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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN NPhog Allen Rides Again! . . . N. C A. A. Folly t avvrp.NCE. Kans.. April 13 The "no tap abova the basket de fensive player" rule proposed by the N.C.A.A. cage moguls is dis criminatory, would not be coun tenanced in a court of law, and nhould be known as the N.C.A.A. Basketball Rules Committee's folly, Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, celebrated court mentor of the University of Kansas, stated here today. Referring to members of the rules committee. Dr. Allen said: "They are still in the horse and buggy days as far as progressive basketball rule making is con cerned. It is pure discrimination against the defensive player 'when a player touches a try for goal on jmvnl arc nhove the level f th hnskef (auotine from the rule proposed by the committee). On the other hand, they permit a towering offensive player to dunk the ball into the basket or to tap the ball into the basket when it is on the rim. In a court of law such obvious discrimination would not be countenanced. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Some rules must be changed, but no rule should be made that is dis criminatory in character." The doctor raised the question as to why altitudinous players be designated as "mezzanine-peeping goons" simply because they can reach the basket. He arguea mat such players as Harry "Big Boy" Boykoff, of St. John's, Milo Kome nich, Bob Kurland, of Oklahoma Aggies, George Mikan of De Paul, and all other versatile stratosphere players be permitted the full free dom of the court and the airlanes withoutdiserimination against them. Such a difficulty as the N.C.A.A. mmmmmm "Solid. VUunbsikiu' . . . . These Finger Tip "Solid Numbers"... all! These popular fingertip re versible coats. Made of cot ton gabardine and corduroy . . . they're smartly styled and tailored. For all-purpose wear, treat in "795 sun or rain! All sizes w GOLD'S... Men's Store. .... fijiA Frosh Baseball Meii at Norman NORMAN, Okla., April 3 A practically all-freshman Univer sity of Oklahoma baseball team that plays only two college games on its 10-game 1943 slate was scheduled to begin action this week. , Coached by Howard "Splash" Spangenberg, former Milwaukee semi-pro pitcher now a shop in structor in the ordnance school at Norman's South Naval Aviation Maintenance base, the embryo Sooners will play practically all service teams. Pitcher Ray -Lacer and Out fielder Bill Parker are only men who were on last year's squad. Among the new men reporting are Jack Cairns, Clinton; Butch Chan cellor, Muskogee; Merrell McDon ald, Gerber; Olen Corley, Friend ship; Dale Grubbs, Henryctta; C. D. "Red" Deal, Charles Pugs ley, Jim Mitchell and Harold Hines of Oklahoma City; Gene Merrell and Bill Chandler, Tulsa; and Bill Fry, Durant. The Sooner schedule: March 31 South Base here, April 3 Enid Air School here, April 5 South Base here, April 9 South Base here, April 12 and 16 North Base here, April 19 Oklahoma Aggies here, April 23 Oklahoma Aggies at Still water, April 26 Gunnery School at Lexington, April 29 Enid Air School at Enid. rules committee is obviously at tempting to avert, would be solved by simply raising the goals to a height of twelve feet instead of the current ttn, Dr. Allen pointed out. "There is nothing kacred about the ten-foot basket," he said. "Dr. Naisinith nailed his peach basket on the running track at Spring field college and it so happened that the running track was built up ten feet for the past ter. years. Yet coaches are complaining about the tall player batting the ball away from the basket;." Typhoons Enter Dcs Moines Meet AMES, Ia April 3 The naval training school has been invited to participate in the 34th annual Drake Relays this year. - Ensiem Charles Jones, athletic officer, announced the Typhoons would enter a team in the obstacle run, a new event in the relay schedule. The athletic office has been holdinb time trials to determine who will be members of the team as the Typhoons have been work ing out regularly on the Iowa State 625 yard obstacle course. Change of Date Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Preterit IGOR GORIN Monday, April 5 St. Paul Church Replacing Robert Weede who was to have appeared April 12 BBODWILjTOGr. America's Most Popular Indoor Sport Try a game today LINCOLN BOWLING PARLORS 236 No. 12 Fijis Still Pace Points After Track TOP TEN Phi Gams 656 ATOs 653 Phi Delts 580 SAEs 518 Betas 485 Sig Nus 444 DUt . 439 Farm House 434 Phi Psit 374 Intramural Kittenball Play Opens . . . April 8 Softball is the next event on the intramural major sport roster, and event which this term may decide the winner of the Jack Best trophy race. Fraternity soft ball teams com mence play April 8 with eight games scheduled. Phi Gamma Delta, current leader by three points in the Jack Best race, landed in League III with the Delta Sigs, Farm Holse, Sig Chi's and Sigma Nu clubs. Second place ATO athletes must fccmpete against Beta Sigs, DU's Sammies and ZBTs in League II. League 1 teams are Phi Delts, Alpha Sigs, Delta, Phi Psi's and Si? Eps. League IV includes Betas, Kappa Sigs, Theta Xi, Sig Alpha and Alpha Gamma. First Matches (April 8): League I 5:00, Delta vs. Phi j Psi's; 6:00, Phi Delts vs. Alpha Sigs. League 115:00, DU's vs. Sammies; 6:00, Beta Sigs vs. ATO's. League III 5:00, Phi Gams vs. Sigma Chi; 6:00 Delta Sigs vs. Farm House. League IV 5:00, Theta XI vs. SAE; 6:00, Betas vs. Kappa Sigs Two Cowboys Win Sooner Foe Laurels NORMAN, Okla., April 3 Two Wyoming players were named on the annual all-Opponents' basket ball team iust selected for the 1942-43 season bv Bruce Drake University of Oklahoma coach. Kenneth Sailors, Wyoming's little All-American A.A.U. for ward, and Jim Weir, Wyoming's 6-foot 6-inch guard, were men chosen from the mountain team's N.C.A.A. Westeii. Regional cham pions who edged out Oklahoma 53-50, in the first round of the national collegiate playoffs at Kansas City, March 26. Drake's complete all-Opponents team for the season just past was Forward Sailors, Wyoming. Forward Johnny Kotz, Wiscon sin. Center Harry Boykoff, St Johns U. Guard Ray Evans, Kansas. Guard Weir, Wyoming. Drake's selection illustrates the calibre of the 27-game schedule Oklahoma nlayed this past season St. Johns was the strongest team in the East, Wisconsin was third in the Big Ten, Wyoming won the Mountain chamnionshio and the CLASSIFIED a Mm per day. Payabla la adraaea aair. LOST Gold crested sorortty bracelet. Call AronlU Daskovsny, a-joo. Stranded in When we had lea with Abraham Lincoln in 1861 ami dis cussed the platform of the dreamed we would live to see pator 'a pood frjend, Cornelius two Cornhusker Iraok performers. OP Man Vanderhilt, creator roads, would turn over in his ines did to Vic. Schleich and Howie Debus rrntay. Bound for entrance in the Cornhusker duo stepped off the day night to make a startling stepped by since the Texas-bound tram left its destination ana - he train Vic and Howie had rode ate! Frantically did the Cornhusker trackmen attempt .to find other transportation to the Lone Star meet. All to no avail. Only possible mode of transportation was a bus which would reach the relay site less than one hour beofre start ins time. So Debus and Schleich were day instead of exploiting their heart of the Texas Relays. It return to Lincoln. A hectic bus would do enough harm to either for victory. Ed Weir exnressed concern over the possibilty of securing pound Master Debus. Big Debus never cleared 13 feet until he supplanted an aluminum pole with a bamboo stick. Then he commenced to hit 13 feet with regularity. .Debus' trusty bamboo pole finally crumpled under the burden last for a replacement. - "Just try and find a bamboo mat can nom now am, grinned Weir. "Unless we find to try the aluminum pole." W W Concensus of reports from nation discloses that Nebraska canable of luring out enough .... Illinois Brilliant comeoacK uy me piint. was stormed this swrinff when the squad dwindled from 50 to 8 and forced cancellation Purdue 81 uniforms issue, only men reporting Iowa Six players turned out for the opening Hawkeye Kansas or K-State entirely null and void. Missouri enlivened by an alum-varsity spring game. Oklahoma 20 reporting, "touch" football featured. Prospective army calls, plus the inability of oftu-ials to see the potentiality of spring inter-school matches, account for the lack of manpower. Western Regional N.C.A.A. title while Kansas was the 1943 Big Six champion and at any time she could have assembled her full strength at the season's close, came very close to being the nation's top college five of 1943. The Oklahoma players also selected three all-opponents' teams following their season's finale at Kansas City against Coach Hec Edmundson's University of Wash ington Huskies, Pacific Coast champs, whom Oklahoma defeated 48-43 for third place in the recent N.C.A.A. Western Regional tour ney. Rutgers has played football longer than any other college, but never has had an undefeated sea son. As a college sport, la crosse is 59 years old. Free Union Flicker Shaw Fotty Arbuckle in "Mabel's Jealous Romeo" Charlie Chaplin in 'The Fireman" Harold Lloyd in "Step Lively" Laurel & Hardy in "Sailors Beware" Harry Langdon in "Saturday Afternoon" 8:00 p. m. Sunday, April 14 Union Ballroom Peanuts and Corn 5c K-City . . know-nothing party we never the day when the (ireat Emanci Vanderhilt, would rise to haunt of a reliable share of our rail coffin if lie knew what his train Texas Relays Saturday, the streamliner in Kansas City Fri disclosure. Two hours had on into K-uty was two nours v on the university campus to indivdual talents deep in the was a wise move tor the duo to ride over a loop territory performer to offset any hopes in his coliseum office today another vault bamboo for 200- weeK ana tne seaicn was on. something, 1 guess ne u na w w spring gridiron fronts over the is not the only institution, un- candidates tor a game. i i 4.1 1AiA T11!m! KO V of spring drills. Choice positions an In; on ns from states all over the Mississippi Val ley. We can make your enroll ment profitable to you. Call or urite. mm. Ml IV- r rhnir nositions are call- r