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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1943)
DAILY, NEBR ASK AN Sunday, October 31, 1943 FORTY-FOURTH YEAR Subscription Rntcs are $1.00 Ter Semester or $1.50 for the College Yenr. ?2.!i0 Maih-d. .Single copy, 6 Cents. Kntcrcd as scoond-cliiNs miittpr at the poNioliico in Lincoln. NchriiHku, under Act of Congress Murch 3 1879 ami nt Fpcriul rule of postage provided fur In Section 1103. Act of October 3. 1917. Authorized September 30, 1922. I'ubllnlied three tlinva weekly on Snnclny, Wrdnf-nday and Friday during irhool year. Office Union Building. Day-2-7181. Night-2-7193. Journal-2-3330. Editor Marlorle Marietta Businem Manaaer Charlotte Hill r DITORIAI. DKPAHTJIKM' MnnaKlnn Kdltor Ial Chumbrrlln, Jim JamlMMtn brwn Keillors Jmn (ilotfrlty, Marylmiiw (ioodwln, (ihlta Hill, Mary Helen Thorn All ideas expressed in the editorial columns of the Nebraskan are those of the editor unless otherwise indicated. They may or may not reflect student opinion. Activities, Here Come The Coed Freshmen Now that, llio six weeks period of "probation" to see liow studios come out --is over, I'roslinien can sprout llieir wings and ct into activities. For the first part of llieir scliool semester tliey bad 1o take care not to net any down slips. They bad to got used to the constant demands of university scholastic life, to discover a schedule of studying that will meet their needs. Now that Ihey have supposedly accomplished this, they are ready to de cide how many hours (hoy can pul into extracurricular activ ities, and which activities to get into. rppercbissmen are glad that the frosh can begin Ibis pari of school life, and they're watching to see that every talent is used, and that the new coeds get started out on llio righf foot. Activities are a lot of fun. and they're of great important-tin helping a freshman round out her personality, in presenting opportunities for her to ineel .coeds outside of her own house or group. So freshmen -its vour world now! Spirit . . . (Continued from page 1.) ma) favorite prank was to switch stop signs (preferably to her house) and to put "s" in front of "No (S (parking" signs. Modest? Two Sig, Bob Alig and Austin Burch, put houses - the kind with half moons above their doors on wagons and would watch them roll down through main street. Jean Wockner (Alpha Xi Del ta) just loved to go through haunted houses - particularly the kind with banging shutters, creak ing floors, howling chimneys, floating white - draped figures, Mood curdling screams, and other B'ich weird and terrifying noises. New Mixture I have seen people very mad when they stamp out a fire and find themselves stuck in molasses which was hidden under cinders. See Norm Locke for the recipe. Of course, I could never forget when Rex Stotts took a farmer's tractor and plowed the Main Street of Cody. Little did he know it would rain! Was He Cold? I vividly remember the red flannels tied to a flag pole, and I often wondered if they belonged to Dick Bell (Beta). Ruth Sargent (Alpha Chi) used to wear herself out cleaning win dowsshe had heard the old adage, "Soap cleans anything." Noisy Rosie Willow, Gamma Phi, used to let swallows or sparrows in rrepti doors and ring the doorbell. That is one way to get a feather in your hat. Walter Quilter, Sigma Nu, used to have the habit of putting flan nels on some old maid's clothes line. Victory Garden Kappa's Shirley Stocker was invariably helping needy families by throwing vegetables on their porches. P. S. The voice you've just heard was the spirit of Halloween. Last Names Beginning . With O, P, Q and R Have Pictures Taken for '44 Cornhuskcr Nov. 1 to 6 Bird 1 . . . (Continued from page 1.) and Mazda lamp, in which a live canary is shot into a burning light bulb; and the act in which Birch walks thru a sheet of solid steel. Mabel Sperry Heading the Birch staff of as sisting artists is Mabel Sperry, Mrs. Birch, whom critics say is the world's greatest xylophone soloist. Besides her own solo parts in the program, Miss Sperry is sliced into several parts by the magician, only to appear again as whole as ever. The current tour is Birch's 20th annual one, and statistically it has four people, several tons of equip ment, a live pony, special scenery and an hour and a half or more of mysteries. Admission is free to this show upon presentation of identifica tion cards by civilians and mem bership cards by military trainees. Boucher . . . (Continued from page 1.) consideration of post war plans has been given to the standing senate committee on instructional policies and practices. This com mittee will probably set up sub committees to study the problems of readjustment of curriculum for returning soldiers and sailors and a re-study of past practices in the light of what will be needed in the changing post war era. FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by Judge Frederick C. Hill, C.S.B., of Los Angeles, California Monday Evening November 1 at 7:00 o'clock Room 315 in Student Union Students and faculty of the University and their friends cordially invited Sponsored by the Christian Science Organization at the University You Asked for It-Here It Is BY LAUiy LEE M UN OIL, Another week gone by with things like elections and then again the ordinary run. Once again navy men have been very much in evidence ATOs George Hupp back from Ohio, and Jim Can-? from Doane on his way to Columbia in which vicinity there are personal Interests of his; Phi Gam Tom Hayes from Colorado seen around with former Alpha Chi Jane Jordan; Howie Debus who in some way or other in flenced Pi Phi beauty J. M. Smith into not looking at a book all weekend; Benny Kohout, Phi Delt doing the town. Last weekend at the Delta Gamma house saw Ralph Malott Phi Psi, now of the army, leaving his pin with the anchor of Pauline Van Horn. And Monday nite tasted of sweets and cigars at the Pi Thi s and Cigma Chi's when Shirley Johnson and Ed Faytinger of respective houses passed same. What I would call a stable ro mance since high school days. Why? Things I wonder about: Why Phi Gam Max Mertz is not seen more (is there a secret love of his life) - the deal between Pi Phi Doris Ann Stauder and Kappa Sig Low Lehr -whether all the time SAMMIE "Goodie" Steinberg spends in Charlotte Hill's office is for purely business reasons. What with the Alpha Phis fre quenting the Rag office we run into such combinations as Sallye Sears and Lew Davies, ASTP at the dance Friday nite also Mary Sinclair seen around much with Bill Maurice of Ohio. The Kappas always travel in pairs -even to the hospital, where we find Jeannie Brown and Katie Wells and their appendectomies. Best wishes, you two, for a speedy recovery and we'll take care of the campus till you get back. Also at the KKG's we find Jeannie Guenzel dating old steady Beta Johnny Safford. Will this be a renewal? We hear around that Anna Atkinson, Chi O and Boyd Ilecht, AGR, are going steady, and Estelle Lcnnemann from the same house trucked over to Ames this weekend to see pin mate Ed Hef ferman, Sigma Nu, an ASTP there. Sparklers. And what could be mdre newsy than the trip of Alpha Phi Jo Kinsey to Colorado this weekend to see Bud Freeman, Phi Psi. Still over at the Alpha Phis we see Dec Morton wearing a sparkler from Emerson Jones, Sig Chi,"T-e-ceived on her birthday this month also Polly Petty wearing same from Sig Chi Art Mason, Ensign in the navy. From the Tri Delt house, we hear that Franchon Jones and Hank Anderson, Sigma Nu, have quite definitely called it quits. But Franchon seems to have found a new interest in the person of George Bosnia, dent student. Sig Alpha Nat Kline, now a Phi Rho in med school, is quite regularly taking up the weekends of Janet Krause, D. G. He 11 be here again this weekend. Joy Laune, Gamma Phi Beta, has a house guest at her home in Ashland this week end, no one but Steve Cole, ATO. Dofch Douglas, Kappa, was the lucky gal attending the Beta party last week with President John Anderson. More diamonds to DG Carol Robinson from Doug Maclane and to AOPi Helen Dietrich from Wally French who speeded up from K. C. to U. N. with the little token. Presents and Poetry. Back at the Tri Delts: Jack Miles, marine corps man from Pur due visiting Edith Redmond; Carol Fredrickson and Janey Stroud dating air cadets Rollie Rogers and Jerry Kaplow. And speaking of the air corps, Chi O Betty Ruth Dunlap received one of those luscious scarves from Sig Alph Bill Hewitt at Maxwell Field, Ala bama. With it was this bit of poetry or what have you: Rose are rd Violets are blue I wish you would wear this Because I love You! We could always dissertate on enduring classic A style that keeps on being a favorite . . . this frock pic tured displays new softness with the shirred shoulder detail. The gored skirt with pressed detail lends extra fullness for comfortable wear. Red, green, gold or black. Sizes 12 to 20. 7.85 l ' f .' f v ill the two tvnes of enenepd vm-. widows, the faithful and then the not so faithful. My personal con gratulations to Alpha Phi Ginnio McCulla, my ideal. She actually keeps her dates Platonic. So long, til next time. Stationery j" For ASTU Students. Just received. Military Accessories. Slide Rules, 25c each, Fountain Pens. Always Welcome CO-OP 1229 R I6efy the Weather! U U willi removable lining! Of needletone fabric, an in teresting all wool material, with pattern resembling needlepoint. Button-in cha mois lining, with knitted cuffs. In natural, sizes 12 to 20. Meet the College Gang, Young Toiener Shop, Fourth Floor no J ."1 U 'vl v J TIT