The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    WeHnesHaY, November 24, 1943
It would seem there needs be. braska. Any Tuesday or Thurt
& little "Mopping Up" (my moat day will be convenient with us
profuse apologies to the Army
page) done in the Intramural de
partment Or at least, a couple
of letters I have received, lead
me to believe. I am all for this
sort of thing, and am passing on
to you the "billet-doux" as It
John C. Bentley,
Daily Nebraskan.
Following is an excerpt of a let
ter we have sent the ATO's:
Inasmuch as there has been
no barb intramural football
league this year, we, the mem
bers of the Cornhusker Co-op,
grid champs of 1942, have taken
it upon ourselves to challenge
your right to assume the title
of intrammural football cham
pions of the University of Ne-
Will you kindly publish the
above as an open letter? Thank
Very truly yours,
Cornhusker Co-op.
This is the sort of thing that
should try to be avoided, and I
hope will in the future. The barbs,
who feel that they were cold
shouldered by the intramural
sports department during the foot
ball season, should have every op
portunity to meet and play the
fraternities. Otherwise, no cham
pionship team can be picked from
the campus, as the tournament
would not be - representative of
the student body. I am not say
ing that I believe any subversive
attempt was made to exclude the
barbs from the playoffs, because
UN 'Bottlenecks'
Block Production
For Cornhusker
There are saboteurs at work
on the campus! "Bottlenecks" in
the Cornhusker industry are at
work again and production is be
ing seriously hampered by the
neglect of dorm students to have
their pictures taken.
Wednesday of next week is posi
tively the dead-line for those peo
ple who's names are listed below
to have their pictures taken.
Armour, Marv
Batchelder. Edith
Bennett. Ruth '
Rlanahein. Dolorea
Brtcker, Eleanor
Oarroher, Joan
Chtlquiat. Victoria
Cohn, Elaine
Davles, Shirley
Dunham, Delorea
Kliia, Msjorie
Fowler. Jeanne
Gee, Thelma
Goldman, Lillian
Green, Vera
Grimes. Jo Ann
Holler. Myrlee
Jeffery, 4 Jean
Kepler, Claire
Kast, Carol Jean
l.ynn, Virginia
McCarville, Betty
Maffitt, Norma
Meyer, June
Mundil, Laura Lee
Peck, Alice
Peteryon. Roene
Price, Dolorea
Reed, Alaska
Ros, Kathryn
Schleifert, Minerva
Smith, Bonnie Loin
Cinder Squad
Preps Season
While the Nebraska track squad
will not be as outstanding this
year as it has been in previous
years, Coach Ed Weir states, "We
still will be on an equal par with
other universities feeling the ef
fect of the war."
Although just four men have
been reporting regularly for prac
tice other reportees are expected
to report with the conclusion of
the football season. Those report
ing for the squad are: Kratz, 440
and 880; Barker, hurdles; Diet
rich, mile, and Veon, distances.
Leading the list of expectant re
portees are state shot put champ
"Buzz" Hollins and Rex Mitchell,
half miler.
The majority of the time spent
in the first few practices has been
spent on conditioning. During the
"springish" weather of the past
few days practice has been held
the intramural sports group did
a fine job, with this one excep
tion, under the difficulties they
had to face. I would sure like to
see the barbs get' in these next
rounds, and help fire up the com
petition, though.
Plans seem to be afoot to do
just this,' however, and I quote
a bit from another letter received
from the barbs.
"Moves to avoid a similar oc
currence in the future (mean
ing the discussion above) have
been made. Representatives of
the Cornhusker, Brown Palace,
and Pioneer co-ops met at the
Brown Palace last Thursday
and resolved to approach the in
tramural heads with a petition
to retain the barb basketball
league, or else combine it with
the Greek circuit. Several free-
Sooners Cop Big Six
AsTigers (Drop Upset
Due to Kansas' astounding upset
of the Missouri Tigers last Satur
day, the University of Oklahoma
Sooners are the undisputed cham
pions of the Big Six, regardless of
whether they win, lose, or draw
with the Nebraska Huskers this
coming Saturday.
Coach Dewey "Snorter Luster's
band of Sooners are rated to take
the coming fray hands down, but
since the defeat of the Tigers by
not only the Oklahomans, but by
the Jayhawkers of Kansas, it is
plain that anything is liable to
happen in the Big Six league. The
only change that could result from
the game coming out and upset
would be to put Ad Levvandowski's
boys up into second place, to tie
with the Bengals and the Iowa
lance teams are expected to join
the co-ops.
A motiton that a co-op All Star
quintet issue a challenge to a
fraternity All Star team through
the Nebraska, was also made at
the meeting.
All of the co-op houses had
grid teams this year, but found
very little competition due to the
fact that there was no organized
Well, there you have it. The
barbs made the challenge, and
present a plea, just what is going
to be done about it, I don't know,
but I am sure that we all wiil
be interested in the outcome. ,
State Cyclones, who pulled them
selves a rung up the ladder last
week with a 48 to 0 trouncing of
the Kansas State outfit that holds
an undisputed cellar rating.
The Sooners weren't the only
ones to clinch titles or grab a first
place spot in the nation's grid brit
tle: while the Tigers of Missouri
were being outplayed by the Jay
hawks, the Irish were finding their
hands plenty full in ekeing out a
mighty slim victory over the Iowa
Seahavvks 14 to 13.
This win brought the mighty
clamors of Irish invincibility down
about a half tone, but put the Irish
as the number one team of the na
tion. While the game brought
down the Notre Dame rating, it
hike! the Seahawk flag. Other
teams that found themselves
upped or lowered by this last
week's tilts were. Michigan, Colo
rado college. Duke. Purdue, who
was enjoying their best season for
some time, was moved down from
third to fourth place wor a swap
with Michigan due to their having
just skimmed by a rough one with
the Hoosiers of Indiana 7 to 0. This
last game came out an upset, even
tho the Boilermakers won, as the
Hoosiers were rated clear down
the list, and were picked to be
absolutely swamped by the Pur
due powerhouse. However, the
Boilermakers still hold a first
place rung on the Big Ten ladder
over Michigan.
Hall, Mary Virginia Stone. Maxine
Hansen, Margaret Thomaa, Elinor
Hayea, Kathleen Tucker, Joyce
lierndon, Jonn Watson, Kathryn
The Union Corn Crib
Will Be Closed Thanksgiving Day
Will Reopen 11 A. M.f Friday
No Social Dancing Classes
Back on the Beam This Friday
Sat., Nov. 27
9 to 12
Union Ballroom
40c Per Person
i . t
2 o'Clock
General Admission $1.75 Ted. Tax Included
Entire Stadium Open to General Admission
University Coliseum and
Latsch Brothers, 1124 O St.
Knot Hole
Aim. 25
Aim. 5
Select and Sent! GIFTS notr!
tiff : (i
Fir?! on the Hit Parade, too! . . . heeau-e
the!e rayon crepe 'p. j.V are designed
for freedom and easy fit.' They're
tailored-cut, in jray print and plain
colors. Sizes 32 to 10.
2.95 to 5.5)5
.Millrr'i Lingerie Third Flaar
(PiLlER PAfflE