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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1943)
Sunday, Octob'er 31, 1943 SSdl5ers T Elecfc Moss ASTtP if 3.94 5) DAILY NEBRASKAN Present Queen At Nov. 20 Dance How do you like your beauty, guys? Well, you're going to have a chance to pick your favorite Ne braska coed when you vote for Miss ASTP of 1943. Present plans call for the presentation of your queen at the Union's coliseum dance on Nov. 20, with all the sur roundings of pomp and glamor be fitting the Queen of Nebraska's ASTP. This beauty contest, sponsored by the editors of the Daily Ne braskan Army News, will get un der way next week with the se lection of candidates by the sorori ties and unaffiliated organiza tions. Letters have already been sent out asking each house to put up one representative as their can didate by next Wednesday, Nov. 3. Any registered woman student, including freshmen women, is elig ible for the title. From a proposed total of 22 nominees a board of military judges will select five finalists. The Daily Nebraskan will publish the finalists' pictures and the members of all AST units on campus will vote for their Miss ASTP of 1943. The date of the queen's election has been tenta tively set for Nov. 17, but the name of the winner will not be released until she is presented at the coliseum dance that Saturday night. NO COMMENT. No comment on this item: The staff dietician at Auburn recent ly invited 400 coeds to sample a meal in the schools ASTP mess hall. The lucky girls were chosen by lot from the 1900 at the school. Army News Monduras Column Is Missing; Jake Reported Absent Too It is with real regret that we announce that Jake Monduras' column will not appear in today's issue of the Nebraskan. We had planned for the inau guration of his column in this issue but due to a long series of rather hectic events, we can't even find Pfc. Monduras, much less his cftlumn. The whole thing started yester day at noon. Over a hundred and fifty men were uneasily awaiting the inspecting officer when like a flash of lightning, past went Pfc. Monduras, on his way to the latrfne. He'd been so busy shining his shoes and polishing his belt buckle, that he'd forgotten to shave. Naturally, being Monduras, the officer arrived before Jake had a chance to return. We were about half through in spection when the sound of heavy feet was heard rushing up the steps. We all silently prayed for our boy Jake as he stood at the head of the stairs, shirtless, his towel slung over his shoulder and his shaving equipment in his hand. The officer turned and stared. Jake stared. Jake turned around and ran down even faster than he had come up. "What the h - was that?" "Well, there's one way I can find out who that was. Everybody stand next to his bed. The empty bed is that fellow's whoever he was." Our hearts grew heavy at the thought of the dire consequences which were now sure to befall our soldier's soldier. "He must be down in this cor ner somewhere. He isn't anywhere in the rest of the room." The search went on and we tried not to pay attention so that we would miss that awful mo ment when the officer would chortle, "Oho, so that bird's name is 'Monduras.' Wait until I see Monduras!" But the next words we heard were, "Well, I'll be ... I guess that guy didn't belong up here after all." He left and we all huddled around, wondering what had hap pened. Then somebody asked. "Say, where does Monduras sleep anyway?" "Over there, in that corner bed." "No, he doesn't. I sleep there and he doesn't sleep anywhere near there. I thought he slept over there. "Uh, uh he doesn't sleep here." To make a long story short, we couldn't find out where Jake slept. Puzzled, we went to chow. That is the last we saw of Monduras. We suspect that he made straight for the Cornhusker, shirtless and all, for some brew. So, if any of you saw a very good-looking sol dier last night, without a shirt, we wish you'd tell us. VYlwddlhxq. JJviouqlv Willi Gerry Larson (This column is supposed to be humorous and Is not intended to re-kindle any dying embers.) The publicity which John C. Bentley recently received brought his column to my attention and I began reading it with avid inter est Not, to be perfectly frank, because "Jawn" is another Frank lin P. Adams, but simply for the reason that Bentley has such a Joyous philosophy of life. In all due respect I hereby submit for your approval a column as I sup pose J.C.B. would write it BAH! by "JCB" Today I will discuss people. People are human beings who walk about the earth sticking their noses into something that doesn't concern them. They all have two feet, two arms, and look disgustingly alike. People are a mess. I hate people. Every time I see a person I feel like vomit ing. I can t even look in the mir ror! I have hated people for a long time, ever since they began hat ing me, as a matter of fact. I was always sensitive and as soon as I was able to discern and under stand people I disliked them. To break the monotony I used to go to the zoo and stand for hours looking at the- faces of my rela tives! I'll never forget there was one little chimpanzee at the zoo that got a crush on me. What a thrill I got spitting in her eye. People claim I am a sadist, but this is not true. I'll admit, I get a kick out of giving hotfoots with acetylene torches, and the biggest thrill of all is watching soldier boys run obstacle courses. But I do not have a sadistic trait in me. (The death of my great Aunt Fanny was purely accidental and the police haven't got a thing on me!) My favorite hero is Scrooge, and my favorite heroine is Frank enstein's wife. Dracula and I have a lot in common and I have in vited the Wolfman to dinner soma night I am perfectly happy in my little den and the spiders don't bother me at all, (though the bats get in my belfry I mean hair, sometimes). And since I am contented with my life, you can live your petty little existence with friends and companions, while I I will be having a whale of a time shouting, "BOO," at lit tle children. FRANK KUCERA YOUR CAMPUS BARBER 14th and S . H Block East of Library Vi Ju& wN& r Qff! I -i " Vjevu J4oliday dolteclioYi JInnmiSaDir BDiress darlye JPaut Sacli5 Kay dottier Judy & Jiff 12.95 to 22.95 Here are dresses imbued with the true holi day Spirit, for they're filled with, gayety, splashed with color, styled to bring a quick ened pulse beat to your favorite partner. See this glorious collection NOW. Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 18. SKETCHED: Rumba Dress. A Cmrly Original ci3aM in chatusa mmd free. Black and tvhUe, 2935. m MM IN 11