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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1943)
DAILY Announces Betrothal . . . iwnwrt" 1 ! ,i y.. s ' fV : I' . ! From Lincoln Journal. The engagement and approaching marriage of Kay Hanley of Omaha to Robert Gillaspie of Lincoln and Fort Benning, Ga., has been announced by Miss Hanley's parents. Both are graduates of the university. Miss Hanley was a member of Alpha Omicron PI and Officer Candidate Gillaspie was affiliated with Phi Delta Theta. Leotards Solve Winter FuelRationingProblem La de da 'tis autumn! And the logical conclusion follows soon it will be winter. That, of course, brings up the question of how are we going to keep warm what with fuel rationing and all. Since the faculty isn't too keen on slacks for campus wear, we have another suggestion. How about leotards? Surely you've heard of them, They've caused more comment ' than the recent campus election. They fit like a second skin, and they look like -well, that's a matter of opinion. Types of Leotards. There are two types of leotards short or long. They resemble the tights worn by trapeze per formers. They have long sleeves and a variety of necklines. Har per's Bazaar suggests a one piece jumper to wear over them, while Mademoiselle favors 4 short, gath- Carey Woofter, registrar at Clenville State college, West Vir ginia, has on display in his room a collection of more than 285 ar rowheads, spearheads and toma hawks found along an old Indian trail in Calhoun and Gilmer coun ties. ered skirt (don't ask us where they found one). Leotards come in solid colors or in striped jersey. If you're a conservative radical, a short, plain leotard with a full skirt would be just what you're looking for. How ever, if you prefer the weirci effect try a long striped wool jersey leotard topped by a one piece jumper. It gives the wearer a tiger look. Well, They're Sensational. If you're the kind of girl who loves to create a sensation, we promise you this is the thing. One word of warning you've got to have a sense of humor, the courage of a lion, and an agree able disposition to be happy wear ing a leotard. Some people mean what they say about your clothes. Well, anyway, they're warm! WACs Want College Women ToFillPositions Women's Army Corps Is send ing out a call for college women to fill many of the jobs in the 155 specialized fields now taken over by the WAC, according to Lt. Mary L. Law, officer in charge of the WAC recruiting station in this city. Women with college educations are needed to perform such jobs a9 laboratory technicians, medical technicians, foreign language in terpreter, geodetic computer, draftsman, meteorologist, statisti cian, and dietitian. College women are eligible for commissions in personnel, public relations and other responsible ad ministrative offices requiring more than high school educations. Library Displays War Publications In Main Showcase An exhibit of war publications which the library is receiving now is being displayed in the main floor showcase. Among the publi cations is material from the exiled governments of Luxembourg, the Ntherlands, Poland, Norway and France. Weds in December . . . i. From Lincoln Journal The wedding of Anne McLaughlinn to Officer Cadidate Charles McNerney Hauptman of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Fort Benning, Ga. will be an event of early December. Miss McLaughlin, a graduate of the university is a member of Kanna Karma Gamma. Officer Candidate Hauptman is also a Ne braska graduate and is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. Eat Your Sunday Chicken. Dinner at 1131 R (jay -J4oliday (Collection on 3rd Floor CP Wint While & PadJ H)reMei 7.95 to! 0.95 Frosty whites with yarn and sequin trim ice cream pastels all clev erly styled for "dress up" wear. Sizes 10 to 169 to 15 t-tm-SL m mm K ' ' urn To keep you worm or vary your costumes! Bunny Mitts 2 95 Net enly wirra. bat flsraereai as well! Lexarioaily toft while "Bunny" far barks, eelorfal leather palms, er all benny mitt. Colorful Anklets 29c rer children and mluet...lar school ant parte wear. Novelty er plain weaves with reinforce feet. Site le 11. Fine Lisle Hosiery 1.65 Very tine qaellty far fashioned beta that are warm and datable, yet iheer and altrac tire. Bleea sli to lO'.i. Head Scarfs 1.00 Bqaeres la white. Battel ebadet er plaids. Fascinator In white and pastels. Drape for beaaly, and fer warmth teel Large Printed Kerchiefs .35c Dainty nosersys af eelor aa fine while er paitel froandi, nuke theie kerehlele add charm te any eeitamel COLD'S . . . Street Fleer. Indian Made Jewelry Designed af eela silver and Sterling, by eaperl Indian craftsmen. Many with rich tarqaelea alonei. Bracelets MO to 10.34 Hints 1.01 to S.9S Earrings 1.04 to 3.00 all pricee plai lax GOLD'S . . . Street Floor. Cigarette Cases 1.00 Lightweight plaitie . . . "Vaedrx" easee that hold an entire pack. All while and crystal with blaa er red combinations. t Fabric Handbags 2.95 (Net exactly at Illustrated) Felt and rayen faille bate la envelope and wood frame etirlee. la black, brawn, navy, red and Kelly. GOLD'S ... Street Floor TV "hv I fW3 1 rrr0 Z2m( 7M rWmWmmmmmmmmmlmimimmmMmmWqmmmml J efcelnaaB"- Sketched from stock MB 1 iainM-LXaaanW-T--nl aktMmWmmmWMMWmWMlmmWmMWmmmt 1 t 1 J i i 1 i I 1 i I