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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1943)
4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 18, 1943 IL! BY JANET MASON. Wolfgang (Douglass) Monroe hu finally found an answer to hia plea for a new society editor, The first job which confronts any new society editor is to straighten out the unauthentic re ports of his predecessor. Nanjely, Betty Ruth Dunlap, Chi O., does not have Sig Ep Ray Miller s pin It has been rumored that Charlie Spivak is coming to the Turnpike Friday but from previous expert encea we have learned not to stake too much on rumors. Nevertheless a few of the wishful thinkers have made dates for the affair. One date in particular which caught our attention was that of ATO Johnny Thompson and DG Helen Johnson, Phi Delt Johnny (C Card) Jones will be seen with Miggs Manning, Kappa pledge and Bob Ferguson, DU, with Helen Greuscl, AOPI. Norm Hoik and Bill Gist will be patronizing Fred's Friday night in view of the Theta initiation which will occupy the time of Johne Ackerman and Bar bara Schlater. Things I've Always to Know. Why the ATO freshmen don't have the nerve to give Jawn Mason a full-cut; or (why I am going into hibernation after Monday night)? What choir that Jean McCart ney signs in practices until 12:30 on Wednesday nights? Why Mark Hargraves, George Wright and Jim Nicola are import ing three girls from Missouri for week-end dates? Could it be to promote the football game between Missouri and Nebraska? Competing with the Fiji-Tau tussle is the DU luncheon dance Saturday at the DU house. Among those present will be Bill McCor ntaughey and his Alpha Chi "steady" Eunice Ensor, Kurt Kim ball and Alpha Phi Mary Lee Stauf and Kent (speedy-on-the- track-how-does-he-do-on-the-grass ) Kratz and Mary Tussey. Perhaps Cornhusker sales will flourish with this bit of informa tion: A stolen glance through the Cornhusker files revealed that Alice Louise Becker has been hold ing out two interesting pictures, taken at a Phi Gam party last year, of a well-known f porta writer with one of his fraternity brother s girls. Wow! Seen coking in the Union was Bob Terhune, para-trooper, form erly of UN, with Mary Lee Tom linson, DG. The biggest order of the day for Saturday is the Fin-Tau tussle bringing together Finn Howard. ATO, and Lois Scofield. Alpha Chi, John Binning, Phi Gam and June Criffen, Tri Delt, and Bob Schlater. ATO and Judy O'Conner, Kappa. News comes of the marriage of C.inny Hay, Kappa, and Harry Rin.ler, Beta of last year, last week following Harrys commis sion as an ensign. A parting word results In a fer vent hope that the new N-club Initiates will recover from their boardings in time to enjoy an eventful week-end. Election (Continued from Page 1.) COED COUNSELORS. President: Gertrude Lyon Catherine Wells Senior Affiliated (Vote for two.) Betty Boncbright Carol Chapman Nancy Raymond Margaret Rosborough Senior Unaffiliated (Vote for two.) Lorene Bennett Eleanor Jack a Mary Louise Loos Marianne Zeigler Junior Affiliated (Vote for threa.) Mary Ellen Beachley Mary Louise Campbell Helen Johnson Gloria Manila Ann Seacrest Grace Steckley Junior Unaffiliated (Voe for three.) Mary Jane Aker Beverly Biba Phyllis Ellenberger Frances Jane Howell Adelaide Kloepper LuAnn Williams Sophomore Allitlated (Vote for two.) Pat Curry Betty Gayer Pat Terhune Betty Ann Rhodes Sophmora Unaffiliated (Vota for Special Navy Board to Meet March 23-28 Men interested in reserve com missions in the navy are being invited to appear before a special selection board which will sit in Omaha from March 23 thru March 28 it was announced here Wednes day by Lieut R. N. Larson of the naval officer procurement staff at Des Moines. Any men under 50 years of age who feel that they may qualify as naval officers will be inter viewed. Lieut. Larson said it is likely some students graduating mis spring can qualify. The board will have offices at 820 WOW building, 14th and Far nam, in Omaha. Complete appli cations will be given those who qualify and medical examinations will be made. Johnny Riveter Goes 'All Out' For War Effort Somebody wondered how John Echternach, full-time riveter at North American Aircraft Corn.. Inglewood, Calif., could subscribe $40 or each weekly pay check to Duy war bonds. "It costs me no thine to live. he explained. "I get my room and board for managing the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. You see, I'm also a full-time student at the University of California. Log An geles." As a side line he serves n sa! aried business manager of th campus numor magazine. two.) Martene Akerson Catherine Curley Suzanne Pope Miola Pass BABW President: Mary Ellen Sim Marianne Zeigler Juniors (Vote for two ) Lois Klindt Georgia Walker Jane Johnston Hazel Anthony Sophomores (Vote for four.) Virginia Stuermer Hazel Steam Lois Jackson Gladys Bowman LuAnn Williams Phyllis Dodge Freshmen (Vote for four.) Betty Lou Simon Claire Kepler Dorothy Heim Martyne Akerson Eleanor Edison Ruth Kellenberger Arlene Wacka AWS President: Janet Hemphill Racheal Ann Locke Juniors (Vote for four.) Arlene Casey Helen Gogela Mary Jo Latsch Betty Peters Doris Peterson Natalie Porter Mary Ellen Sim Flora Scott Sophomores (Vote for four.) Roberta Burgess Dorothy Carnahan Chita Hill Mary Lou Holts Jo Martz Barbara Stahl Hazel Stcarn Virginia Stuermer Freshmen (Vote for four.) Auce A Dei Joline Marie Ackerman .Shirley Crosby Madeline Holtzscherer Mary Ann Mattoon Ardis Post Betty Lou Simon Betty Stanton MAY QUEEN Alice Louise Becker Sidney Ann Gardner Anne S. Kinder Betty Newman Shirley Phelps Mary Jean Rettenmeyer Betty Ann Tisthammer WAA President: Joyce Junge Ruth Ann Robertson Secretary: LUa Howell Fern Freeman Treasurer: Helen Johnson Jean Whedon ;:;:;::::--;-;0:': W9M J- Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Clark announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjory Ellen, to Aviation Cadet Jack H. Reams, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Reams. Both have attended the university where Miss Clark is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Cadet Reams Is training at Morningside college, Sioux City, la. No date has been set for the wedding. Dr. Westbrook, Prof. Lentz Lead Group at Norfolk Dr. Arthur E. Westbrook and Prof. Don Lentz of the school of music will jointly conduct a mass high school band and choral clinic festival Friday in Norfolk. At least 15 northeast Nebraska high schools will be represented by mu sic groups. Sponsored by the Norfolk junior college, the clinic will start at 9 a. m. o'clock in the high school auditorium with choir and band rehearsals. Concluding perform ance of the day will be a mass choir and band concert in the eve ning at the Norfolk city audito rium. Admission charges will be war bonds and stamps. Came . . (Continued from page 1.) Sports Editor Daily Nebraskan Dear Sir: Some students think fall is the best time of the year. When you ask them why, they all reply: "Because of football." Ne braska has tra ditionally had strong football teams and the sport ranks top among univer sity sports. A spring game with Mis souri would add Interest to stu dent activities, now lagging with an or the ERC men leaving for the army. Ann Kinder President, Coed Counselors. Sports Editor Daily Nebraskan Dear Sir: Tassels are the University of Nebraska's official women's Don organization, as you know, and naturally they favor anv action that will promote school spirit and university sports. As a member of Tassels, X know ConrM Journal. Student Talent In Fifth Union Variety Show Employing student talent and film entertainment, the Union will present its fifth variety show of the year Sunday at 8 p. m. in the ballrooom. The Pi Phi trio, composed of Dolores Weaver, Marilyn Simpson and Helen Veiuium, will sing pop ular selections as a part of the vaudeville show, and Jeanne Rot- ton will give piano interpretation of semi-classical music. Taken from Shakespeare. "Boys of Syracuse," a comedy starring Alan Jones, Martha Raye and the late Joe Penner, is the full length movie of the evening. Taken from Shakespeare's "Com edy of Errors," the plot involves the complications of twin brother and twin servants living in ancient Athens. ' A Donald Duck quickie, "On Ice, will complete the program that the group will wholeheartedly back the idea ot a spring football game with Missouri. That old school spirit and enthusiasm needs to be revived once again. Our boys can also get into shape for future army call by condition ing for a game. Lila Howell President, Tassels Word has also been received from Max Laughlln, Kosmet Klub president; Alice Louise Becker, editor of the Cornhusker; Pat Chamberlin, president of the War Council; and Polly Petty, chairman of the Student Foundation. Every one of these student leaders pledged their personal support, plus the support of their organ izations, to promotion of the spring football match. Daily Error . . Thru an error in yesterday's Dally, a rooming bouse was listed as "Carl Coop." It is not a coop bouse but a girl's boarding house. Juke Box Serenade Dance Free, 10 p. m., Friday, March 19 Free Variety Show Featuring Vaudeville and Movies 8:00 p. m. Sunday, March 21 At the Student Union Iowa Chemist Says Bananas Provide Fuel AMES, Iowa, March 15. Motor fuel from bananas is a chemical possibility, according to Dr. L. A. Underkofler of the chemistry de partment of Iowa State college. Dr. Underkofler, consulting chemist for the Office of the Co ordinator of Inter-American Af fairs, has Just returned to the campus here after nearly three months investigation of the pro cess in Costa Rica and Honduras. He conducted his investigation in the laboratories of the United Fruit company at San Jose, Costa Rica, and La Lima, Honduras. Use Surplus. The process for making motor fuel was developed as a possible means of using bananas which are now rotting on the ground for lack of shipping facilities. Dr. Under kofler said that while chemically possible, the process must still be developed by chemical engineers on a commrcial basis. Dr. Underkofler has had a part in work that has been carried on at Iowa State college recently for the production of alcohol from grain by a new process. Honor Cadets . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Cadet Robert Hiram Bowles, 1500 U St., Lincoln. Cadet Edward Andrew Her zog, 900 Claremont, Lincoln. Cadet Antonio S. Nocita, 1723 So. 7, Omaha. Candidates selected by the war department who satisfactorily pass the final type physical examina tion will be tendered appointments as 2nd lieutenants, regular army, in the arms or services designated by the war department. Candidates selected by the com mandant, U. S. marine corps, who satisfactorily pass the final type physical examination will be tend ered appointments in the U. S. ma rine corps reserve and a limited number will be selected for perma nent appointment as officers of the U. S. marine corps. Selection of candidates in all cases will follow the prescribed three months training immediately following graduation and comple tion of the advanced course ROTC. Colonel Murphy stated. Candidates selected for appoint ment in the U. S. marine corps reserves will be sent to Quantico, Va., for completion of training. Bulletin AlkANK . Mfinhfru of Aikane arc Invited by the A VM-YW to a dinner tontht at .1 on Ak raiupuK. All th'M Interfiled plraM call Barbara Tow rue rid 2-741S, or alary Lockett, 2 217 All who are planning to (to meet In the Studer.t Union lounge at 4 45. BAMfc MME will hold a current event quia tonlRht In the Union at 7:30, under Prindi Cox. AK Hr.KV 41.1 II Archerv rlub will meet tomorrow after noon at i.M la the dance atudio ot Grant Memorial. FRIDAY A f 11 TSV w V 7 sfiUxwtns ai tvlTOOOI 1 1 T as V 111 if v . 20 Great Badio Star. Persoa