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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1943)
Friday, September 24, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN Two days ago I had a scare. Like Bob Hope, I loft the door open and the draft practically blew me away. But today I am back with a few assinine cracks about as whoops a few people I know or have heard tell of about the campus. Today we have that tasty dish (this had to cook for a couple of days while I made sure my iden tity was well concealed from the ghost of the campus political boss which must still be wandering about the campus even though the army has him down in Fort Ben ning, Ga.) of one Virginia McCul la and John J. Douglass. As the boya have told me, Ginny was G. Willie's girl last year. Even went steady for a day. And then G. Willie left and John Jay, with true brotherly solicitude, stepped in to keep ATO paramount in the mind of Alpha Phi. Anyway to make a long story short, Ginny is wear ing John Jay s diamond now, and G. Willie? G. Willie. Let us heave a sigh for G. Willie and the sand which bloweth and the sun which beateth down in Camp Roberts, Calif. Welll Tried. Not just because of G. Willie, but for a host of other fellows who wore the ROTC pinks and greens last year, Camp Roberts. Calif., figures quite largely in the minds of the feminine populace about Nebraska. I put on my red corduroy hat the other day to at tract some attention, but the only emotion I succeeded in arousing in the hair ribbon across my ad viser's table at registration day was one of, "I wonder how that freshman got over in the upper class section." If that statement could be regarded as an indica tion of emotion. But back to Camp Roberts. I used to have a friend named Fox. Guess I still do have but "Out of sight, out of mind," you know so far as I am concerned. Used to be a good man. But the infantry Is hard on feet, I am told. I hope I never know. Fox's wife, blonde Barbara Rehberg Fox, breezed back onto the campus a couple of days ago. Nice to see her even if she is married. Their wedding was one of the late spring affairs, a quickie just before the boys traded their ODs for khaki down at Fort Leavenworth. But Do We Love Itl In my mail today. Thank the powers that be for mail. I wonder what a society editor would do without mail. I wonder at me for being one. I learned that Pat Curry, Alpha Xi Delta, is now wearing the wings of Cadet Bob Skelton and that Tuesday night she shared her candy passing with rushees at the house. Maybe I m Just an old man with a fondness for digging up memories but seems I saw her around a lot last year with one George Lobdell. But George is gone now and "Out of sight, out of mind," the same with women as with me, I guess. Two pins that have found new torsos upon which to rest are those of Karl Loerch, Phi Gam, and Ed Heffernan, Sig Nu. The respective wearers are Perry Cameran, Chi O, and Estellc Lon- nemann. Chi O. I ain't got no girl Dean Holds Annual Open House Today All women students, especially freshmen and new students, are invited to the annual open house given by Verna H. Boyles and her staff in Ellen Smith hall this aft ernoon from 3:30 until 5:30. Miss Elsie Ford Piper and Mrs. Ada Westover will be co-hostesses with Mrs. Boyles. Presiding at the tea tables the first hour will be Mrs. T. J Thompson, Miss Margaret Fedde Mrs. Raymond Pool, and Mrs. Roy Green. Mrs. C. S. Boucher and Mrs. A. E. Westbrook, Mrs. W. W Burr and Mrs. Mable Lee will pour during the second hour. Miss Sally Wilson, Miss Mar- jorie Johnston, Mrs. E. L. Ander son with members of Mortar Board and other senior girls will assist throughout the afternoon. Charlotte Staid Is Engaged To Wed Pvt. John Dixon but. then I ain't got no pin either except the one I won for going to Sunday school three weeks run ning. I see two of the Fi Phis have dates for Saturday night. Gosh Jean Harvey, pledge, and Jean Mayer are dating B. G. Fullerton, Sig Chi and Claude Wilson, Ai'U B. G. and Harvev: Claude and Mayer. Two gals with the same name. Can't even be familiar and call them by their first names even in my own column. A little hometown romance that has the campus tongues wagging is that of Louise Mars, Chi O, and Bob Forrester, Sig Ep. I wonder if they live next door from one another. One of the greatest plots for novels revolves about the two kids that grow up together eat ing each other's mud pies; then both take to eating her biscuits. Home and the kitchen seems to have its hold on the library fel lows. Anyway the kitchen and din ing rooms of the Union seem to be favorite places for them. They even gave the place a new name GI name Miss White's Date Home. Maria Montez is the recipient of a rare tribute, extended by President Rafael L Trujillo of her native Dominican republic. In recognition of her artistry and her "spirit of Dominicanism," the Universal star has received two decorations the order of merit of Juan Pablo Duarte and the order of Trujillo. . . . Barbara Stanwyck is back in Hollywood from a tour of the San Francisco bay region to raise vitally neces sary funds for navy charities. She accompanied Lt. Rudy Valee's coast guard band. The first was in "Not Guilty." The la3t was in his role of sea cap tain in RKO radio's thriller, "The Ghost Shin." Both were slambang fights. But there was a difference. In this fight, for the first time in 23 years of screen contests, Dix gets killed. Elyse Knox, blonde and glamor ous star of Universal's "Hi Ya Sailor," has already mailed her Christmas packages to 27 young men friends who are in the service overseas. New Opportunities . . Navy Needs Educated Women For Commissioned Executives New opportunities for woman educators, business executives and administrators to become com missioned officers in the navy were announced by Lieut. Comdr. W. J. AmoBS, officer-in-charge of Naval Officer Procurement for Iowa and Nebraska. The navy has found that quali fied women executives ran relieve male officers for sea duty by taking over important executive and administrative positions. Par ticularly, women officers are needed for two programs of im mediate importance. Women Under 30 With College Degrees Needed. For the aerology training pro gram, the navy needs women under 30 years of age, who have college degrees, and who have completed one or more years of differential or integral calculus and at least a year of college physics within the past five years. For the administrative program, women are needed between the . . Administrative Jobs ages of 20 and 49 with college de grees or at least two years of college plus a minimum of two years of acceptable business or professional experience. To qualify, candidates should have at least ten years experience involving the handling of large groups of people. For example, office managers in large commer cial agencies, managers of large departments in department stores, executives in large scale housing, recreation, or welfare projects, etc. Appointees to Act as Directors, Candidates appointed under this program will be required to fill key billets in the women's re serve. They will act as directors of the women's reserve in the various naval districts, will be responsible to the commandants for all matters of policy affecting women officers and enlisted per sonnel, and will also act as of ficera in charge of seamen in naval training schools and of ficers in charge of large naval housing project. 1 Courtesy of Lincoln Journal. Announcement of the engagement of Charlotte Stahl to Pvt. John Dixon of Kansas City, Mo., was made recently. The date of the wedding has not been revealed. Miss Stahl, who has attended the University of Nebraska, is affiliated with the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Private Dixon is a graduate of Rockhurst college in Kansas City. Iowa Coeds Occupy Frats For Duration Plans for housing Iowa State eoeds in former fraternity houses have been completed, Mrs. Madge I. McGlade, director of residence at the college, has announced. The shift to the fraternity houses was necessitated by the housing of large numbers of army and navy trainees in dormitories formerly occupied by college women. Twenty-one fraternity house and ten large homes have been taken over for use by women, who will begin arriving Sept. 24, when freshman days begin at Iowa State. Groups Remain Same. Former dormitory groups will be quartered in adjacent fraternity houses, and will maintain their former identities as dormitory groups. A mature residence hu pervisor or house mother will be provided for each house. "Hours and housing rules will be the same as before," Mrs. Mc Glade said. "The only real change is in the location of the houses. ' Short Hike. The houses all are within easy walking distance from the cam pus, and some actually are closer to classrooms than were the wom en's dormitories, she added. Fraternity men will be able to find rooms in private rooming houses while their residences are occupied by coeds. Hollywood celebrities are the greatest fans of the great. Diana Barrymore, June Vincent, Janet Gaynor, Joan Fontaine and Brian Aherne all turned out eagerly to meet Alice Roosevelt Longworth at Lady Mendl's dinner. . . . The glamor girls and boys gave whole hearted support to the Mocambo benefit for Ann Lehr's Hollywood guild. Among those holding the spotlight were Lana Turner and husband, Steve Crane, at a table ith Judy Garland and Van Johnson. S Tht Newest and Most Popular Friendship Bracket I "JoitpiL-mL-Tlot" I $?i Link Your Friends Together with an Everlasting 5 B "Forget-Me-Not" Bracelet J ENGRAVED FREE WIT I R WHILE YOU WAIT lll V SUUSTKATION LX 5 Q SHOWS ACTUM . 3Jstr Syr ' V SJ MZI OF IINM yK. S fv . i jj JfejgSX STERLING SILVER ffl! 8" Wk 'jcL-mL-Thi" i R Sterling Slfver UHK 'h a ClasP-35c J)fC?A each ! t Here' how If world , , . tart on a dainty block ribbon and wMen finished If a lovely Sterling Silver friendship Bracelet. The Nation's newest craze. A sentimental note In jewelry. You start with one "Forget-Me-Not" link and your friends, family and sweethearts odd to It. Ex change links with your girl friends. When you have enough "Forget-Me-Not" links we will join them oil together for you with Sterling Silver connecting links. Into a solid Sterling Silver "Forget-Me-Not" Bracelet. k becomes on everlasting rememberance of family, friends and sweetheart. You'll want to complete several of them. It's smart to wear 3 or 4 complete bracelets. Just add "Forget-Me-Not" links and your friends are linked together forever. "forget 1'? -flol" a on different Idea. Exclusive at GOLD & CO. In Lincoln Mai rkoriunlry 0p4