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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1943)
Thursday, March 11, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN The Sigma Chia are calling their blow-out party this Saturday an "Odds and Ends" party. But the brothers who are entering the services insist t is a "Last Chance" party before they run into Uncle Sam. At this closed affair will be Sigs Don Patterson, Rodney Roberts and Dick Dawson squiring Kappas Mary Verink, Ann Aherne, and Bette Grubb. Thcta, Jean Rotton will be in the arms of Jim Johnson. Brothers Paul Torcn, Gene Davis, Allen Dale, Harlan Houtchens, and John Boulware will be escorting Alpha Phis Joan Witt, Polly Petty, Betty Jo Lead ley, Eva Spelts, and Sally Sears. The Question. The guest writers of today have one question which is foremost in their minds. It is simply: why haven't ERC students had their minds relieved as to enlisted re serve status? Authorities in Washington have kept 344 boys in a dilema for the past year, and we would like to express our appreciation for taking care of the problem as promptly as possible. Of course we will be lucky if we receive any credit and because of the turmoil, we have gotten little if anything out of the past year, yet we still want to express our appreciation for solving the prob lem. Steadies. Paul Eveland, Farm House, and Dorothy Caress, AOPi, have de cided to call it steady Good luck. kids. It has been rumored that Polly Petty, Alpha Phi, has decided to go with Ensign Art Mason, Sig Chi, instead of a sergeant. What will be next Are there any un attached colonels around Phone number 2-5332 or 2-2529. Good bye dears, we'll be back in a year, or so, or so, or Norris . . (Continued from Page 1.) The Daily Nebraskan and the In nocents Society have also been in strumental in arranging details of the convocation. The program will begin with the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner toy the university band, Brief speeches of farewell and good luck to the ERC's will then be given by Chancellor C. S. Boucher and Col. James P. Mur phy, PMS&T, Pat Chamberlin, president of the War Council will preside. Follies (Continued from Page 1.) touches with "In the Usual Way" twittering about Love's Old Sweet Bong. Ushers for the event are: Mary Jo Meyer, Shirley Stoats, Lois Newmeyer, Katherine Curley, Marcia Craft, Mary Jo Gish, Wau neta Ziegler, Margaret Reese, Jean Guenzel, Pat Tobin, Nina Scott, Marge Hanks, Dorothy Caress, Doris Dolezal. Former Student Plays on Sunday Concert Program A former university student, Leroy II. Giles, will be interviewed Sunday on the afternoon concert program over KFAB. Giles will play two trombone solos. He received his master's degree here in 1939, and is now in the service at St. Petersburg, Fla. Nebraska's Coed Rifle Team Loses To Rippon College Nebraska's women's rifle team was defeated last week in a postal match with Rippon college. UN women scored 469 out of a possible 600, with opponents shooting 495. Tryouts for the team will be continued this week, with all mem bers required to attend. Next scheduled meet is a postal match with the University of Michigan, ending March 27. y . .. . ,. a. As '..-.V . -m-v: ".'" . t - " : 4' V N - r ) i .i I . . $ J : I V: i - v i f -'.r . . f J" . - , V" r ' v . - L... . . . , , .-j ... ... 3 :.:.. . .y..:.v., ...A.. ... A ....... . . Miss Verna Jean Kreuscher is betrothed to Lt Herbert Erickson. Miss Kreuscher is a Chi Omega and Lt. Erickson was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the University of Montana. Red Cross Goes Over Goal Contributions Total $2700 ForWarFund Final tabulations turned in by Red Cross captains revealed the drive on this campus surpassing its goal with a total of twenty- seven hundreds dollars being con tributed. Greek contributions during the drive totaled nineteen hundred dol lars, while the barb organizations massed eight hundred dollars of the grand total. Alpha Phis led the list of sororities, turning 132 dollars over to the fund, while Delta Upsilon headed the list of fraternities, with 112 dollars be ing contributed. Commenting on the final total. the drive was pronounced as suc cessful by Red Cross leaders, With an acute shortage of stu dents enrolled this year, and with the goal more than doubled over CLASSIFIED t Unt ptr day. Pyb! la ad vine only. FOUND Man's nftg and locket 1n An drews Hail, stop at Andrews 103 and pay for ad. LOST Black billfold containing ERC, identification card, birth certificate. CaU &-9290. Introducing IKE MICHAEL'S BAUD Fri., March 12 25c per person 9 to 12 Union Ballroom Courteay Lincoln Journal last year's quota, contributions passed the goal set at the be ginning of the campaign, by more than one hundred dollars. List of contributions of organized houses are as follows: 80R0RITIK8. Alpha Oil Omega $IK.M Alpha Omlrroa !l ftl.M Alpha Phi lSE.t Alpha XI IHla 4I.M CM Omera tl.M Delia Delta Delta 1VM Delia Gamma . . GZ.7B Gamma fhl Beta 33.M Kappa Alpha Tbeta ISft.t Kappa Delta 3. OS Kappa Kappa Gamma 1M.M PI Reta I'M 4I.M Mcma Kappa t: ti tMcma Delta Taa M.M FRTERMTIKS. Alpha Gamma RHo Alpha Slcnia I'd! 21.00 Alpha Taa Onteca RI M Reta Klrma Pal , 3 Beta Tbeta PI 7.4S Delta MKnia 11 !. for" ( ,4 On Town Hall Series . Franklin P.Adams Entertain ing But Lacks Fire of Radio Work BY JEAN GLOTFELTY. "Just a dreamer with my head i- - ia iYt WAV Frank- 111 II1C nuuim, -- lin P. Adams characterized himself i IK. rp..nrn when he appeared on iue iuwm Hall program Tuesdny night. F. . ..A. , , 1 . 1 T P. A., wlio is a prominiMii u"'" ist, wit, and an expert on the radip program "Information i 'lease, called nis iaiK -insiuc iiuuhhiiv.. Please." The program was entertaining, but disappointing in the light of previous Town iiau pi-ogiam.-f. r. P. A. socmed more like a local professor than a celebrated author and wit. First Radio Experience. The first time he talked over the -nA h oqI.a.i t iio Kiudio tech- ldUIV, 11V nician how he should go about i. . . . rs, speaking over a niicroinu'iH-. w being told to talk just like lie did at home, F. P. A. remarked, "You Sophomores at Mundclein college are investing proceed of their cotillion in war bonds. Twelve coeds at Washington State college are spending the first half of the semester doing practice teaching in three Spokane high schools. A personal managers' workshop is being set up at Fairlcigh Dick inson Junior college, Rutherford, N. J. Delta Taa Delta Delta I'pHiloa 1" Kaon Hnaae 4 0 M Kunna, Mcma ' PM Delta Taeta SO Phi Gamma lelta M. Phi Kappa Pal IS. Mcma Alpha KpalhM M Hlirma Alpha Ma 1 MlKma (M Muma Na KtKraa Phi Epallna CI Thela KH I XI Pal ITU Seta Kela Tau M Boston university is admitting to college study high school sen iors who are recommended by their principals. University of Wisconsin students invested $13,854 in war stamps and bonds during the first se mester. Colleges of London's Cambridge university are planning a short course in swing music in April. Your Best Bet for Spring A Good Suit A Good Coat . . . bftcauM the combination t ver aatllft . . . o uw-fiil time an! llm acAin, aa combination nw . . . aa separate later. And not just for thia (euon, but lasting many! Plaida, plain, paatela brighta . , auitn of Shetland, tweed or twill r casual, man-tailored or driwnmaker la atyle. Coata are your beloved bojr Stjrle, baimacaan. Chesterfield to match or contrast o( ahetlands, flce or miiture fabrics. Siaea 10 to 40. $22.95 to $49.95 Ready-fo-Wtar Third Floor , . . Reporter Finds mean I can say things like that over the radio?" When he was asked how he and his fellow experts knew so much, Mr. Adams stated that there are at least fifty men in the country who could do better. "But I'm not telling who because my first duty is to my family," he said. Scarlet O'Hara? On one Information Please pro gram, the experts were asked to give Sinclair Lewis' nickname. The red-headed, now slightly bald Mr. Lewis is called "Red" but F. P. A. cracked Uie answer, "Scarlet No-Hair-a." Tuesday's program was the last of the Town Hall series for this year. Going Away Party for ERC's WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 7 at Union Ballroom 7-10 p. m. Fraeicis EBSiHgtoi and his Orchestra ERC's admitted free by invitation. Others 25c each m 'A-'-: i M J i I . .