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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1943)
Sunday, Octob'er 17, 1943 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Army News WANTED : REPORTERS For a better coverage of army news, more G. I. report ers are needed. An interest in Journalism and pretty coeds, and a few minutes, of work each week are all that is re quired. Men from the Engi neers, Dents, and A & L in the Library and also from the Field House are welcome. Drop in at the Daily Nebraskan office any time during the week for details. nemammmmm 63? AST Cadet Officers Appointed in Love The first exouo of AST Cadet Officers for the fall term have been appointed In the Second Bat talion stationed in Love Library. They will serve an as yet unde cided length of time, The newiy- appomted officers are as rouows: 1 i, 1 1 a 1 1 nn r?nmnlAnr1lr 1. 1 r. tf&Ker Battalion Executive Officer C. Q. Col vlg; Bn. Police Officer E. J, .lessen. pAmn.Hv a rnmmnv Pnmmander C W. Dyer; Exec. Offiicer C. 8. Myers; 1st SKt. D. C. Hornibrook; Platoon lead ers w. J. wirson, w. n. ourra, . Ruther, E. w. urcnuer, u. u. w. Platoon SKts L. A. Brannan, jv. n. EX.I.I.U. U U7 Imnann R M ThOIIlftS. E. L. Lampshlre; Platoon uuiaes j. m Willklnson, W. M. urannau, oenny r shal, K. E. wnittaKer, w. w. num. ....... n PnmnQtiu Pnmmnndpr J.T vi.iiMii.j " i" j - ci.i.k.. . nrriir T. H Hanson: 1st Sergeant T. M. Callahan; Platoon Leaders A. is. wigness, n.. T. W. Tway, E. T. Murray, T. J. Col lins; Platoon sergeants n. . jvihi-hci, xm w n n i.nttroll. J. B. Ken nedy, ' Edward Parry; Platoon ' Guides Guides J. J. Bievins, J. r. nnumtni, O. T. Uthus, T. E. Nelson, i o. uun iva nf f irr Raymond Vas- qucz; Tact, ana ronce umcer n. d. wall; 1st Sergeant W. K. jrarmeuurr, Platan Leaders Winfred Anders, Harold Ti;nirAM n w ra r, M jonnson: Platoon SerpenntJ Ainen Bum em, x. - Hansen, G. vanatta, u. w. winy, 8 ' 'I ' Wings Ahead! BY MISTER C. J. WILLS. Tweet-Tweet! ! ! There's that doggone whistle again. Doesn't this army ever give a fellow any time ? Hit that door on the double! Get that hat on straight, and get out of here. You don't walk around here. Mister. You're supposed to be at attention keep those eyes on a poinWwipe off that smile!!! What's funnv? This is serious business, misters. How much time did von snend on those shoes Well, snend thirty more minutes tonight. When did you shine that buckle last? Did you ever hear of the "West Point Pleat?" Look sharp be proud! Fix that hat! Stick out that chest more! more more yet!! Pop some buttons. Knock me down. How old ' are you? Get that many wrinkles in your chin! Hit a brace! Hands along the seam of your trousers. Freeze!!! Don't move a muscle! You're an aviation student now. You asked for this! Sound off, mister! Don't bend that elbow. Swing your arms from the shoulder. You're on your honor turn vourself in for a gig. The day wouldn't start off just right if at least half of these familiar phrases weren't uttered by some person of higher ranK. Leaders to the Fore . . . With the passing of the first few days of the Area and Lan guage program the darkness that enveloped the minds of many sol diers concernning this course of study has been dispersed. They have been told as well as is pos sible, under present circumstances vhat thpir role will be in the post war world. Among other things it is to be a job or helping io re habilitate and reconstruct war- torn Germany. Intelligent and forceful leaders will be needed who can guide and instruct the Oonnan neonle ir how to create a united, democratic government out of the chaos into wmcn men- Nazi leaders have changed them One of the main purposes of the Army Specialized Training pro gram is to develop and train those men who can command the re spect and obedience of others. The 36 weeks that lie ahead for the students in this program promise to be difficult, but it is out of trouble and difficulty that good leaders are made. In the past, in Germany for ex ample, those whom we considered to be the finest and foremost thinkers were not dominant enough to Impress their ideas and convictions nnon the mass of the people. The people became tired of the depression that had en eulfed their country and thev de sired a leader who could lift them out of it immediately. Conse - nnentlv. it was to the little paper hanger from Austria that they turned, for he promised them pvprvthine' thev had dreamed of. - ; tJ The German race nas aiways hpen. because of their environ ment, a warlike one. and into their culture has been bred the desire for strong leaders whom they might obey. Dr. Emil Ludwig once stated that the German was willing to die for his country, but that he was not willing to minK for his country. And it is true tnai few great German statesmen haverisen with a peaceful social consciousness. Nearly all of Ger many's immortals have been war riors. Therefore, until and unless such a warlike philosophy is prased from the German mind. and the kind of leaders are found who can lead Germany out of the morass into which she has sunK her guidance must come largely from without The burden or re establishing an intelligent and peaceful German government will be on the shoulders of the democ racies. It will be up to them to Drovide the capable, iorceiui ieaa- ers such as can only oe aevei oned or broutrht out in the lougn yj est of programs, in tne weexs that lie ahead each student will be given a chance to prove him self, manures wiu nor. come irom a lack of opportunities, but only from a lack of the stuff known as intestinal fortitude. I Militory Accessories Notebooks. Maps rencils War Atlas Toilet Articles Outlines Stationery ASTU Foreign Dictionaries Tl liwsrafty TTSieafiira Presents KIT JUL E1V On the Following Dates November 10,11, 12 LETTERS TO LUCERNE . Fritz Rotter and Allen Vincent Decemberl5, 1617 February 16, 17, 18 March 22, 23, 24 0 April 26, 27, 28 The Season Ticket which you buy for $2.20 gives you five reserved seats. You may use any number of these reservations for any evening of any production. See the Plays You Prefer on the Evening You Prefer See your favorite Tassel immediately $2.20 incl. tax mm m t lV5T 4 1 WFI.C0MI CO-OP. - J t , 1 ;rfc:,iii:iW Iit r iixii ihr , . ALWAYS