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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1943)
Friday, April 23, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN si Unufiofrs Efrsfe Mays - ' i i Snfeiirmen STftSM. itU. SSB1 Friccey Joins A c&Uie . -i GoPlcr V Today Drake Relays Jack Hazen, promising javelin tosscr, was a last-minute addition to the Des Moincs-bound Univer sity of Nebraska cinder squad. Hazen was tucked away in the university car when Mentor Ed Weir rained permission from acti vated ROTC officials for Hazen to merit 'a week-end leave." Debus Versatile. Howard Debus, all-round Husker weight performer, is slated for duty with the discus, shot, javelin and pole vault. He will compete against his 1941-42 Husker bam boo collogue, Harry Hunt, in the pole vault. Jack Hazen will compete against his brother. Bob, in the javelin throw. Bob tossed the spear 182 for Omaha U. in a Nebraska col lege meet last week. Vic Schleich is a favored shot entrant. Preliminaries in all weight eevnts will open fire at 2 p. m. today. X NOW HB'4 X X UEUTENNT IN THB NAW -A If AND HAS BEESl 1 WAVELL, V ' wis work i ,UiIe DAet.J9klI ON THE CRUISER Ji ?W lirM V SOLOMONS KBLPIrftSS USE Mfi1fi)N) J Diiytinnv a km unne va d sinuMn MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., April 22. Herman P r i c k e y, Billings, Mont, speedster, was back ut his old right halfback position in yes terday's football practice on North rop field. It was the first workout of the spring for Frickcy who has been sidelined with an injured shoulder. Constant heat treatments and ex pert care by Trainer Jim Hunt have fixed up the Billings flash in record time. Coaches George Hauser and Red Dawson had Frickey paired with Red Williams at halfback during the drill. From past performances these two men are expected to carry the brunt of the balircarry ing duties next fall. Also in the first string back field were Bill Garnaas at quar terback and Chuck Avery at full back. Senior lctterman Frickev and Garnaas have been consider ed fixtures in the starting back field, but a real fight is expected to develop for the other two posts. ROV ROGERS Easter . . 1TS3 757 A V. S. TVxwury fkpt. i Continued from Paee 1.) service from 12 noon to 3 P. ra., including addresses from "The Seven Words from the Cross." On Easter Sunday holy communion will be held at 8:30 a. m. ana choral eucharist and the sermon At 11. At the First Presbyterian Church a sunrise service will be eiven for voune people at 7:30 in the chapel. Two morning services will be giyfen, one at 9:30 ana me other at 11. Four I-M Outfits Unbeaten r - BIT YOUR ACCLAIM.. mh i i me'. Nafion't Number n 't "r ;t rem rrmwiv EUGENE rALlETTl 'Kr J ! ) Mh OrcWtfri Ryj f Plus "NEW CANADA" Color Car too New ... One Round Left Four teams ATO's, Phi Gams, AGR's and Phi Delts Jiold un beaten records in their intramural softball leagues with only one round of play left. Blastine the Kappa Sigs u-i, the Alpha Gamma Rho crew piled up the highest score xnursaay nicht. ATO's won by forfeit over the ZBT's and the Thi Gams annexed bv forfeit from the Delta Sigs, Wes Maser's one-hit pitching stint led the Thi Delts to a 19-1 conquest over the Delts. Sigma Nu Falls. A heavy hitting attack, led by Don Mueller with four safe blows. paced the Farm House to a 15-8 decision over a previous unbeaten Sierma Nu nine. Theta Xi con quered the Beta diamond crew, 16-4. Sie Eps scored 13 runs on 20 hits to top the Alpha Sigs, 13-1. Bob Saalfelt pitched a one-hitter as the DlTs shut out the Beta Sigs, 7-0. Only seven matches, all can celled last Tuesday when the ROTC was activated, are left for execution. Matches incldue: Delts vs. Sig Kps, mi uams vs. aigma Nus, Phi Delts vs. Phi Psis, DU's vs. ZBT s, Beta Sigs vs. Sammiea, Delta Sigs vs. Sig Chi, Betas vs. Sic Alphs. All these matches will be stagea Tuesday. PitcluV Paiil Wins Laurels . . . With Typhoons Paul Christman, former All- American football player, received commission as ensign in the United States Navy last week while being stationed at the Naval Training School as a Chief Boat swain's Mate. While at the Naval Training School, Christman was coach of the Typhoon baseball team, and worked in the trainees phvsicall fitness program. Ensign Christman enlisted m the navy in September, 1941 as a Chief Boatswain's Mate and received his preliminary training at the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. Before coming to Iowa State in January, 1943, he worked with the physical fitness program at the! training school at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Ensign Christman attended the! University of Missouri as an Eng-I lish major with physical education! as a minor. Christman single-handedly I pitched the 1939 and 1940 Missouri I team to victory over the Cornhus- kers. Eighty-five students work part time in servicing all departments of the Washington State college library. P Tl..v-.'V. O. NT? h 'tvAl-: m - The Gay Nrte Spot Saturday, April 24th WEB FEIERMAN And His Orchestra Dancing 9 to 1 Admission 55c Tax Included EASTER SAT & sun In B&MABCI KOTtU CUoagw I J.jjj NVj j 1 VJ TT : 7:45 e: riat Wait DlKitey't TLTJTO AT TIIK ZOO" Satire Newt Df w4 i "IH BATTLE FO TUNISIA Or Just One Mile West of Town AdmlMVwi T7 Sack' Flu Tom MUZKLBACI MOTEL,