. lo 4:S P.m. Claanra meetins at 4:00 p.m., Ta ra. ana Thnra., er rtlher owe of FRIDAY, J AM'ARY 18. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. I laaaea mrelinK at H:00 a.m., Tuea., Thnra., Hat., er any aae or two of thrae daya 0:30 a.m. to lt:3 p.m. ( laawa merlins at 2:00 p.m., Til ra. and Thura., or ellher oae of Iheoe daya. t:30 p.m. lo 4:S0 p.m. ChMaes mrelins al 1:00 p.m., Mon., Wed., Frl., nr any one or Ino of tht-e da. t:30 p.m. to 4:0 p.m. 4 lasaea meellns at 1:00 p.m., Tu ra. and Thnra., or either one at ttt-e dat a. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All aertton In Knl(h I, t, 3, 4, II, 27. "ATl RIIAY, JAM ARY 28. 8:00 a.m. ta 1S:W a.m. Claaara meelins at 8:00 a.m., live or fmir daya, er Ma thrae day. 10:.-MJ a.m. to lt:S0 p.m. (laaaea merlins at 10:00 .m., Tuea., Thar., Mat., or juiy one or two of the dava. Wed., Frl., er any one or two l Dr. Miller Talks To Marriage Group Meeting At the last fall meeting of the YWCA marriage series, Dr. Ar thur L. Miller, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will address the student body. The meeting will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in room 315 of the union. "The Marriage Ceremony" is the title of Dr. Miller's talk. He will interpret the meaning of the marriage service, and show how the entire social structure depends on the home and fine marital re lations. Betty Bonebright, head of the personal relations staff of the YWCA, is the director of the se ries. There will be another mar riage series next spring, and stu dents are urged to attend. , Messiah (Continued from page 1.) Air Tenor--Kvcry valley ahall be es alted. Chorus And the glory of the Lord. Kevltallve Baritone Thus aulil the Lord Air Bailtone But who m;iy abide. Chorus- O Thou that tellest ood tldinea. Recitative -Baritone For behold, dark ness. Chorus For unto us a child is born. Organ Pastoral Symphony. Keclttttives Soprano There were shep herds. Chorus Glork to Cod In the highest. Air Soprano Rejoice K really, O daugh ter of Zlon. Recitative Alto-Then shall the eves 01 the blind. Air Alto He shall leed His flock. Air Soprano Come unto Him. Chorus Behold the Lamb of God. Air Alto- He was despised. Chorus Surely He hath borne our griefs. Chorus All we like sheep have Kone astray. Receptive Tenor Thy rebuke hath brok en His heart. Air Tenor Behold and see. Chorus Lift up your heads. Air Baritone Why do the nations rage. Chorus Since by man tame death. Air Soprano I know that my Redeemer llveth. Chorus Hallelujah. around Saturday nite, drop in at Theta Toyland for much Tun. Lonesome Lieutenants. Friday nite saw a few people such as a group of lieutenants in the grill looking very lonesome and then again just looking . . . Tri Delt Betty Williams with Ma rine Bill Srawford and Rosemary Phillips, ChiO, with Jim Abdnor, Sigma Chi. Afterthoughts be good, all, and study hard for finals now that six weeks exams have been nicely 'fluffed off." Bye And while you're Experienced Cashiers At Attention, SAE's! All members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, whether affiliated with the local or other chapters, are invited to attend initiation and lunch Sunday afternoon at the Cornhusker hotel. Those wishing to attend should meet at 4:30 p. m. In the hotel dining room. Phi Upsilon a . . (Continued from page 1.) son, Peggy Larson, Evelyn John ston, Yuriko Maruyama, Gladys BULLETIN IM I KHIII SK COI NCIL. InterJioune iMiunell will meet tomorrow a J p. in. In mom .Hit) of the I nlon. HIDING CI.VH. Rud Hhreve will tpenli lo the aenber of the Kidins ( Ink Tlmraday evening al 7 o'rlork In (Irani Memorial hall. Hi knoulrdsr and experlenre with horar ahould proe very Inlrrritlns lo aH the sirl. Bowman. Margaret Ruth Heini, Marian Rivett, Marjorie Claney, and Margie Ruth Pollard. Rowan Elliss of the department of home making education of teacher's col lege is the new honorary member. President Geraldine Henderson and chaplin Dorothy Anderson were in charge of the Sunday morning initiation. Miss Margaret Liston ia faculty advisor for the group. Francis Ellsworth's Band Ploying of- the Student Unicn 9 to 12, Friday, December 10 40o Per Person Union-Army Eddie Garner's Band . 9 to 12, Sot.f Dec. 11 Uni. Coliseum Bring a Date or Come Alone STATIONERY The Morale Suilder The nicest, mo t practical, DeLuxe Gift available for 1943 Christrr.-a presents. Plenty for Everybody Christmas Cards We are carry ins; the largest selection ever. Boxed t." sortments. Family Spe cials. Humorous and Biblical, le up to $1. Plenty for Everybody GcfdesrcdSUtisntry Store 215 North 14 Open to t P.M. Lincoln Symphony ' Orchestra tlrnri Penxin, Conttiirtttr With Angel Reyes Crlrhrati'd Cuban ViiAini! Thurs., Dec. 9th 8:15 P. M. St. Paul Church Admission by Season Ticket Why Hunt Further . . . for ii jootl plave 4o send your clothes! Quality clciiniuir hikI laundering is our siifcijili v 333 No. 12ih STUDENT UNION See Union Main Office