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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1943)
Thursday, March 25, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN Warm Weather Break Brings Huskers Outdoors for Track V.,:: ""V By Norri Anderson V 1 ' 4akx Once every blue moon something happens in tliis business Ihiit makes mortal enemies out, of rhyme and reason. Failure of many varsity hands to report until official sanction of the Missouri frame is realized has Mentor (Men I'resnell doing a stint of fingernail nibbling these bright spring days. If the game does fully materialize via string's which re quire at least one more week pulling, only two weeks will re main for pre-game conditioning prior to the match. Fact that Missouri has completed two weeks conditioning means that Ne braska's task is cut out. So, you non-reporting varsity gridders, paste this on your bedsteads : UNLESS KVKKY (JIM D.MAN STAKTS JiKPORTINV. IM MEDIATELY, THE MISSOUIU CAME WILL HE QVV. COM PLETE SQUAD ATTENDANCE IS WEOUINED IF l'KFS- NELL IS TO (ilVE HIS STAMP OF APPKOYAL "WHEN AP- PEA 1?I NT! KEFOKE TM K ATHLETIC.1 HOARD. x Can you blame the Cornhusker tutor 7 lie would be stand ing behind an eight-ball of enormous proportions if lie hnd to lead an unconditioned squad into battle against Missouri. Athey, Eisenhart, Lylcr, McNult all you " non-report ees" you've indicated "your approval of the Missouri match, now back your opinion by reporting. Don't wait for official sanc tion. Ellis' is a gamble worth working for. 01' Sol finally beamed approvingly on the UN landscape today and linally'Ed AYeir ami (Slop Presnell had opportunity to shoo their proleges outdoors. Sight of a smoke cloud over Memorial Stadium hinted to us that Weir had his tracksters outdoors. We journeyed thru the gates to find the Weir pipe puffing full steam. Runners found the outdoor cinders still too moist, but Vic Schleich, How ard Debus and the weight crew were tossing their wares on stadium turf. Debus winged a series of discus tosses across the turf while we watched. If any heave measured less than 140 feet, we'd have been surprised. Schleich continued to temper .'0 feet wilh his shot heaves. No wonder weight evenls are the kev to Ne braska's 104'? Hig Six track hopes. Anon to fill lire navy reservisls: Woid arrived here today lliat form or national champion Husker vaulter. Harold Hunt, landed second place in a "slrcnglh" test, conducled among the Y-7 en roll ees at Northwestern university. To attain his goal, "Harry" had to negotiate 15 chin-ups, 25 push-ups and 83 back-levers all in 15 minutes ! It was hare that a pair of sinewy arms, strengthened by lour years in the vault pits, did our Harold proud. Hunt also remarked that he might "add a purple letter to his Scarlet numeral.'1 Seems that reservisls at Northwestern, under a new Hig Ten rule, may be eligible there for regular co! Igiate competition. . . . Weightmen Perform Vic Moves Vj one ........ ........................ ' I K I f ' W ;v ' Indiana Op Spring Drills ... Bo Calls "Em BLOOMIN'GTON. Ind., March 24. Altho the opening of the new spring- footbill drill has been post poned for a week because of weather conditions. Coach Bo Mc Millin said yesterday that the pro gram definitely would begin Mon- - -Courtesy Lincoln A mere 16-pound iron pellet can't argue when" 230 pounds shove it forward, so Husker Vic Schleich with several 50-foot heaves to his credit rangs among the nation's premier shot putters. War Changes Iowa Sports . . . Intramural AMES. Ia., March 24. The spring intramural program has been streamlined to meet the war time changes at Iowa State. The fraternity and fraternity fresh man classes have been consoli dated intq one and, with' the wards, will constitute the two di visions of competition. Intramural Director H. J. Schmidt has called two managers meetings for this week at which the spring schedule, will be formu lated. The fraternity managers will meet Wednesday at 5:10 p. m. and a ward managers meeting has been called for Thursday after noon at the same time. A 6-sport program will be in operation during the quarter. Vol leyball, horseshoe pitching, soft ball, track, tennis and golf will be offered. Volleyball will be In the limelight until the weather al lows the outdoor competition to get under way. BY HENRY FISHBACK. Curnhusker track and field co- horts shifted into the great out- ; ( 1 (If il S f Ifim thoif U'ocf &t A in v in. I - - - "Ml Wl t V 1 1 Vt klkOVJIUIII ill- door retreat yesterday for a brisk drill in the Nebraska sunshine. Major comment of track coach, Ed Weir, tossed the spotlight on his star distance runners, Jim Brogan, Creighton Hale and Dean Kratz, who whipped thru a trial half mile race Tuesday Upsetting the dope bucket, the veteran Brogan subdued the dav whether the wcaHnr touted "kid" distance men, Hale ated or not. and Kratz, in the fair clocking of If the practice field is not in 2:02.1 in the 880-yard grind, ran : shape, which might easily be the on the indoor boards. Weir caught i case, the bovs will work out in the Hale in 2:02.3 and Kratz in 2:02.4 1 fieldhouse. "Bill Feldhouse, line in a tight finish. j coach, suggested. "The boys made pnenty of mis-' Tne nevv program will be syn takes," said Ed, ."but I think ! chronized with that of the De they'll be running better later in i Partment of Physical -Education the season." I since those bovs who go out for Working kinks from their shot-! S J?" J!" jouma.'P'it arms, Vic Schleich and How- l"" u"t'?:. t"T. aid Debus trw.k full arlvantoo f!""6'?"' " cvjr the warm weather. Debus loos ened up with the javelin, discus, and shot with several fine efforts. Debus, 1942 Big Six javelin cham pion, propelled the spear with old time skill, then shifted to the shot put ling. Schleich's shot put tosses continued to carry out to the 50 foot mark. Hurdle Crop Small. ..Nebraska, already thin in the hurdles and two mile, seemed farther weakened last night. Top timber topper, Lee Christenson two miler Paul Joehrde who ran ! who desires to play with th? aim' j of aiding in the huge job of con i ditioning America's fighting men. Training plans include four practices a week with intersquad J games on Saturdays, Coach Mc i Millin said. Sooners Mav Employ -Frosh . . .For N.C.A.C. NORMAN, Okla., March 24 Drafted by the N. C. A. A. com mittee to represent the fifth dis trict in the Western Regional basketball tournament at Kansas City Msfrch 26 and 27, Oklahoma's Big Six conference runners-up will try to ready a couple of freshmen players for the big meet to bolster their waning strength and replace their totally departed sophomore crop. Coach Bruce Drake is striving to polish, n the short time at his command, Charles Pugsley and Jim Mitclipll, two six-foot fresh men who last year played on Okla homa City Classen high school's strong team. Unlike Wyoming, Texas and Washington, who have had access to freshmen all year and thus have had time to blend them into their team plan, Oklahoma's freshmen are just starting out, owing to theJ Big Six conference s dilatory ac tion of staying the date of fresh man eligibility until March 1, 1943. Meanwhile Big Six teams have seen from first hand experience how efficiently freshmen operate on opponents' clubs. Kansas lost to Creighton at Lawrence in De cember when Bob Salem, Bluejay freshman, broke up a close game in the last three minutes. Flash! Jacobs Pulls Muscle NORMAN, Okla., March 24 John Jacobs, Oklahoma's 4 9" year old track coach and honorary referee of the 1943 Texas Relays, has officially accepted the chal lenge for a special 20-yards hurdle race issued by his rival of 30 years ago, Clyde Littlefield, Texas track coach and director of the Texas Relays. "I pulled a muscle last night setting out cabbages, but my trainer says I will be okay by April 3, Jacobs told reporters when they showed him Littlefield's challenge. The Oklahoma coach, a great dirt track hurdler, broad-jumper and high-jumper in his day, then revealed how he defeated Little field in the Texas-Oklahoma dual track meet at Austin, Tex., back in 1913. "I worked out a defense for Littlefield's style of hurdling," Jacobs recalled. "Watchmgr him hurdle in 1912. I noticed that in all his races, Littlefield would be three or four ards down the track when the starter's gun went off. "So when I ran against him in 1913, I left with Littlefield. I don't know what happened to the otrer four boys in the race. I guess they waited on the gun." Jayhawk Football Cancelled . . . No Spring Drills MANHATTAN, Kans., March 24. Chances for football at Kan sas State next fall were some what dimmed yesterday with the announcement from athletic direc tor that, spring football practice had been cancelled for the school year because of the scanty turn out of students for the team. "This does not necessarily mean there will be no varsity team next fall," M. F. Ahearn, director said. "With recent rulings passed by the Big Six Council permitting freshmen and transfer students to compete in varsity athletics their first year in; school, conditions in September may justify having a varsity football team. Kansas university is also suf fering from, an insufficient num ber or candidates. Reports from Lawrence have it that K. U. has a stadium, and uniforms but lacks a coach and players. They may find it necessary to cancel their Big Six schedule this fall but will try to play Kansas State and other schools in Kansas. Oklahoma has completed their spring football practice and had 32 men out for the team. Nebraska reported 32 candidates for their spring football practice. Missouri and Iowa have not yet started spring practice. All Big Six schools reported only about one-third of the- usual turnout this spring. up a third in the Big Six two mile are in the school of en gineering and can't find time to drill, according to Weir. "I hope they'll be in some kind of de cent shape by the time the big meets roll around," opined the Husker mentor. "I saw my first new ARROW SHIRT today!" Yep, Mr. Robin, vhrn the lada begin to jxirt their oew Arrows, it s a sure sign spring is here. For lots of fellows know lhat Arrow Shirts... vith their handsome col lars and trim "Mitoga" figure fit..; really make a big difference in a guy's looks. And all fathi n-wise men know that Arrow Ties, Shorts and Handkerchiefs are perfect match-mates for Arrow Shirts. Soooo, now that spring has come, vhy not step in and treat yourself to one of our new Arrow ensembles? ARROW SHIRTS, 2.23 up (Sanforixtd-labflrd, won't slirink ARROW TIES, fl and 91.30 ARROW SHORTS, 7.r up ARROW II WDKER CHIEFS 3.e up Mrn'i Store.