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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKA!! bV jidge mason. After reading Sadie Hawkins' Party Line of Sunday, I can only Bay two things: (1) Sadie must like the Alpha Phis and Alpha Taus. (2) What's left for me to put in today's column? Since all the recent engage ments, marriages and dates have been enumerated, we bring you this interesting bit of by-word news. It has been the custom of late for all the girls on third floor social science to hang their heads out the window on sunny afternoons during classes and watch the cadets drill. One par ticular afternoon when the girls were making rather more com ments than usual besides laugh ing and pointing, the first lieuten ant in charge of the drill was no ticed smiling very wickedly and glancing up toward the windows Suddenly, without warning, he gave the command to about SO cadets, "Eyes up!" Every cadet's eyes met the flabbergasted stare of every girl in the window. Now the girls watch the teacher. Soldiers Step Out. Saturday night was the first "soldiers night out since the Lin colnette dance at the Union and it looks like some of the smoother cadets are already beginning to operate. Four cadets lined up dates with four Thetas who were Kit Carson with Kenny Rose, Kappa Sig from Uni. of Southern Cal, Jerry Anderson and Jim Ma lone, Sig Nu from USC (inci dentally Jim is supposed to be pinned to a Pi Phi from USC), Peggy Roseborough and Del Le vigne, Kap Sig, and "Butch" Win ter and Bill Lutton, Kap Sig, both from USC. Military Story. The competition between the Fijis and ATOs will look like a marble game compared to the in evitable competition between the engineers, artillery, air corps and infantry when and if the ROTC is activated. A group of ROTC boys were discussing the relative merits of the songs of each branch of the army one evening while John Jay Douglass looked forlorn ly on. One of the engineers started singing the song that Colonel Lob dell makes them practice the first five minutes of every class period and one of the artillery students started singing his company song while outside they heard the air corps singing their song. When they had finished John Jay looked around him with a hurt expression on his face, and said, "Golly, the infantry doesn't have any song. The only thing we can sing is "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Add the Aircrew. If anyone saw Margy Munson, Alpha Phi and Irene Hansen walk ing around with rather big heads the other day it was for this rea son. While they were walking past the library a group of march ing cadets approached them and started singing. "We're never too busy to say hello, hello, hello. " To break the monotony of next week end the Alpha Chis are hold ing an open house party. Dates for the affair are: Nina Nix and Dick Howell Beta. Mary Lou Holtz and Hugh Atkinson, Beta, and Marge Dolezal and Bob Pot ter, Sigma ChL Margaret Cor bitt, Alpha Chi, will take her new steady La Verne Prang, DU. Is steadies go we find Betty Newman. DC and Bill Williams, Beta, and Joyce Jirdon, DG, with Wrede Smith, Kappa Sig. Alpha Sigs Worry. After making frequent trips to Omaha, Alpha Sig pledge Dave Buthman perturbed his brothers by threatening to hang his pledge pin on Omahan Jackie McMahill. With no dance at the Turnpike and all university functions can celled, King's received most all UN trade Saturday night Phi Delt Rog McNeil was seen with an old high school flame Shirley Hines, The SAE's were well represented with Tom Griswold taking Kappa Annabelle Schaum, Jack Rokahr taking Mary Holtz, Tri Delt, and Bob Fast escorting a nurse (for future reference). Accompanying them was a military escort of SAEs from the library aircrew. The Omaha Story. Birdie James was a confused boy last Friday night when sev- YW Vespers Discuss Estes Meeting Today YWCA vespers this after noon at 5 p. m. in Ellen Smith will center around a discussion of the Estes Conference which is to be held this summer at Estes Park from June 12 to 19. The discussion of the Bates Conference will include a pre sentation of life at Estes by girls who went last year, and singing of Estes songs. All coeds who are interested in going to Estes for this year's conference are especially invited to come to the vesper meeting this afternoon. LuAnn Williams has charge of the program and the Vesper choir will sing. There will be only one more Vespers after this week. Fcmfun makes its appearance again after an absence of some months. For the remainder of the semester this column is dedicated to the activities of WAA and In tramural sports. The WAA installation of of ficers and a mass meeting will be held Thursday evening at 7:15 in Grant Memorial hall. The new WAA constitution will be explained and new officers and board members introduced. All university women are urged to attend. The scarlet fever epidemic has slowed up intramural playoffs con siderably since the Chi O's were scheduled to tangle with the dorm last Monday and the dorm was in quarantine. ItH be played as soon as the quarantine is lifted from the dorm. The badminton games are be ing played as scheduled except in brackets in which the dorm teams were supposed to play. These too will be played off as soon as possible. Spring has come all the way around that corner that it has been peeking around for several weeks and with It came the urge to play tennis and get the old bi cycle oiled up and in shape for a little outdoor riding. Speaking of tennis, the univer sity courts have not been put into conditions because of the man power shortage. The girls physical education classes have been work-' ing on them but there is still lots! to be done and lots of help is needed. Any one willing to lend a hand will be appreciated. Orchesis, modern dancing club, will present its annual spring re cital April 30 in Grant Memorial. The group now consists of 14 girls and the dances are original and costumed. Dr. Aileene Lockhardt is their sponsorer. Evangeline Kubik is the president of the group. CHICAGO. (ACP). The third largest appearance of sunspots since 1749 will occur in 1948, it is predicted by the University of Chicago's Journal of Astrophysics. Dr. W. Gleissberg, a refugee One of Nature's 7 Wonders Sunspots to Occur in 1948, Say Astronomer's Calculations ... So Get Your Bi-Focals Ready from Germany, now a professor of astronomy at the University of Istanbul, Turkey, Is the contrib utor of the calculations In one of the few scientific reports which have come out of war torn Europe. It was made clear the fore cast Is not one of absolute pre dictions, but rather expressed in terms of probabilities. Increase Radio Static, The period, according to Dr. Gleiss berg's report, will produce a marked hindrance on long dis tance radio, and static will be conspicuous. Magnetic disurb ances will occur, causing difficulty for navigators; the northern lights will be requcnt and luminous and electrical disturbances will dis rupt power transmission lines and telephone connections. In modern time sunspots oc curred in 1916, 1917 anl 1937 and were low in 1922 and 1925. eral of his brothers tried to per suade him to "go out with the fel lows," celebrating their affiliation with the navy. Birdie was plan ninge to go to Omaha with his pin mate Marge Heyn and an other couple and was afraid to fluff it off. When the foursome had traveled about five miles oi,t of Lincoln on their way to Omaha Birdie suddenly decided he would rather go with the fellows and got out of the car to hitch-hike back home. Upon reaching Lincoln he found to his consternation that the fellows had all gotten dates so he caught the train, went back to Omaha and met his girl again. Dr. Josephine M. Smith, assist ant professor of child development and in charge of the pre-school work at Washington State col lege, recently enlisted In the WAAC. CLASSIFIED 10 a. Baa ft Say. FyaW hi mdrmmm ami. LOST 11 Jewel Cnwn watch mm Daily Nrbraskan picnic. Call Norm Ander son. Reward. V Speakers . (Continued from Page 1.) Civilian Defense by speaking be fore organisations on the campus or in the community on the war effort. Participants may speak on Stamps and Bonds, Rationing, Vic tory Gardens, Red Cross, U. S. O. or any other subject which deals with the war effort. Members of the Nebraska de bate squpd and alumni, and the Nebraska Wcsleyan debators as well as faculty members, will be the judges. The following organizations will participate in the contest: Sororities: Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Sigma Delta Tau, Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Gam ma Phi Beta and Pi Beta Phi. Fraternities: Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa Psi. Alpha Sigma Phi, Al pha Tau Omega, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Chi, Delta Upsilon, Sigma Phi Epsi'on and Phi Gamma Delta. Organised unafiliated organiza tions: Raymond hall. Love hall, Home Ec. club. Towne club and North East hall. Bulletin ri MIT ErsuxN F1 Mm KiMrilna, honorary mathrmatt mtrmHy tnrrin tonight la ww SOS ( tke Mrrhaairat Art. bnildinc. A1KINK Mmtr of Alkaar arp to hf tyifntn Thnrvdny, April II, II tlx Wrrnrra. 1811 IjJtr SI. AH thow who wish to to an have aot kim ralkd (koala1 rail Barbara iMmml, t-141. Thoae attending are nsktJI to moot hi :M la the I'akm kMinrr Tnarsdajr, US Instructors Teach English Glass in Haiti WASHINGTON, D, a (ACPX. Seven United States teachers hav arrived In Haiti to help launch A universal English-teaching pro gram in Haitian national schools, the office of education has an nounced. Intited by Haiti's president, Ella Lescot, the group is under super vision of James E. Forsythe, and includes four Negro educators. Three more teachers art expected to go to Haiti soon. Dorms . . . (Continued from Page 1.) The gals really had fun. All shared germs, jokes, crackers, and cigarettes. There were games of baseball, truth and consequences, hide-and-go-seek, and button, but ton, who's got the hand lotion. There is something so wonder fully illuminating in seeing one's friends devoid of everything ex cept their freckles that no hard feelings could exist. Now, all 2S3 will be in hiberna tion the next week making up what they missed. But the rest of the campus can make up what they missed one week of topsy turvy, whacky, heaven-sent and microbe-secured vacation. Macalester college, St. Paul, Is one of the most recently selected schools to serve as an army train ing center for air force cadets. A'i?TTV-'. MT3rT 7 TmRh- .1 J Teamed for gammer fn these mick change about. They're perfect for workine week ending! Slick slacks and well tailored, color harmonised blouses. Slacks and blouses ... yur recipe for playtime fmn! The smart-set Is the slacks set! We have slacks for every taste. Ch. a pair just like "his," man-tailored and trimly tapered. Priced to please every budget! Sizes 12-29. Slocks Others 2.95-5.15 Span-rayon smoothies ... slick, trimly tailored blouses In rainbow gay stripes . . . er the ever popular classic white styles. Toull want many, make your selection today! Sizes 39-49. GOLD'S. ..Thlri FWoc 4 w I