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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1943)
Thursday, March 11, 1943 JIul (Daih VkhhaAkcuv nfflXNEBRASKAH" White Space By lnWL SphaqiisL rOKTX-SECOND YEAR ..Subscription Ra,e r? Per Semester or $1.60 for the College rear. 12.50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents. Entered aa second-class matter at th postoffice in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3. 1879, and at epecial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 8, 1917. Authorized September 30. 1922. Published dallv durine the school vfur PXrent Mnnrlnv anrt Snturrinva vacations and examinations periods by Students of the University of Nebraska miuci mo supervision oi me fuuiicauons tsoara. Offices Union Building. Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal 2-3330. Go to the Rally For 109 Reasons! An editorial urging students to attend the rally lor aeparting army enlisted reserve students would be inappropriate. Here are 109 reasons why every university stu cnt and faculty member should attend the rally and convocation this morning: Reporting for duty March 26 are: Carroll A. Bulwan. William W. Burr, jr. Dean W. Butler. Robert L. Campbell.. John B. Cassel. Charles E. Cather. Charles M. Cavender. Leslie K. Chaffin. Richard W. Chapin. Rovert A. Chilvers. August N. Christenson, jr. Richard T. Claycomb. John C. Clemens. Dwight L. Clements. Morris J. Coff. James M. Cohen. Franklin A. Cook. Darrel D. Copple. Robert N. Copple. Sumner E. Copple, jr. Maurice V. Costello, jr. Donald L. Coulter. John D. Cromer. Paul J. Curry. Vincent K. Cutshall. William V. R. Dafoe. Allen C. Dale. John W. Dale. Edward G. Daniel. Edward R. Danielson, jr. Guilford F. Darst. Reginald E. Davies. Dale L. Davison. Norman V. Denning. John C. DePutron. Bernard H. Diers. Charles L. Donahue. Donald E. Draeger. Thomas L. Drummond. Walter J. Drummond. Robert J. Dunning. Earl G. Eastman. Russell S. Eisenhart. James G. Ekstrand. Donald F. Engel. John W. Ervin. Arthur R. Eversman. Donald J. Fahy. Richard I. Finnell.t George R. Flebbe. Richard B. Foe. Warren D. Foote. Richard G. Folda. Ray W. Frantr, jr. Edwin M. Freeman, jr. Reporting for duty, March 27 are: Charles W. Fry. Richard L. Fuller. Harvey J. Galloway, jr. Cleve K. Genzlinger. Dale L. Gibbs. Edward H. Gillette. Howard J. Gotfredson. Dean F. Graunke. Sidney Greenbaum. James D. Griffith. Paul J. Grosserode. Samuel B. Grunger. James D. Hacker. Norman U Hahn. Albert C. Hamersky. Gene M. Hansen. Robert G. Hanson. Stanley R. Hartman. Francis A. Haskins. Stewart J. Hauptman. James C. Hawkins. Ormand C. Heacock. Barney J. Heeney, jr. Robert L. Heins. William C. Heintzetman, jr. Robert E. Henderson. Elwyn Hetmanek. Robert W. High. v7, , MiiH Clippings Pat Chamberl'm, Censor j CAL PAR MELEE, '40. now a captain in the army air corps, is stationed on Guadalapogus Island. Cal was a Sigma Chi. Another Sigma Chi, Lieutenant TOAI HOIiX is with the air corps in Africa. Also in Africa hut with a Tank Destroyer unit is former Sigma Chi HOB PAT TERSON. Wearhyr his Navv "Winirs of Gold" is MAX HUXTKR BAILEY, who was recently commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Ma- raino Corps reserve at the Naval air Training Center, Pensacola, Florida. Lieutenant Iiailey attend ed the university three years, and began his preliminary training the first of Septem ber last year at Kansas City, lie was affiliated w i t h Acacia. Courtesy Lincoln Journal 4 usr'i 1! ---fclllll II j While we were riding home on the bus last evening, our reading was interrupted by a scholarly gentleman of the faculty who wanted to know what erudite work of philosophy we were pursuing. We assured him that we were not reading philosophy at all, but some harm less paraphrases of Catullus' song on his spar row. "Have you decided whether Catullus' bird is a sparrow or a bullfinch?"' the scholarly gentleman asked. 'It's a sparrow isn't it, sir?" we asked. "I don't know," he answered. "I've read many learned papers arguing one May or the other. Put the question reminds me of the first joke I ever heard in a minstrel show: Mr. Mones stepped up to the interlocutor, and said, ' Mr. Interlocutor, which is the worst worms or sparrows?' The interlocutor thought for awhile ami finally said. 'Sparrows 1 guess. What would you say. Mr. Pones?' Mr. Hones smiled, showing all of his white teeth, and said, 'I don't know, .Mr. Interlocutor, I nev-r had sparrows.' " Paul M. Hofmann. Truman H. Hohl. Willard E. Hohnstein. Earl R. Holm. Robert J. Holmes. Robert L. Home. Charles E. House. George E. Howard. Howard D. Hunter. Donald G. Hyde. Vern A. Ingraham. Robert J. Irvin. William E. James Keith C. Jeffery. Gordon H. Jenkins. Lloyd R. Jessen. Royal F. Jester. Dwight C. Johnson. Harold L. Johnson. Harold R. Johnson. Howard M. Johnson. Roy E. Johnson. Albert M. Johnston. Donald H .Jones. Clesson R. Jeffrey. Bulletin AIKANK. Atkanr will nwrt In llw Student I n Ion. room X. at tonight. Ttor will he a paiijr t Iter rtly VMCA aturday at 9 p. m. Every branch of the Armed Services uses the telephone. Out of a series, Anti-Aircraft. ? ' ' V .s . f i ''An VV'V'-V fa'- . wM " ; . l? s - I J Ik - - J Lo his mother and dad it seems only yesterday that he was using the family telephone 10 call his fcigh school sweetheart. But today the orders he sends and receives over his wartime telephone kelp speed the day when love and laughter, peace and progress shall again rule the world Vestem Electric I PIACE... SOURCE Or SUPPU FOR THE BELL SYSTEM, IN WAR. ..ARSENAL Of COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, M 4th floor ladie$' jaihion sensational coat success! topcoats... made by men's tailors Mi) YSk n ; )mmw pi You't. htard to much about thes coaU lately and no wonder I Mad. by th. win. men's lailori who make th famous Crestknit Coats for men! . . . ame .xclusi labric with -comfort control" . . . am. painstaking workmanship. They'r. thower proof, wrinkleproot tool 100 wool brashy ch.viot .wcra, ana Juxunous hedrcoatf, Farored Rhodes. Misse and Junior sizes. men s 30.03