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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1943)
8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 23, 1943 tn si si di What could be more beautiful than to see Geoige Abbott fuming and fussing as he tries to get the ra? staff movirc so he can get to assembly not less than a half hour late. He should be orncer of me dav to protect himself from Who could be more aware of coming Easter than one who tries to get news about week end dates Thr iust nin't none exceut: 1. It isn't enoueh that most of the fellows were activated, thus deserting the girls on Friday nights, but those few remaining are taking great pleasure in dat ing off the campus. ATOs, Bill Mnnsnn and Bob Buxton have planned a week end picnic with nurses. Following me aius ex ample, a bunch of Sigma Chis have decided on Lincoln high school debs for their Friday night entertainment; tsm Heinzeimans doings, no doubt. Renewing's Fun. 2. It looks like Theta Marian T.vnoh is renewing an old ao- miaintance with John Bottorff. mi ' Wasym f inn fsMrotVlAF 1 1 1 1 P i ft bit lately. Another renewal of acquaintance is that of Bob Flans i burg, Beta of last year, and Addie Kloepper. Their re-acquaintance, or should I say patching-up, is be ing done through V mail, as Bob a in tVio nip corns. 3. Nancy Mauck supplied candy mt the Alnha Chi house Thursday night to announce her engagement to Carl Leonard, iormer ixeoraa kan. 4. What could be more appro priate than a prediction that a Bteady deal is brewing between Dedric Kimball. DU, and Mary Stauf, Alpha Phi. Wants a Date. 6. An interesting one-sided meeting at Kings last Saturday is still waiting ior nam earnea re sults. Leonard Dunker, DU, dis covered, sitting in a booth across the aisle, a smooth high school pirl known as Joan uamewooa He has been pestering friends for a week to get hini an lntroauouon Cond luck. Dune! 6. Pinnings and engagements were flying so fast a few weeks a so that we couldn t keep up with them, then came a iuii ana now we find them breaking up almost as fast. Latest pin break-up is between Sigma Chi Jack Grainger and Ruth Werner, ri ra, ai uen ve. 7. Word comes of an interesting party held at the Stuart theater on night. Participants were we Dr. J. L. Sellers Talks at History Association Meet Dr. James L. Sellers of the uni versity and Everett N. Dick of Union college have parts in uie program of the annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical association which opened today at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, la. Dr. Sellers will be discussion leader at a session tonight on "The Washington Arms Conference and the Balance of the Sea Power." He had prepared a paper on the background of and the prepar ations for the conference, held in 1921. Mr. Dick will speak on "Food of Our Fathers" at the dinner meeting this evening. Cboio positioM are eall faoff ws from states all rer ttM Mississippi Vl- We caa make yaw enroll, neat profitable to yc. Ceil or writ. girls of the Bombshell Stage Show and some UNP boys, whose names are deleted of necessity. Which? Time to tell of week end acti vities away from Lincoln: John Hardy will spend the week end at his home in Omaha and we won der who will see more of him; his parents or Pat Morris. Jean Miser of the dorm will hpln Bob Saalfeld, DU, make plans for Easter by visiting his home. Also forsaking home will be Rodney Smith, Phi Delt, who plans to ac company his steady Jean Larson, Alpha Chi, to her home. Phi Delts Bruce Allan and Rex Wagner will attempt to "light up" a dull week end by traveling to Omaha, and Phi Delt Don Cooper and ATO Chuck Heider will find their diversion in Cheyenne, Wyo. Chuck is planning to see a cer tain Pi Phi whereas Don is going along for the ride (it says here.) We received news that Pvt Fred Turner of the library aircrew became the proud father of a baby boy Thursday. He's from Mich igan. Three Kappa Sigs stepped out Wednesday night to relieve them selves from a week of hard study ing. Bob Von Seggren was with Bobbette Burke, Gamma Phi, Bob Koefoot with Patty Pierce, Theta and Bill Palmer with Aggie Fox, Alpha Chi. If you've waded through the column this far we will leave you with instructions to treat your eyes with boric acid and enjoy your Easter "vacation." You li brary residents, be sure to send an Easter letter home telling your folks what a wonderful time you're having. tTiwrfSvp wm&iMkm fir. if 1 The fashion-fresh new frocks you want for Easter at low, low prices to send your spirits soaring! Wonderful two piece dresses of butcher linen smooth new rayon Bemberg sheers wear everywhere seersuckers . . . clothes that you'll wear and enjoy right now through Easter. .See the whole collec tion sing about their budget prices! Misses' sizes 12-20. COLO'S... Thirl TUm. They GIVE Their Lives ... you LEND your money , . . BUY U. S. WAR BONDS of Freedom Corner. Gold's Street Floor