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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1943)
Thursday, March 11, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 , i A Nil N tftl 0(J" cj 1 t l Coach Weii Issues Call For Talent Ed Weir, Qornhusker track and field coach, issued the initial call Wednesday for outdoor cinder as pirants. "Experience is of no importance this year," said Weir. "Candidates can keep in shape for impending military call by taking daily track workouts. All Big Six schools are down in cinder talent this year and men who wouldn't place in other years, will have a chance this spring." Loss of Al Brown, departed a week ago to the army air corps, leaves the Husker tutor short of ilistance performers. Brown won both 440 and 880 events in the re cent Big Six indoor tourney. Three frosh runners are expect ed to make Husker fans forget the loss of Brown. Dean Kratz tops the lot with a 52.2 quarter clock ing and a 2:02 half, tho Creighton Hale and Phil Meyers show prom ise. Hale recently broke his arm, now runs with the wing in a cast. New trackmen are asked to see Ed Weir any day in his office from 3:00 until 6:00 p. m. Benson, Lincoln, Scottsbluff Hastings Favored to Advanc Huskers Team Together Again Nebraska cage stars, Johnny Thompson, John Fitzgibbon, and ' Moxie" Young, teamed together Tuesday night on a Cornhusker dominated Nuthouse five to slam Big Ed's hoop artists 42 to 16 in the quarterfinals of the midwest A. A. U. basketball tournament in Omaha. Fitzgibbon led the rout with 7 points, and Thompson hit for 6 digits. Nut Houw 4l ft, ft pf! 3 0-0 0 Akromis f 2 0-0 1 K'abntos f 3 1-3 0 Boulden f 10-11 Graham t 2 1-1 0 Kalasky e 2 1-3 0' Churchlh e 3 0-3 0 Gillocy H 1 1-1 0 Yakoptc g 2 0-0 0 Bit Eda ! f(S ft pf 2 0-1 0 1 0-0 3 1 0-0 1 0 2 1 I-aub f r;uihall f K' gibbon f Mrrcer t Kin t R ussell C T'mpson g Young g Krtterer g Tntali 19 4-12 2 Total 8 0-2 11 Score at half: Nut House 21, Big Eds 8. 0-0 0 0-1 4 0-0 0 1 0-0 0 0 0-0 3 Nebraska prep maple perform ers continued to pour into Lin coln today with all eyes centered on the Cornhusker Coliseum, scene of the state basketball tourney. First games in both classes will open at 2:30 today. Four clubs have definitely been established as favorites to com pete in the semi-finals for the Class A crown. Hastings, Scotts bluff, Lincoln and Benson are ex pected to survive first round tests today and compete for a finale berth Friday night in this, the most abbreviated of all previous state tournaments. Small Tourney. Eight Class B entries complete the starting roster of clubs who commence firing today. Prior to the current tourney, sixteen teams completed in a class in four classes. Jack Farner 6f Norfolk, Lin coln's Don McArthur, Benson's Cliff Rose and Chuck Mulvaney, and Fairbury's Bob Korte are the top Class A individual dazzlers. Culbertson, Class C champ last year, is slightly favored over a tight Class B field. Lads here: Clan A. Benson (Coach Ralph Rohn) Richard Burroughs, Donald Dutcher, Glenn Kck strom, Harold L. Hansen, Georce Kinnick, Walter Loomis, Charles Mulvaney, Ber nard O'Doherty. Clifford Rose, Alan Thune, Walter Wllkins. Kalrbiwy (( arh Frank W. Sullivan) Doran Corbln. Lawrence DeBusk, BUI Gear, Eugene Goldslnin. Bob Korte, Eu gene Mees. Bill MrKlmmey. Carrol: NIs pel, Leland Smith, Leon Smith, LpRov Welch. Hasting (Cch Kldon Miller) Bernard Allsman, Dun Duncan, Bob Harse. Bob Hunt, Dale Livingston, Bob Moles. Harold Moore. George Pinny. Ed Robinson, Carl Underbill, Jerry Whelan. l.rxInKluu Coach Karl Jen,) Bill Berqulst, Max Bte, Bob Corl, Te ' Har vey, Lloyd Jones, Glen Knapple, Jerry Roe. Bill Speak, David Stuckey, Warren Teeter. Roy Warren. Lincoln (Coach l.yle Weyandl Rod ney, Earl Eager, Ivan Evans. Mor ris Gaiter, Harold Jacob, Bob Jacobsen, David Krcmarik, Dick Lodge. Don McAr thur. Jim Swauson, John Williams. Norfolk (Coach I,. E. Kraneel Tom Al drrson, Bob Anderson, Bill Ballew, Mar- ... Stan 2:30 vln Christians, Eugene Covert, Jack Ear ner, Bob Hall, Jack Hulburt. Stanley Mather, Dick Miner, Mac Robinson, Larry Skalow sky. ScoUfthluff (Coach Gilbert Wilson) Paul Camerzell, Junior Collopy, Tom Donahue, David Griggs, Bill Henderson, Harrv Hood, Jim McWillians, Don Rice, Ric Schmidt, Jack Seller, Chalmer Trout. Malum (Coach G. Martin Hofrr) Ware Christenson. Marvin Kox, Lloyd Hengen, Edward Kontos, Allen Lanik, Lauren Morin, Harlan Olson. Dwayne Rohman, Wancn .Swnnson, Raymond Syverson, Ralph Torrens. Class R. CulhertKon (Coach D. 1. Glann) Joe Case, Warren Elsenliart, Wayne Eisenhart, Leonard French, Dean Joy, Ralph Majors, Jack Solomon, Jerry Solomon, Bob Wacker, Kennclh Wacker, Frank Wagner, Kenneth Wagner. Craig (Coach John Kyl Duane Conk lin, Lyle Davis, Gerald Eriksen, James Kennedy, Robert Mock, Frank Raver, IX n ny Titze, William Tltze, William Weeces, Jack Wolfe. Re.shler (Coach Wllimit Krurhling) Paul Buntemeycr, Norman Flntel, Arthur Hill man, Arlan Hohl, Harris Holle, Lloyd Loettcile, Oscar Mussman, Ralph Rucklos, Franklin Schultz, Stuart Tieman, Rolland Wilkening. Huntley (Coach Wayne E. Hagmann) Dean Aitz, Allen Brummer, Lowell Haw kinson, Blaine Jones, Russell Jones Art Lippslreu, Keith Lowe, Merle Payne, Lloy Teatord, Eugene Urbom, Dowane Watts. Lincoln CalhedrallCoach Rev. John H. Howe) Bob Baumtalk, Don Cades, Rich ard Cades, Bob Costello, Joseph Martin. Jack Minton, Thomas Mulvey, James Mur phy, Bud McGlnley, Edward McGovern, Dennis Tally. St. Francis of Humphrey (Coach C. I. Lachnll ) Ralph Braun, Maurice Brock haus, Kenneth Eckholt, Leonard Kucha. Carol Haslreiter, Dale Kruse, Jerry Lo haus. Loren Pieister, Bob Thielen, Paul Woolard. .Sunflower of Mitchell (Coach J. V. San derson) Keith Brown, Galen Danuer, Flovd Enlow, Gordon Fox, Jack Fox, Rob ert Frey, Alo Gilbert, William Scharton, Edwin Smith, Donald Stratton. Wymote (Coach John Lay) Ray Briant, Joe Fauver, Dick Hotz, Sterling Keen, Bob Kirschner, Don Porterfleld, Dick Punches. Lawrence Shoff, Gayle Tatro, Basil Walsh, Joe Windle. Colby college recently estab lished a collegiate school of nurs ing and a course for hospital technicians. A new course, "The Citizen Sol dier," designed to explain what every American should know about his country, is being offered by Temple university. Dean C. S. Potts of the South ern Methodist university school of law has been appointed regional war production board compliance commissioner for Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. HELD OVER I 43 Staral 7 tong hit. I A Million Laugh.r I I Wt ml1 j ING CROSBY 101 HOP! MED MatMUMAY MAN. CHOT T0NI IAY MIUANO VICTOR MOOM DOROTHY IAMOUR PAUIITTI OOD0ARO VIRA ZORINA MARY MARTIN DICK POVYEU MTTY MUTTON l&OII IRACKfN VERONICA 1AKI ALAN IAD0 ROCHIJTIR A PiriaMit Plcttr 1 1 i "jT EXTRA! "LISTEN BOYS" Alto POPEYE CARTOON NEWS Fealires 1:M . t:tt 1:11 7:tl f :M ran i SOMETHING TO CHEER ABOUT! KM0. . . EAR-TICKLING YOU PINXI v or & ' k4 V-.- $ "sai;i. . 0rr " .ailA( .JrJ'-.: nn ..a ,4CTUR -Ttn'i U So Hlci lo Com Mom To" (J "Ohf of hit 1 HA?r, SCorr mnAV Flrt at l:l.S.II Color Cartoon "Do Tired" "Rodeo Roundup" in Technicolor Novelty LateM Nw By Norria Anderson (Sports Editor) Class A Predictions . . We even let our ace crystal gazer, Fislihack. sleep tlini the time required to pound out these predictions. First round Class A selections hardly required Fishhack's wizardry, but he did have to retrieve his globe for Class H prognosticating. Omaha Benson over Norfolk (2:30) Individual brilliance of Benson's Chuck Mulvaney and Cliff Rose should overshadow the one-man Norfolk offensive machine, 6-4 Jack Farmer. Scottsbluff over Fairbury (3:30) Question of a well bal anced team club against Bob Korte, all-state Fairbury per former. Answer is a one word term: Scottsbluff. Hastings over Wahoo (7:30) Danny Duncan, plus a well rounded bunch of courtsters, should boost Hastings into semi final play unless a state tourney jinx of long standing again hits the Tigers. Lincoln over Lexington (8:30) Diminutive Minute Men may huff and puff but they can hardly expect to blow in the hut of Don McArthur and touted Lincoln high. ' - - -; 'K-' VAN " ' A JAtee llufitl with but a SINGLE THOUGHT The thought to hlp you htok your rt. The eliirt. Arrow HUT, Arrow DAKT, Arrow DALE. And here's how they do it Their smart, one-and-only Arrow roTlars set perfectly on your neck. The Sanforized label guarantees shrinkage of less than 1. (A new fchirt free if jour Arrow Shirt ever shrinks out of siae!) Their famous "Mitoga" figure-fit has tapered sleeves, sloped shoulders and curved waisu Cume m and se these three neat Arrows today. nirr DAItT EIAIJB 93.73 Mta'i SUr. ui i. i. in inn. mn,i.,pimii 'll'U 11 "IUK AMAZING ME8. BOLIDAT"