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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN nskers A Record-Smashing Toss Prepare For I-S fecs3a&Xpiai7,W43 H Duel Saturday Comhusker track and field per formers sensed the Monday after noon showers, took their workout early in preparation for the on coming' trek next Saturday to Ames for a duel with Iowa State. Performance of the Huskers in the Drake Relays Saturday was gratifying to Mentor Ed Weir, who was doubtful prior to the affair "if any Nebraska men would even place." Big Howard Debus, however, forgot the lack of outdoor work Nebraska has undergone thus far to garner two firsts from the na tional field at Drake. Vic Schleich should work out of the 48-foot category and regain his 61-foot tossing mettle this week. Vic must better 51 feet to conquer his Big Six foe, Elmer Aussieker of Missouri, victor at Drake with a flat 51-foot toss. Schleich topped Aussieker in the '43 indoor at Kansas City. A Request! A mass request came to the Nebraskan sports desk today from Love Library air cadets and ROTC "activities" that we publish daily standings of the major league baseball chase. We will publish the standings If an agreement can be made with The Journal to use the material. Johnny Thompson, Scarlet basketball performer, explained the request with "We don't have a chance to look at any paper but the Daily Ne braskan." I-M Softball Approaches Completion . . Tennis Terminating Four matches remain to be played in intramural softball, prior to collision of the winners in the four leagues. Matches at 5:00 tonight pit Delta Sigs vs. Sigma Chi, Betas vs. Sig Alphs, Phi Gams vs. Sigma Nu's Delts vs. Sig Eps. Unbeaten Phi Gam, AGR, ATO and Phi Delt crews are virtually certain to collide in the playoffs. Delta Tau Delta and the Kappa Sigs are in the quarterfinals of the intramural tennis tourney. Seventeen teams were on the starting line of the elimination af fair. Gopher Stars Hit 74 Rounds W. R. Smith, University of Min nesota golf coach, must have felt quite a bit happier after scores of his golfers were turned in last Sat urday. Continued Improvement in the games of Gopher golfers was evident as nine llnksmen shot scores ranging in the middle and high seventies. Lyle Robertson and links Cap tain John Williams posted the low est totals with three over par 74's. Next in line came Rodney Larson and Jim Teale hitting red-hot 76's and Louis Lick, Tom Jordc and Bob Parmcle with scores of 77. Hoosier Team Hates Rain Coach Ralph Collins is praying for no rain today as his Indiana tennis charges plan to swing into action to play their already-postponed match with Miami, of Ohio, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. ; The racqueteers, rained dvlt in two home matches thus far and without one outdoor drill up to yesterday, will have the odds stacked against them by the usually-powerful Ohioans. If all college students who slept through classes were,, placed end to end, they would be much more comfortabl dGfidJL Sfit4fl. By Norris -Anderson Sports Editor PRESS BOX, DRAKE RELAYS, DES MOINES, IA. We gleaned more sidelights from this wartime edition of the color ful Drake Relays than could be account of the affair, so herewith on our clamp-board. High Jump spectators loudly ac claimed the sportsmanship of Harold Osborne, holder of the 6-6 archive since 1922. Osborne, now assistant track and field mentor at Illinois, was offering tips to Pete Watkins, Texas A & M leap frog, thruout the Aggie star's assault on the ancient mark. When Watkins cleared 6-8 to officially erase the old standard, Osborne was first to shake his hand. "Great work, Pete. We old ducks have to go out of the limelight sometime," grinned Os borne. A quiver went down more than one spectator's spine. . "I wish we still had Al Brown and Jim Brogan," was Ed Weir'B opinion of the frosh Creighton Hale-Dean Katz two-mile relay performance. Hale and Kratz both treked to Des Moines independently to view the relays. They were sitting on the sidelines, watching Howie De bus vault, when Weir asked: 'Want to run trial 880 dashes with the university two-mile re lay section?" Both kids hurried inside to slip on running attire. Hale pulled up two strides be hind Illinois and Notre Dame run ners in his 1:59.7 first round Kratz trotted the route in 1:58.3, pulled ahead of the field as he rounded the final curve., "Come on, Nebraska!" was the chant of the crowd, but no men remained to carry on the Husker baton. Sec Taylor, Des Moines Tribune sports ed, had praise for Kratz "That kid has a beautiful stride. Where have you been keeping him?" Sec was surprised when we informed him that both Kratz and Hale are frosh. , Howie Debus was reluctant , to explain his phenominal 164.56 discus cast for the photographers after winning with a meager 153.48. "Just goes to show that I must learn to relax," he grinned. Burly Elmer Ausieker, shot put victor over Husker Vic Schleich at 51 feet, was pleased with his top throw. "I haven't even hit 47 feet all week," said the Mizzou big boy. "Was I surprised when they told me that toss went 51 feet. That's the best I ever did." FOOTNOTES: A thousand WAAC's were sideline spectators at the meet . . . 2,500 soldiers across the field kept the 'soldier Owen Knutzen Writes Daily Nebraskan From Oshkosh Erstwhile Cornhusker basket ball performer. Owen Knutzen, writes the Daily sports dep't. from his navy air corps headquarters at Oshkosh, Wis. "Oshkosh State Teachers col lege, where some of us UN fel lows are located, used to have an enrollment of about 900, but now, of course, it is mostly a girls col lege. The girls are really sweet here, however, they still can't be compared to the UN's beauties. "Courses we are required to take have been quite simple, how , rV inserted into our straight jiew3 we offer the few jottings left Debus Tops Comparison ... In Javelin Cornhusker Howard Debus' win ning javelin cast of 198.95 feet at the Drake Relays topped the Penn Relay mark of 189.90 feet, accord ing to the comparison made an nually between the" nation's two top cinder events. Ensign Hugh Cannon of the Sta ten Island navy base tossed the discus 160.2 feet to top the win ning 153.48 Debus toss. Com parisons: Pole vault Pennsylvania, won by A. Richmond Morcom.. New Hampshire, IS fret Inched; Drake, three way tie for first at 13. High Jumi Drake, Pete Watkins, Texan A. M.. 6 feet 8 Inches; Pennsylvania, Cpl. Joshna Williamson, Camp Pickett, Va., S-fr'H.. Broad Jump Drake. Ralph Tate, Okla homa A. M., 24 feet Tt Inches; Phila delphia, Kulace Peacock, Manhattan Beach Coast r.nard. 74 feet 1 men. Shot pat Drake, Elmer Anssleker, Mis souri, 51 fret; Pennsylvania, Bernard Mayer, New York university, 00 feet ay inches. Dlscns Pennsylvania, Ensign Hugh Cannon. 8taten Island navy base, 160 feet I Inches; Drake, Howard Debus, Ne braska, 153-48 meet. T w o-m lie run Pennsylvania, Ollle Hnnter, Notre Dame, 9:24; Drake, Jerry Thompson, Texas, 9:31.4. lZU-yard high hurdles Drake, naipn Tate. Oklahoma A. ft M.. :14.6; Pennsyl vania, Harrison Dillard, Baldwin-Wallace, :14.H. 100-yard d a t h Pennsylvania, Hnrvey Kelsey, Princeton, :09.8; Drake, Joe ny, Missouri. :10. Javelin Drake, Howard Debus, Ne braska, 198.95 feet; Pennsylvania, J. Oar land Adair, Brooklyn Navy Yards, 189 feet 9Vi Inches. TEAM COMPETITION. 449-yard relay Drake, Missouri, :41.9i Pennsylvania, New York university, :42.1. Half mile relay Drake, Missouri, 1:I7.; Pennsylvania, Army, 1:18.1. Mile relay Drake, Illinois, 1:19.9; Pennsylvania, New York university, 3:20.9. Two-mile relay Pennsylvania, Michigan, 7:88: Drake. Illinois. 8.01.1. four-mile relay Pennsylvania, Nalrt Dame, 11:64.8; Drake, Illinois, 18:31.2. Sprint medley Drake, Illinois, 8:29.1; Pennsylvania, Mlchlran, 3:29.1. Distance medley relay Drake. Illinois 18:18.8; Pennsylvania, Notre Dame, 19:23.1. sisters" entertained with colleg iate cheers . . . Jack Hazen, a recent R. O. T. C. "activee," in jured his javelin wing 'saluting so many WAAC's ... As honorary "ref" of the affair, Husker Coach Ed Weir could be distinguished by a bright blue straw hat ... A deep heel blister which bothered Debus Friday failed to hinder him Saturday . . . His 198.95 javelin toss into a stiff wind was some thing to behold . . . "There's an other fellow to worry about, commented Ed Weir, as Kansan Tom Scofield nigh-Jumped 6-4. ever, we expect them to become more difficult. We have an hour of military drill each day. In our physical training class our work has consisted mostly of doing callsthentlcs, but we have played some basketball. Tom Chapman, Iowa U's star, who gave our bas ketball team a headache this last year, is also here in ' Oshkosh. There are also some boys here who lettered in their respective colleges in the east. "We started to fly this week, so that has been the mnln topic of conversation. Observe this Des Moines Regis ter picture closely, dear readers. After annexing the Drake Relay discus title with a toss of 153.59 feet Friday, Debus was asked by Gopher Game Bruises Men . . . Saturday After a game Saturday that left the University of Minnesota team bruised and shaken up, Coach George Hauser let his men off with a light workout yesterday on Northrop field. Most of the session was taken up with signal drills and play run ning. Hauser used every man on both benches in Saturday's game and found that several of the men weren't too familiar with his repertoire of plays. The rough edges were polished up somewhat fti yesterday's drill. On Saturday, the two equally matched teams battled up and down Memorial stadium's turf with the Golds scoring a 20-0 win over the Greens. Two of their touchdowns were made while the regular teams were in, and the third in the last few plays of the game. Wildcat Link Team Annexes Nofthwestern's golf team opened its 1943 season by trouncing Chi cago 14 to 4 yesterday afternoon on the Tarn O Shanter course. Paced by Captain Johnny Stoltz, who turned in nines of 36 and 40 for an 18 hole aggregate of 76rthe Cats won the singles by a 0 to 3 count and took the doubles matches 5 to 1. In the singles Stoltz downed Luke Pascale 3 to 0; Burt Abra ham, 'Cat junior, and Bob Oakley tied each other with 1'4 points each; Jack Ducrs, Purple fresh man, split three points with the Maroon's John Campbell; and Warren Williamson, another N. U first year man, gained a 3 to 0 vcrdlcw over Bob Coinns of cm cago. Who said athletes are thick? Ten Iowa yearlings have received scholarship awards for classroom prowess ... A limited supply of ammunition will be made avaiiaDie to hunters later this year. : Hfcv Tf: AV -A.-rj,, t V 3 ifv K" it photographers to take a trial toss while they snapped pictures. Howie warmed up and let fly over 164.56 feet of Drake turf. Al Blozis, Georgetown husky, set the record of 161 feet in 1941. 1'", t 1 , -Caurtrsy Lincoln Journal. CREIGHTON HALE. NOW THE MOST COLORFUL HIT Of The SEASON! BET TO THE MI'SIC OP YESTKaDAY'S LOVE SONGSi EXTRA! Tnta Kawb Animal Novelty lAtO H6WS popy Cartoon A A"FAYE OAKIE i tysBAW J IVfjfl'.'''.'.'1 NEXT "WHITE SAVAGE" mmm