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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1943)
Friday, April 23, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 X3& uits Lead Fashions BY PAT CHAMBERLIN Crime don't pay. See wat dey made me do. Me, da manager of the Purple Passion, world champ ion ladies' wrestler, writing a blue ttreak on what collitch kids wear. It seems like to me dat it ain't bo much what dey wear lately, as the faces with which dey wear wat dey wear. And I ain't intending any cracks at the woosome two somes I tripped over in the ping pong room and the alumni hangout yesterday about 6:38 p.m. Pretty Smooth Da fellas in dose pea greed OD (short for Oh, dam) outfits look pretty smooth ta me, except dat dey act like dey had on the Pur ple Passion's red flannel undies. (She ain't color conscious, like be). De bluish bags de sport under their peepers sorta spoil da green effect, but den when ya see dem march, dey don't look quite so green. When I was talking to da Purple Passion the other day, she wants to know why their faces look worse than her did after the Massive Masher got thru wit her last summer. So I does a little snooping. It's all because that there ain't enuf light bulb plugs in the Lovelorn Mansion. Dey all has electric razors wit which to carve off their growing whiskers, and like dat Sprague fellow who has the mumps aren't used to papas bloody strop and blade. (I use a meat chopper on the Purple Passion myself.) Den dey am t got Girls' intramural sports are be ing played off with a bank this week. The badminton tournament should be finished up in another week. The results for this week are: Tri Delta over AO Pis, In dependents II over Kappas I, Dorm over DG's II by default, Alpha Phis I over Kappas II and Alpha Phi II over Howard I by default. The baseball tournament got underway Wednesday night. It wasn't an inspiring start, but if the teams start showing up, there should be some close games. Tennis in intramurals is yet a figment of the imagination but when and IP the courts get fixed up, there will be both doubles and singles. Anyone who is inter ested may still enter the tourn ament. At last the table tennis tourn ament has come out of hiberna tion. This week some of the con testants got busy and played off their games. Here are the re sults: In doubles, Delta, Gamma over Kappa, and Tri Delt over Al pha Phi; in singles, Gamma Phi over Delta Gamma, and Tri Delt over Gamma Phi. Something new has been added to the intramural sports program The obstacle courses which the girls' physical fitness classes have been trying out in the past few weeks are going to be used for an intramural meet. Six girls may participate on a team. They must have practiced three different nights before the meet, which will be run off during the last week before exams. Times made by the teams on both the outdoor and indoor courses will be compared to determine the win ner. Intramural reps should turn their team lists in by Wednesday, April 28. WPB Restricts College Buying Of Lab Items WASHINGTON, D. C. (ACP) The war production board has clamped down on uncontrolled buying of laboratory equipment by colleges getting ready for their in flux of army and navy trainees. In a move to assure all colleges sufficient equipment to teach re quired science courses, WPB or dered that colleges must get the board's approval before ordering supplies. Orders Outstrip Production. tserore restrictions were or dered, laboratory supplies were being ordered by colleges at a rate which threatened to soak up more equipment than manufacturers could produce in two years. The actual terms of the order provide that colleges must fill out WPB form PD-620, submit it to WPB, and present the approved form to the manufacturers when they order. WPB officials report that form PD-620 will reauire only one day to clear through the Washington office. University of Pittsburgh wom en students are learning basic principles of plant operation as it applies to production of buta diene and styrene, two chief in gredients in syntheic rubber. The war industries training school of Stevens institute of Technology is now offering 11 courses, running from 12 to 36 weeks. President Joseph A. Brandt of the University of Oklahoma has appointed a committee of seven students to form a "war rumor clinic." ' To Diet or Not toDiet; That Is the Question Ten Pounds BY MERRY WINTER Ten pounds! Really nothing at all. Why lots of people do it every year; millions in fact. After this calm appraisal, we cooly look the situation over. Various and sundry so much time to get in front of the seventy mirrors in de base ment of da Mansion. Blue is Sweet I hear dat dese fellas can wear blue lapels on their Easter bunny suits if dey wanna. But dey don't. It seems that some things are lower than a private even a pri vate in da Mansion. Now we come ta da women, only don't, because I seen to it, dat de Purple Passion comes ta me. And it works keen, fellas! Well, anyway, females wear frills. Now we leaves da women. Alone. Another style at Camp Nebraska dat has changed is dat in chowing. Messing, de army calls it. Messy, I calls it. As regards dis topic, de fellas eat wit soup spoons, and de women eats with the women. Alone. Dis happens on Friday nights now, too, Dey tells me. As ta wat happens on Saturday nites, we better not discuss it. OK, OK, Purple old thing, I'll be right wid ya. . .My OD suit wid da blue lapels, yeah, I ironed it .My five o clock shadow, wait 11 I come out from under the red. No, not bed, Red! Verna Jean Kreuscher Tells Marriage Miss Verna Jean Kreuscher, daughter of Mrs. Dale C. Kreuscher, and Lt. Herbert B. Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Erickson of Bozeman, Mont., were married Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Ar thur L. Miller officiated and 150 guests were present Mrs. Erickson will be grad uated from the University of Nebraska in May and is af filiated with Chi Omega soror ity. Lieutenant Erickson was graduated from Montana State college and was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After a short trip the couple will reside in Lincoln where Lieutenant Erickson is stationed at the air base. BUY WAR STAMPS TOMORROW On the Easter Parade of Entertainment A Free Union Variety Show Hyde & Soldevillo's Original Songs Walt Disney Technicolor Cartoon and Peter Lorre As "The Man Who Knew Too Much" 8:00 p. m. Sun., April 25 Union Ballroom EASTER Special Regular $6.50 Joli Machineless Permanent Offer Extended Until May 15 ',r 111 1 ' War Fund . . . (Continued from Page 1.) a committee of four, the alumni secretary, the comptroller of the university, the registrar of the university, and the chairman of the scholarship committee. This group will handle the fund for the duration of the war and will arrange for its award to stu dents, making its choice of recipi ents based on previous scholastic standing, length of war service, and need. Personal Contributions. Mr. Arthur Dobson, of Lincoln, the first to give a personal con tribution to the then new fund. His contribution of $500 in cash gave a starting boost to the col lection for the worthy cause. His contribution was shortly followed by another, a $25 war bond, by Miss Mary Adelaide Hansen of Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Hansen was graduated from the Univer sity of Nebraska with the class of '42. Recently a contribution of a $25 war bond was given by Mrs. Wilber Sweet, formerly of Lin coln, in memory of her father, the recent Nelson Pratt. Mrs. Sweet's contribution is the first memorial gift. The remainder of the fund has growfi through the gratefully re ceived contributions of various campus organizations and institu tions. Those groups who have con tributed to the fund are: Alpha Tan Omega, Chi Omega, Corn Cobs, War Cnnnrll, Alpha Chi Own, Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi, Wniwn'i Alh Irtle aHorlatinn, Kappa Kappa (iamma. Sigma Delta Tan, Student Council, Alpha XI Delia, I'l Beta Phi, Delta C.amnia, Kappa Alpha Thrta, Sigma Alpha Mn. Student Foundation, Tassel, Sigma Chi, Brown Plaec loop. Phalanx, Mortar Board. YMCA. Barley Hall, Baldwin Hall, I nlvrrslly YWCA, Sigma Alpha Kpstlon. Residence Halls for Women, Howard Hall, Wilson Hall, Rosa Ronton Hall, Pershing Kines, Beta Sigma Put. Associated Mom- en Student, Coed Counsellor, Phi Delta Thrta, l-ove Memorial Hall, ROTC Cadet, Delta Delta Delta, Cart Hall, Bete Beta Taa, Alpha Sigma PI, Beta Theta PI, C.anima Phi Beta, Ag Korlal ConneM, Towne Club and Alpha Gamma Rho. The Valkyrie club, organization for physical education of women students, is sponsoring the sale of war bonds and stamps at State Teachers college, West Chester, Pa. Added to Smith college offer ings this semester are courses in practical exposition radio writing and production, a new one in in troductory physics and an intro duction to college mathematics. methods present themselves. There is the rational method of just cut ting down. . . .dull. There is the strictly exercise angle. . . .makes musicle. There is the lettuce and carrot juice rou tine. . . .but who's night flying anyway? We can join theWAACS, or just plain push ourselves away from the table three times a day. Get a Friend After the proper attack has been formulated, a buddy must be procured to go through this night mare too. It is much more fun to break the rules with someone else . . . .you don't feel half so guilty. When the diet has been mapped out to meet a rabbit's require ments, a money ante may be add ed for incentive. Nobody ever col lects, but it's a gesture anyway. Then the all-out-health week be gins. The first day, a smug expression is visible and permissible on the faces of the worthy participants. The second day, a dull gleam is perceived. The third day, collapses or twitch develops. The fourth day, being Thursday, two said sylph-like figures may be seen dragging themselves to the Uni versity Club for Smorgesbord. But don't be down-hearted, dear read er; there is always a tomorrow. Government Hires More Uni Women College women have increas ing opportunities for employ ment in government, and now practically 70 per cent of all new appointees are women. The recruitment of several thousand college women under examinations for junior profes sional assistant "has had a pro found affect, in the view of Don ald C. Stone, assistant director of the Budget Bureau. Rapid promotions in many cases led him to relect: "My fear is that with the dearth of adequately trained persons, promotion of many of these young employees to high positions has come too rapidly. In any event, there is a desperate search going on .by all agencies for persons quali fied for administrative work of all grades from juniors to heads of bureaus and divisions." Of 1,900 war occupations, 1, 468 are listed by the Social Se curity Board as suitable for women. An additional 276 are listed as partially suitable. CiL . Daniclson Floral Co. :' 1 306 N 4ifvHi-v Theatre Presents 1 f R J ) J J I Rse Franken Reserved Seats 55c General Admission 30c