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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN- Tuesday, March 9, 1943 JIvl (Daihp VkLha&Jicuv 2 FOKTX -SECOND VEAR Subscription Katea are $1.00 Per Semester or $1.60 for the OollfRe Year. J2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 6 Cents. Nntered as second-class matter at tn po?tnffice in Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, 1879, and at pecial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 8. 1917. Authorized September SO, 1922. Published daily during the ochoot year except Mondays and Saturdays, arutions and examinations periods by Students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. Day 2-7181. Offices Union Building. NlRht 2-7193. Journal 2-3330. March, 1938-Indifference March, 1943-Pertinence Today March 8, 1943 first orders to report to duty were received by University of Nebraska students in the en listed reserve corps. About five years ago March Jl, 19'iH C.erman troop crossed the Austrian frontier. Five yours jijro not ono of llie almost :lf0 students a fleeted Vy the call was in college. The nazi invasion of Austria was something: that their parents pot somewhat excited about and that their liiih school teachers mentioned in between lectures on oinan licrature and the Revolutionary war. They niijrhl have even listened to II. V. Kaltenborn or Kl mer Davis analyze the Kuropean situation just before the net vorks switched to "Matinee at Meadowbrook"' for Benny (iood iiian's arraiificinent of "Music Maestro, Please."' Hut the war was far off ; huge distances separated the U. S. from the stnijrrlo; there was no sense in worrying. What if Hit ler did take Austria? Britain ami France would stop him ; Americans would watch. And they watched. They watched the flcrnian armies march into Czechoslovakia, Poland, France; move toward Brit ain, Russia : swarm over the Balkan nations. They watched and wondered wondered if Slav out of it. if America should stav out. of it. lor 7. 1!)41 ; they pot their answer. And on March 8, 1943, they got their call. So M0 university men, the cream of the crop and there is no question about that will pause in their education, put on uniforms .receive the best of training, and fight fiht against the man who led (iermany's armies inlo Austria five years ago. Five years ago they didn't know what was going on. To day they don't know much more except that they are fighting for something that is all lied up with democracy and liberty and happiness and staying alive. What high school teachers. Kaltenborn, Davis, parents and perhaps a few 14 year olds talked about has become something real. And so, on this week is observed: 1. The fifth anniversary of the march of Hitler's hordes into Austria; 2. The first call to duty of UN army enlisted reservists ; 3. Another indication that the finest American manpower is to be called to lead the United Nations to victory. America eoidd And on Decern- ASK "600D SHOW! Qf Y f&r HAVlf'T YOU 601 l1rVW COCA-COLA f 4 . !N x A1 That actually happened. And things like that ore happening everyday. Ever notice in your newspaper how often Coke is mentioned? Boys write home obout it, too. They like the taste that sets Coca-Cola opart. They welcome that feel of refresh ment. Coca-Cola must remind them of home a lot. It reminds you to refresh yourself." Clippings Paf Chamberl'm, Censor Nebraska 's f 1 y i n g hero, DIOK JOYCE, has been pro moted to the rank of a cap tain. Word of his promo tion comes from Delhi. India. He is at present stationed at MeDill Fiold, Tampa, Florida. A Phi Psi, Capt. doyoo is $ "one of Jimmy Doolittle s boys" that bombed the Far Fast. The captain himself 27 raids last 5i rolirtcky, Jolirnnl. look part in A fori 1 14th. Coming back In Ihe States, he flew from Chunking, China, to Miami Beach. Florida, in four days. BOB IJCMTY. Beta of two years ago. is now stationed with the army in the Public Relations division "somewhere in India."' A recent letter from him says that one of his pictures (a photograph) got a top page spread in a New York paper. Y-Mail quotes from his letter telling of India : "The small change shortage here is acute. When we buy coffee or food they try to give It is tough on the beggars loo. A beggar will us postage stamps or I. O. I'.'s for change, ask for 2 annas bakishee. and we say o. k. if (1 rupee equals Hi annal. He, of course, you give me 14 annas change from ibis rupee wants the annas 2, but to get it he must pony up annas 14. He probably has the anna 14 plus $2000 worlh of American Tel and Tel in the vault under his piece of sidewalk sleep ing accommodation, but to admit it would in validate his original premise of poverty. BY BOB McNUTT. There arc only two Items ot interest for this week measles nnd sorority imtiHtinns. Oh, yes, and the KJIC. Measles is prolmMy thy tnst disease to take preference over hangovers on college i an puses .since the sweep of the Bubonic PUgue. Mear.les, of course, are nothing to laugh about, but it's amusing to call up to sympathize with a victim and have some uninformed pledge answer: M'm sorry, but Helen just went to the Union for a coke." The only thing that would be Interesting about measles would be to get caught under the quarantine at the Theta house. Well, we can spend picnic season comparing rashes. Coming Up. Sorority initiations are going to put quite a crimp in social affHirs for the weekend. There is, however, a party at the Cornhusker Fritiay night. Tt .eems like someone wouKI throw a good patty before the army calls and hove it someplace besidf-s the Cornhusker. From my files, cross indexed under Doth "aqim lium" and "gender," comes this little household hint on how to tell whether your goldfish is a boy or a girl. To the water in the goldfish bowl add one-half ounce of sulphuric acid. If he comes float ing to the top, he is a boy. Tf she comes floating to the top, she is a girl. Well, that's my homework tor today. Sayings for Today . . . Oh, yes, that reminds me of a small conver sation between John Mason and Sadie Hawkins: John (embracing her firmly i: Darling, your freckles are cute. Sadie: Freckles, heck; I've got the measles! The new income t&x form is just out for the year. It looks something like this: a. How much did you mafce last year? b. How much do you have left? c. Send it. The boys at the Brown Palace are still recu perating from their meal prepared for them by ag college girls. Bizari Honorary Initiates Seven; C. M. Elliot Talks Seven women were initiated into Phi Chi Theta, honorary bizad sorority Sunday night. New members include Mary Lou Holtz, Helen Freeborn, Mary Helen Thorns, Jessie Lou Tyler, Helen Emick, Catherin Dutton and Dorothy Baker. Tribute (Continued from page 1.) than the fellows who got drafted?" Bill Irwin, "Id be will ing to rally with them. I'm in the navy." Kenny Ackerman, "Do it before Saturday I'm leaving then." Art Schmale, "Good idea. Plenty of excitement big time." Bob Gilmore, "Have a party where we reservists won t have to show muhc reserve." V ERC OTTtED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COlA COMPANY BY LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. (Continued from page 1.) figures immediately available, are distributed as follows: Freshman 164 Sophomores 120 Juniors 23 Seniors 37 Advance ROTC .... 173 Engineers, etc 137 ' V-l 91 Marines 13 Total 758 Of this total, approximately 344 will be effected under the present set-up, with some pre-med, en gineering, pre-dental, chemistry, etc., majors placed on a deferred status. "It is possible," Dean Thompson pointed out, "that the army will follow the system of calling re serves used by the air corps will call a given number every other day or so. However, it is impos sible to predict just what method will be used." The dean announced only a few days ago that half credit would be granted to ERC members who re ceived active duty orders if they dropped school on or after March 26 in good standing, that is, after eight weeks of the current semes ter. Chancellor C. S. Boucher de clared that a communication re ceived from the war department Monday set "until summer" as the earliest possible date when the calling of college men into service could be completed. The chancel lor was advised in the letter that "calls will be distributed through out the remainder of the semes- fe. 1 Ma U "A. 95 Fashion-right with all your fruits or skirts a Kothley blouse! Choo6e from pink, Mue, maize or white. But make it a elaic K olh ley. Long sleeved styles. Sizes 32 to 38. GOLD'S... Third Floor. 2120 G Si. Th. 2-5357 ter."