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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1943)
DAILY NERRASKAN DP" 1 "l T"""" 1"""""' ' " J m Fxm sft F(Q)tr TftiiM Phi Gams Meet Phi Delt Five For Class A Crown Javelin Tosser Thursday, March 4, 1943 1 Dream basketball game of the year will take place on the coli seum maples at 8:30 tonight when the Thi Gams meet the Phi Delts. Thruout the current season, intra mural aspirants have predicted the Phi Gam-Phi Delt champion ship match. "B" Finals. , Besides seeing the championship "A" game, I-M fans will also bp treated to a class "B" champion ship affair between the defending champion ATO's and the challeng ing Phi Delts. This game will get underway at 7:30. Mentor Newt Copple's Fijis easily worked their way to the fi nals by walloping the Kappa Sigs 37-7 in a Tuesday evening semi final battle. The Phi Delts joined the Phi Gams in the finals by win ning over the dark horse Farm House quintet 24-11. Both the Phi Gams and Phi Delts were impres sive in winning. Last Tuesday evening's "B" semi-finals were more evenly matched. The ATOs won another close one by nipping the Betas 10-8. While the ATOs were win ning, Curry and Chapin were lead ing the Phi Delts to a 15-10 win over the DUs. Box scores of the semi-final games: I'M Drill Thorn pon nthall f Mrthrnj t lran t; Mutton ( Total I'M (inmma Natxtrntn f amptwll ( Haye e OK 'npplr ( l-urrh Total "A" TltHa (24), Farm Hiiiiw (11 l ft (I Ik ft 0 1 2 Mtnthnrnr f 2 1 J t I flooding I 0 0 1 1 4 Krlm f I I 8 A V Kaunrr r 0 0 2 0t Mur.M'ornr f 0 1 Murlli r g I 10 4 9 Total 4 .1 Delta (.17), Kappa SUnia (7) f f f ft f 2 3 0 Bukarrb f I 1 0 I Smith f 0 0 0 S Off t 0 2 0Tangrman e 0 t 0 0 Nun x 10 I 0 0 GotfrieilMin f 1 1 IT S Alpha T Own fa ft Button r Ztm'rrmaa Klnlry f Flaac f Abbott c Hardinc c Harfrave 4! Total S 1 7 (10), rW-ta Thrta I'l (8). Total 6 Fbl Drlta Thrla I ft ft Carry f I'artlnKloa Smith c link c Bnrklry g 4'hapla Manrr ( Totals 7 1 Smith ( 1'Com f Holland f 0 Sallbury c 2 Kullrr a Si William f 1 . Wciomaa 7! Total IS), Drlta I potion 0 Shannvfrlt f ORohwrrf 1 ftkokjrre 0 Drummond I 0 Laron ( 1 2 1 Total IK ft I 0 t 0 0 I 0 0 2 10 Ik 1 0 0 2 2 (10). I . . J Sure Thing! BY GENE SHERMAN. (Intramural Editor.) At approximately 9:30 tonight, either the Phi Gam or the Phi Delts will be resting in the number one position in the 1942-43 Jack Best trophy race. I'M G' Wt. HI. Pn. HI. Wt. I'M I)' Campbell IliS 5-10 K A-ll I HO Cutnhall NllUman KM) 0-0 K 5-8 l0 Thompson Haven 205 9-3 C A-fl 1 H.I Mi'thony Lurch 180 5-11 O 5-11 IBS Dean Ixinir 102 5-11 i 5-10 158 Sutton "Ifs" in the race for leadership in the Jack Best trophy are three fold: (1) ft both the Phi Delt "A" and "B" teams hit the win column tonight the 16th and "R" street boys will have piled up a comfort able lead over the Fiji's. (2) If the Phi Delt "A" team wins and the B" five is defeated, the Phi Delt margin over the Phi Gams will be as narrow as the profile of Mort Zuber's physique. (3) If ,the Phi Gams win and the Phi Delts team is defeated, the Phi Delts will be only shouting distance from the number one spot. Latest reports from Roily Hor- ney of the I-M department says that Intramurals on this campus will finish the year out. Latest indications from the vari ous fraternities denote that they will co-operate with the I-M de partment 100',e until the last man is gone. Tonight's championship games will be composed of 16 minute halves instead of the 12 used dur ing the regular season. The boys must be getting into "shape." 1 Next week will find the I-M athletes hanging up their basket ball shoes and picking out their handball gloves and pingpong paddles from the mess on the floor of their closet. Daily Nebraskan "A" and "B' all star teams will be published some time next week. Cyclones Open Grid March 22 Iowa state gridders will open their spring drills on March 22 according to an announcement made yesterday by Mike Michal ske. Cyclone football coach. Michalske, together with Louis Menze and Clayton Sutherland will havve a big job ahead of them as they shape the 1943 squad. Only six lettermen remain in school and at least one, George Cast, is ex pected to leave for army duty at the end of the current quarter. Ioiva Team Sivims Washington by Mail AMES, la., March 2. Iowa State swimmers will wait one week before tangling with Wash ington university in a postal meet. The meet, originally scheduled for last Saturday, will be run off next Friday. The Cyclones have won two and lost three in dual meet competition this year, including a postal vic tory over the LaCrosse, Wis., State Teachers college. Star Dash Man Again Ready MINNEAPOLIS, March 2. The Minnesota track team's hopes for a good showing against Iowa Sat urday afternoon in the Fieldhouse took a slight rise yesterday when Track Coach Jim Kelly announced that Dick Kelley will take time off from his wing position on the Gopher hockey sextet to run the 60-yard dash. The addition of Kelley will bol 8ter the manpower of the Gopher cindermen considerably and will probably enable Kelly to have at least one Minnesota man entered in every event. In previous meets the Gophers had only six men available and were forced to pass up four events. With Kelley in the 60-yard dash and Stephen Hise in the half mile, Kelly now has a squad of eight men. This still represents the smallest track team the Gophers have had in many years. Despite the war, Wisconsin had 31 men and Northwestern 20 men entered in the triangular meet at Madison last Saturday, so one can easily see how shorthanded the Gophers have been in past meets. LO CO LLL -THURSDAY - 6 P. M. MS 'Pa it.... 000 Una. . .UAXO VtCTOt kirSZ.. . ' Sjwail (Sports Editor) I Norris Andereon t b ;- r ) -: r v Fresh from the Big Six indoor cinder festival, Nebraska's track squad now turns to the outdoor season. Outdoor track was as sured Saturday in Kansas City when the league's dons voted to continue competitive athletics. An nouncement that navy units prob ably won't be called until June in dicates that Howard Debus, a V-7 enrollee, will be available. Debus placed second in the indoor shot with 46-4 and first in the vault with 13-2. Outdoors, he tosses the javelin over 200 feet. Tucker's Show Leads Previous wings Loop Sho ... Ask UN! Gerald Tucker's 38 points against Nebraska in the season finale Tuesday night established a new Big Six scoring mark and recalled 1928-29 when two Husk ers, Morrie Fisher and Harvey Grace jointly established the rec ord at 20 points in a single fracas. In the fourteen seasons of Big Six play, points out Walt Dobbins of the Journal, only 44 perform ers have succeeded in making over 20 points in a single contest Tucker was the third Big Six eager to top thirty points. Jimmy McNatt, Oklahoham speedster, poured through 30 points in 1940 for a record. Then along came Charley Black earlier this year with 33 points and another new mark. Past point performances: SS point: (irrald Tiu-krr, O, 1043 t.Nrb) SI point: f'harlry Hlark, K, IMS (Mo.) :i point: Jim MrNalt, O. 10 (Nrb.l 211 point.: Jim MrNatl. O, l:i (Irt.l. 27 point: Omar Hrowolng, O. 10S5 (Kai.l; Howard Hnflman. K., mo (O). 2 polU: Jark Klrmmlnc, IH, 1937 (O) J Ralph Mlllrr, K, 142 (IH). 26 point: Howard Knglrmaa, K, 141 (Mo ); (barley Mark, K, 142 ( irr aid Twkrr. O. 1X42 (IS), 24 point: Aady Hrrk, O, I9SS (IK); Ka Kl.llnr. K, 1034, (O.I! r'rank Orovr. IMii.ll Howard f,nlrmn, H, A phone message on our sports tlosk spiixllt1 sn'olfd ns when wo reported for fluty today. thief notation read thnsly: "Ray Tanncin.-ni. mana,cr of the Ansel, called to thank you for the story ami id so to thank all the university kids who patronized the las Saniara-Anjrcl match." All is tpiiet aloiifr the t'ondmsker front today." what with indoor track completed and sprint;- mid two weeks hence, so we "11 waste no further ado in introducing our assistants Henry Fishback and (iene Sherman. Sherman is a soft-spoken fellow, replete with fuzz-cut and a big- grin. Intramurals coverage is his territory and he tramps the terrain like a juvenile Grantland Rice. A deliberate scribe, Sherman writes accurately and slowly. He hails from Sioux City, down Iowa way, and is enrolled in the school of journal ism. Track coverage, features and general all-round dope oc cupy Henry's duties. A native of California, he writes with all the flare of the far-western cult. He has called our basketball team everything from "casaba dan' to "maplites"' and is im mortal for this description of a basket: "He pilfered the net with marvelous accuracy." Ed Weir's pipe holds a particular fascination for Henry. Three recent Fishback indoor track stories opened with Weir puffing out words between pipe drafts. Henry won recognition lasts year among student scribes for Vriting the "best prep sports story of the year." To illustrate the slack in sports news, we quote from a dis patch sent here today from the Iowa State sports service: "This is the year for you to gTow a garden, if you possibly can. It may be a mere plot, or it may be a big plot, but don't take on a bigger area than you can handle, etc." If you Cyclone scribes find material so scarce, why not sponsor a milking contest among members of the wrestling team! Ilusker grid tutor, Olen Presnell. retrieved his coaching togs from winter storage in the coaching staff dressing room todav. I '11 be needing these in a couple weeks, ' ' said the amiable Husker grid tutor, "I think we'll have plenty of fellows out for an interesting time." Cornhusker practice sessions definitely open March 1-". Rumor is about that possibly Presnell might schedule several games with other ltig Six schools to cap the spring, training practice. KM. 1941 (b.); Md Hrld. N. 1942 (Kai.)i Halph Miller, K, 1942 (N.. IS point: Tom Hinhop, K. 19:10 (Nrb.) r'rank Tallman. N. 1940 (KS): llowar Kaglrnian, K. 1941 (KS); Orrald Turkrr, O. 1941 (KM). 22 point: Hill Johnxta. K. 19S3 (KS): Krvln Hro, 4), 19(4 (KS)i Kay Kbllng, K. I9SS (Oi; Bill Martin, O, I9S7 (KS); krnnrlb Browa, M. I9SI (KS) ; r rrd Prallr, K. I9:i9 (Mo.); Marvin Mi-u-b. U, lttn (Nrb.): Howard Kntlrman, K, 1941 I.Nrb.l) (.rrald Turkrr, O, 1942 (Ka.); Ibornloa Jrnkin, M, 1943 (INI. 21 point: Don Marliiy. N. 1930 (Okl.) Morrl rishrr, N. 1930 (IS) I Al Budolf- UB, IS. 1942 Orb.). 20 point: Morrt Klhrr, N. 1929 (KK) llarvrr (irarr. N. IH.'S. (IS): Trd O'lraor. K, 19S2 (.Nrb.); Hay Kbllnf, K, 193S (Okl.l. 19M . (Okl.M Krank Orovr. KS, IBM (Okl.); Humrr Wrsrhr, KS, 1939 (Nrb.) J Ralph Mlllrr, K, 1940 (Nrb.); Ed Weir Takes Kansas Team Brief Vacation Track plans will be laid momen tarily on the shelf for an indefinite period. It was revealed Wednes day that Husker track and field mentor, Ed Weir, had departed from the school for a two week vacation. Co-Captain. Pace Creighton Scoring Co-captains of the Creighton university cage squad, Ralph Lan ger and Ed Beisser, are also "co scorers' on top of the Bluejay cage heap. Langer, former Ainsworth high ace, leads with 212 tallis, fol lowed by Beisser with 207. Top five: It It at pt. Ijutft-er 93 2K fl 212 BrthM-r H 31 62 207 tilbM.n 94 11 33 140 Otto hrhnrllbarlirr, K, 1913 t-Ntb.); Allra I lxiw-l 4H 42 38 13H Drops Tigers . . . 47-41 COLUMBIA, Mo., March 3. -Missouri's court squad was today still recovering breath from the hair-raiset Tuesday night against Phog Allen's crew. Long shots from the field and deadly accuracy from the free throw circle gave Kansas a 47-44 overtime victory over Missoufl Tuesday night. Kansas, handcuffed by a tight Missouri defense beneath the bas ket, used a shot from midcourt by Guard John Buescher in the last ten seconds of the first half to gain a 22-20 intermission lead. Kaokaa (47) I Miftwurl (44) IK- . pf l K. ft. pf. Sr bafhrr t 5 3-3 1 Jenkins f 7 2-2 3 Bnkrr f 10-11 Matheny f 2 0 2 2 McSpa'n f O 3-8 1 Ourwitz ( 0 0-0 0 KlrM-ll I 2 0-0 1 Smith f 10 0 3 Hnllard c 0 0-0 l'Aurtine 4 ft-7 2 Turner c 1 0-0 ?. .atorm c 0 0-0 1 Kvani. c 5 1-2 1 Huhn c 0 0 0 2 BcuiKhrr g 4 4-6 1: Rolilnwin g 1 12 3 ( Stark g 3 0-0 1 jfctcntleyg 0 0-0 2 Total 18 11-20 101 Total! 18 8-11 19 Halftime acore: K;inan 22, Missouri ill. Oiruial: Clay Van Keeu and M. & Dura, KS, 13 (UkJ.. Hnowlr 62 17 47 121 Obrrhrlmao.