The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thursday, April 8, 1943
With scarlet fever taking the
campus by storm we have a sug
gestion to make to anyone notic
ing symptoms of a sore throat,
fever or headache. Before going
home, be sure to arrange a coke
date with your most bothersome
boy or girl friend, if freshman
handle all the paddles in the
house and above all kiss your
teachers goodbye. There is more
than one way to get a spring va
cation! J
With pending activation of
ROTC students love life is defi
nitely on the up and up. Alpha
Chi Ruth Panzer is now wearing
the Sigma Nu star of Byroti Pe
terson. Jeanne Bowers, Alpha Xi
Delt, is going steady with Delta
Sig Jimmy Fergenson. Ruth Pap
erny SDT, passed the candy with
Leonard Luttbeg, ZBT.
Cop's Hop.
A smash bang-up cop's hop was
the result of the exchange of vio
lation tickets for ball tickets Tues
day night The main attraction
was found within several circles
formed around jitterbugging cou
ples. We thought there might
be trouble when a soldier, a sailor
and a civilian with their girls were
found dancing in the same circle.
but there were plenty of police
men around.
Couples collided with OO the
floor were: Dale Wolf, Farmhouse
and Janet Gibson, Gamma Phi,
La Verne Prang, DU and Marga
ret Corbett, AXO, and George
"Panda-kitten" Wright, ATO and
Jane Emery, DG. Taking Peg
Lemon's plase at the brawl was
Johnny Thompson with Tut Mc
Only a Mask.
If anyone saw two girls run
ning for their lives down R street
Tuesday night will they please in
form them that the gruesome face
that scared them was only a mask
that has been circulating since
last week s episode. The poor
campus cop has a real headache,
Altho many campus tradi
tlons are fading out as the war
provides excuses, one Nebraska
tradition that will never die is
having picnics every spare hour
of the day and night. Phi Delt
Fred Metheney, carrying out this
tradition last week end, found his
chief delight in playing Tarzan
with Theta Mary Helen Farrar.
To Mary Helen's dismay she found
herself sitting on a tree limb
waiting for somebody to call ort
the ape man who was guarding
her jealously below.
Invading Beta.
The recently placed ban on so
cial gatherings and osculation will
cramp the style of those students
who planned big week ends. A
few of the couples who are suppos
edly unaffected are: Bob Hyde,
Alpha Sie and Julie Frazee, vu,
Phi Delt Bob Gillespie and Sicily
Ewing and T3ot Mahr, Alpha Xi
and a courageous Beta from Kan
sas State who has dared to in
vade the ailing premises.
DU Dick Luther is going to
make sure he doesn't get the fever
by dating a girl off the campus.
He "has imported her from the
Cushman Motor Works where she
works as a welder.
Our parting word is a fervent
hope that the Alpha Phis do not
end up with week end dates witn
penitentiary inmates after Jo
Martz found a prankster's note to
call the superintendent for a mes
U.S. Policy . . .
(Continued from Page 5.)
meek and unoffending peoples.
It guaranteed to aggressors our
co-operation in starving their
victims from the supplies that
might otherwise render them
dangerous prey.
War Is Epidemic.
We might well prefer to forget
much of our own conduct during
these past 25 years, but we dare
not forget it. The price of ignor
ance and folly is too great War
iin any part of the world is apt
to become epidemic. We must
therefore concern ourselves with
peace and order throughout the
world, now ana always.
The kind of peace that Is made
is important but that the victors
who win the peace shall stick to
gether to enforce it is more im
portant. "We have the responsi
bility to secure the peace as well
as to win tne war.
Texas U. Bizad
Grads to Find
Post-War Jobs
AUSTIN, Texas. (ACP). When
the war is over and the soldiers
turn civilian again, University of
Texas business administration
graduates returning from service
will be prepared to start looking
for jobs immediately.
During the depression years,
when jobs were hard to get, the
school of business administration
worked out an arrangement with
students for preparation of printed
"data sheets." carrying: a picture
of the student and a statement of
his qualifications for employment.
"There are so many jobs open
now that a student does not need
the data sheet as much as in other
years," Dean J. A. Fitzgerald com
mented, "but most of our grad
uates are having tnem pruueu una
spring anyway. The boys plan to
keep theirs ana put uiem mm
circulation when the war is over
and they are de-mobtlized.
Each student has 200 copies of
h,'.4afa chat nrinted. Half of
A 1. 1 ii.vwv -
them he uses himself in looking
for employment, wniie me uetma
office keeps the rest to distribute
to companies calling for grad
The third group of 31 naval of
ficers to form a class of diesel
engineers at the University of
Wisconsin began training recently.
lln per day.
ryM In advanoa only.
LOST Glasses In black case. Call Helen
Hickman, 2-5332.
Decline . .
(Continued from Page 5.)
The alliance system of France in
eastern Europe collapsed since
France was now powerless to ren
der effective aid to its eastern
allies among the small states.
Moves to Climax.
The tempo of Nazi aggression
moved rapidly toward a climax
as the world reeled to each new
diplomatic success of Germany.
Germany participated in Spain's
"little world war." Germany took
the lead in forming the Axis. Ger
many swallowed Austria at a gulp.
Germany deluded the democracies
at Munich. Germany dismembered
Each new triumph enabled
Germany's humorless despot to
vent his sardonic outbursts in
the teeth of both his generals
who thought he would drag Ger
many into war at an inauspic
ious time and the nerveless ap
pease rs, who were unwilling to
take the lesser risk of an early
mtiltary showdown with Ger
many in order to avoid the
greater danger of a world war
when Germany was near her
military optimum.
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