DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, February 26, 1943 r BY JO KINSEY. We danced with a guy Satur day night who did something new (to ua)rthe "East Hop." The guy, Bud Freeman, who lives in the boarding house with the pillars, an excellent dancer, seemed unafraid . of the comments which might arise. A waltz expert is Mr. John Rokahr, who can waltz to any tune regardless of tempo. The subject of the types of dancers arose the other day in modern dance class. It was the consensus that very few men wish to venture into the unknown realms of the dance, and attempt the more unusual dance patterns such as the tango, rumba, conga, and waits. Woe to the man that does. His fellow men ridicule him. He's either a sissy to take such interest in the art, or a complete flop. Take a Short Step. From Dance to Love is a very short step. Violet shadows under the brown eyes of Josephine Hazel Martz, newly elected Tassel, are Indicative of the latter. Perhaps she is concerned over the arrival of Sam Carroll, former Sigma Chi, now' in the Signal Corps, who is on her calendar this week end. The waiters in the Grill have always intrigued us! Today we were permitted to glimpse into the personal life of one of them, Ralph King. Ralph, the tall, the dark haired, the former track star, is focal point in the Grill for more! than one gal. Friend cashier tells me that among those in atten dance are Jean Swarr, DG, and Jane Jordan, Alpha Chi. We Go on Record. Place us on record as issuing a general invitation to the students of the academy for a housewarm ing to be hostessed by Peg Miles, Theta, this Saturday night; rV-Jgy. an old high school chum, and much admired for her wit, is now living HOVELAIID-SWANSOtb fcnv Just Arrived Corduroy Here is the perfect year 'round robe, available In dusty pink, wine and blue. A full siz range. Ideal far lounging these chilly nights. 'out of this world' and we aue-est sturdy, walking shoes to those who pian 10 accept me invite. Expending Friday night for a good band, a good floor, and good fun, are the Pi Phi's. Representa tives uncovered at the moment are: Janet Hemphill with Warren Van Norman, Joyce Junge, with Bill Loeffel, Jim Bell and Betty Krause, and Vernon Buell, will be here from his ranch 'somewhere in this vast state' to squire sweet heart, Susan Shaw. Food or Women? Al Casey, of the fortress, plans to visit home again this week end. No doubt the food is a greater magnet, than a chance 'skoif from high school days. Don Panez, a brother, says that he is really go oing home to Albion just to see the folks. , Dance, Love, Traveling, nothing omitted except our hang out, the Union. A 'they look well together' couple Thursday was Maxine Thomas and Johnny Safford. A 'turn-about nicety' was Polly's ten cent apiece coke treat to Dale Wolf, and Ed Faytinger. We're stocking up on lavendar scented paper, and a poetry book to get ready for the mass evacua tion within weeks. Guess it will make letter writers, or flirts of us all. Red Cross Captains Get Membership Cards Today All Red Cross captain are to pick up membership cards for all students in their group. Cards will be available Friday and Saturday in room 313, Union. 1 "T ,S r. 'v; vr JiiL 1 M;'W.,.''.X A WS Sponsors 'Courtin9 Party9 Saturday Nite Highlighting the'week-end will be the AWS Courtin' party, a novelty dancing party with a novelty orchestra playing dur ing intermission. The dance will start as soon as the basketball game with Iowa State is over and game fans stream back to the Union for their "ersatz" coke. A juke box will play for the major part of the evening. Tickets may be secured from any organized women's house, on the campus or at the door. Freshmen women are vending the tickets, selling at 25 cents per couple. During the dance, war stamps in excess of the $18.75 taken from each ticket purchased will be raffled off. The 18.75 will go to the war scholarship fund. Ticket holders are urged to put their names upon the tick ets which they hold. If no name is upon the ticket, the holder loses his chance at the raffle. CLASSIFIED Hn per day. Pyabla tn advaaaa oly. WANTED Portable typewriter in good Simple, well-cut dresses that win A-plus for versatility and smoothness. They look right for campus ... for coking ... for dancing! Shirtmakers, two-piecers and a host of favorites. Rayon crepes in gay prints, soft pastels, cotton jerseys and gabardines. Tailored or soft in detail . . you want several! fcdJrV- Students Making Surgical Dressings Bring Material Women students making surgical dressings on Saturdays are asked to bring their own white dresses and other materials to the build ing. The Red Cross cannot furnish every girl with a dress and head gear. Success as a teacher shows little correlation to college grades, cam pus leadership, intelligence test records, knowledge of contcmpor affairs, or tolerance, according to experiments at DePauw univer sity. Newest course for women at New York university school of commerce, accounts and finance is in "expert family buying," de signed to put consumer buying on the same business-like basis as Union Flicker Show Laurel & Hardy in "Criminals at Large" Charlie Chaplin in "The Rink" Bill Hart in "Knight of the Trail" ' Mabel Normand in "The Beach Flirt" t 8:00 p. m., Sunday, Feb. 28 Russ Gibson, pianist Peanuts & Popcorn 5c Student Union Ballroom jSa? -U.C". i win -4' SIpJu 10 hL 18... 95 hL Jtf9S Miller' SPOriTSWKAH SECTION Second Floor. Bulletin WAR (OI Nt ll.. Aa fmeriteney nieeHnf M the Mndenl Wnr Council hah heen culled tliti after noon at B p. m. in "the rrsular merlin room by I'm! huuihrrlin, prrildrnt. tHAI'll. SKUYICK. tatheraa chapel arrvloe will he held Bt 10:48 a. m. Hinidny la parlor and , of the Mndent Intan building. A pre Lenten Communion will be celebrated. Rev. H. Krrk, llaiverslty ltfraa paator, preach aa the topic: "The i'ntnn and the Uardmt." Minn ( harlot te Filler will ac company the hymai and the Htarcy. IDENTIFICATION CARDS. NtudenU wha have not a yet railed fnr their ldent!flmt!aa picture .honld d m at onee In Room B-7 af the Admlnlatm tloa Building. Identification card m.il be nrenenled to. obtain the pirtaiw. Tulane university announces a new series of publications, titled "Middle American Research Rec ords, by its middle American re search institute. Vi i I - -ras 2 J-t T-Mt 4 - A