The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, March 2, 1943
By Betty Jo Nye and
Mary K. Waring.
This week the girls' minds are
turning finally toward initiation,
while the boys are waiting to be
inducted. But on the UN campus,
there are still enough men left to
make society interesting.
DU Dean Yates better known
to his dental college cohorts as
Doc, has been cavorting with a
certain lass from Beatrice nearly
every week end lately. (For fur
ther verification of this statement,
see Senor Richardo Luther.)
Las Fireworks.
There seemed to be a lot of fire
works on the campus last week
end judging from the number of
steady deals that broke up. For
instance . . . Shirts Wright, KAT,
gave back her diamond to Jack
Cresse of the army air corps,
while Pauline VanHorne. DG, and
Claude Wilson, ATO, have de
cided to call their steady romance
quits. To prove it, Poggie stepped
out with Ralpa Mallott, Phi Psi,
last Saturday, and has accepted
another date with him for this
week end. While we are on the
subject of broken romances, we
wonder what happened to the one
of Dorothy Carnahan. Chi O and
PaJ Danielsoit, Phi Psi?
The ATO's, out of pure curios
ity of course would like to know
if Kay King. Alpha Chi, would like
to go steady. McCartney says so.
How about it, Kay?
Happy Birthday.
Sigma Nit. Byron Peterson was
honored on his birthday last Sat
urday evening with a cake and all
the trimmings . . including
Ruth Panzer, Alpha Chi. Bob
Rogers, Sigma Nu and Joy Laune,
Gamma Phi, were also in attend
ance. Some of the romances that
n Un per (lay.
PsyaMe In ad vino only.
LOST R.-1 KtiPn'fw fount i 1 with
Churm whixil wlii mret bmiKht at 7:S0
In Klltn Smith. Klhworth DuTran will
nix-ad n loir modulation.
Creigliton ERC . . .
(Continued from page 1.)
with an air corps staff under 1st
LA. J. L. Mosle giving them mil
itary indoctrination and training.
The men, who will move to
flight schools after completing
their five months here, are sched
uled to receive a limited amount
of flight training. The air corps
staff has taken over completely
the offices of the Creighton ath
letic department. Academic train
ing of the soldiers will consist of
mathematics, physics, current his
tory, geography, Knglish and civil
air regulations. Their complete
program will consist of more than
700 hours in class and on the field.
Follies . . .
(Continued from page 1.)
Delta Tau, "Nebraska Unlimited."
Curtain acts entered are: Chi
Omega, "Musical Varieties;" Pi
Beta Phi, "Dark Rhythm;" Rosa
Bouton, "The Usual Way."
Tickets may be secured from the
Mary fsewliom, Suxie I.ynoh, Alh
Phi; to Ackrrman, Jraa HrMVn, Kap
pa lilis Hit-la; CattM-rin urlry, Ade
laide KliM-iMM-r; lore hall; Mary Jo My
rr, Viola rH, Northeast ; Beverly Blha,
Mavine .lean Kfnilh, Raymond hall; Julia
Rodger. Dorothy arnliin. ( hi Omega:
Mary Jean I Itlier. A I lee Abel, Kawta
Kappa (.annua ; dhltn HMI. Dorothy
Kwartx, MKina Delta Tan; Ketty Stanton,
Helen JoImimhi, It Beta l"hl; Martyiwi
AkerMin, Koa Ronton hill: Jane Voting,
Amy (allium, (iaiunia Phi Beta: (-oreen
Wondworth. Barhara True. Delta Delta
Delta; Dorothy Noiith, Virginia l.yna,
kappa Delta; Betty Htmondeynen, Bever
ly Hancock, Delta damnia ; Mary Ket
tenmayer, Sigma Kappa; Charlotte Mi
ter, Helen Wetl ; Alpha XI Delta: Tat
Sand, Howard hall; l.on Ann William,
IVilHon hall: Ruth Panzer, Nina NU,
Alpha (hi Omega; Dorothy Jean Ander
on, Joan Arvanette. Alpha Omleron Pt;
Virginia Murmur, Towne rluh; PhyliN
Dodge, 1-nreea Bennett, Aiiene (awry,
PhyllNs Cope. Ag ram(ii.
might prove to be well worth
watching are: John Drummond,
DU and Lorraine Rabe, Alpha Phi;
Walt Metz, Phi Psi and Mary Jo
Gish, DG.
We heard that the Delts have
purchased a cocker spaniel pup
and have decided to call it Patty,
in honor of Patty Welch, Pi Phi.
No doubt Dick Haggart was chair
man of the naming committee.
And now in finishing, we wish
to leave this parting thought dedi
cated to the ERC's.
Am he gone?
Are he went?
Has he left us all alone???
Us can never go to he,
Him can only come to we,
Alas it cannot was!
m . m
CA ..tfr v
Id mm O
v aft
(live, your skin tlmt
youthful hloom with
lane ou me ttsr
for skin loveliness
m under Make-Dp
By day and evening instead
of powder bt to give
your skin that flattering
peul-wnooih, dewy finish.
mm al Night
To loot he and .often.
Will keep your akin raritant,
clear, and voting looking
o6"- 1
Critic Commends Program
Presented By Sinfonians
Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia members
proved themselves worthy musi
cians in a concert both interesting
'Minute Maids'
Make Debut;
Sell Stamps
Stamps are now being sold at
all campus parties! Buy all you
can every time you have a
Under the title of Minute
Maids the beauty queen candi
dates made their debut at the
Sigma Alpha Mu freshman
party last Saturday night. Shir
ley Kushner, Sigma Delta Tau
candidate, sold the stamps at
this first party to use this
That the queens possess sales
manship as well as beauty, was
exhibited when Shirley sold
$17.40 to the party makers last
Next weekend stamps will be
sold by the candidates at the
Dorm informal Friday night
and at several other parties.
and entertaining Sunday after
noon. An annual presentation of
the national music honorary fra
ternity, it was given earlier than
usual this year due to the ever
increasing evacuation of male stu
dents. The Glee club, directed by Rus
sell Leger, was composed of the
entire chapter. Proof of their
excellent vocal work was the un
broken silence following the stir
ring "Mail Sinfonia!" by Sullivan.
Unusually well done also was
Monteverdi's "Come Death, I Shall
Not Fear Thee."
Wenzlaff Commended.
Don Wenzlaff is to be com
mended on the Sinfonictta's per
formance. Some good ensemble
work was done despite the recent
loss of essential members. Of
great importance to the audience
was the Weinberger "Concerto for
Timpani." just off the press, in
which Barney Heeney soloed.
The most popular numbers of all
were those of the male quartet.
Encored twice, they displayed in
all songs that blending, tone qual
ity, split-second timing and per
sonality which are required to
make a topnotch group click.
Of interest is the fact that all
directing was done by members.
We'd like to see more of this type
of experience 0en to students.
Says Stars Now
Relax to Blink
CHICAGO, 111. (ACP). Stars
don't twink- they blink.
Yawning away their span of life,
the vast systems of stars are un
dergoing a slow process of "relax
ation," according to a theory pre
sented by Prof. Subrahmanyan
Chandiasekhar of the University
of Chicago.
The stars' manner of relaxing is
different, to say the least. No
masseur's rhythmic pat but the
traffic on the heavenly highways
slows down these stellar 'bundles
of nerves."
'Any given star," Dr. Chandra
sekhar said, "because of occasional
near misses while passing other
stars, gradually will lose energy
by deflecting slower moving stars
from their paths."
Red Cross ...
(Continued from page 1.)
and entertainment for the sick.
It recruits' nurses for the army
and navy.
The making of surgical dress
ings for military and naval hos
pitals is included in the Red Cross
program. It finances the blood
donor service.
4th Floor
Latliet' F anhion
t n
IW i
sound djpjpir
smartest spring duo
Specifically the stur perfoi mors in
smirtner,.j an4 utility is Simors suit
and toppor duo . . . they 11 be the
r.tar of yout wardrobe, on jcen? prac
tically every moment . . . first you'll
chooie one of Simons many fine suit
like the 100 wool gabardine shown
right the suit is precision tailored in
a button moaV'l with hand stitched
lapels i yours in grig, sizs 10
to M- 35.00
. . . with the suit add Simons "Crest-
knit" 100 wool cheviot Che.l.Tl.oH
r.hown right-tailored by thf
very same ctali .men who mole
th nationally known Cr.vt knit
coals for m.-n, sii.i 10 to 20
aB.aa.ia ii mm ip m ,pi, mmunm