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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1943)
Friday, February 12, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN BARB BASKETBALL 1942-43 Pioneer Coop StribonU Zephert B ii boats League 1. "S" Street vs. Volunteers A. C. B. C. vs. Blitz Kids a -Brown PaUce vs. Pioneer Coop Stribonia vs. Zephers B. irc.its vs. "S" Street .... Volunteers vs. A. C. B. C Blitt Kid? V3. Brown Palace . Pioneer Coop vs. Stribonia ... Zephers .vs. "S" Street Barbcit vs. Pioneer Coop Zephers vj. Volunteers Birbcits V3. Brown Palace "S" Street vs. A. C. B. C Volunteers vs. Blitz Kids Brown Palace vs. Stribonia .... vs. Zephers Pioneer Coop vs. "S" Street . StribonU vs. Blitz Kids A. C. B. C. vs. Brown Palace . . Barbcits vs. Volunteers PPioneer Coop vs. Volunteers Stribonia Vs. A. C. B. C "S" Street vs. Blitz Kids .... Zephers vs. Brown Palace Brown Pal.'Ce vs. Volunteers . "S" Street V3. Stribonia Blitz Kids vs. Pioneer Coop ... Barbells VS. A. C. B. C "S" Street vs. Brown Palace . . Volunteers vs. Stribonia A. C. 8 C. vs. pioneer Coop .. Zephers vs. Blitz Kids Zephers Vi. A. C. B. C BirhCltH VS. Blitz Kids Zephers vs. Pioneer Coop B j roc its vs. Stribonia ATO's, Fiji's Win 'B' Games ... Tail's Champs Alpha Tau Omega, defending class 'B" basketball champs. strtM thf defense of their crown in gowl fashion by nipping the Eeti Sig.s 7-4 last Wednesday evening. Tne champs broke a four aM deadlock during the final in unites of play for the victory. Phi Cams, 38; ZBT, 1. Ledger scored 14, Sawyer tossed In 10 as the Phi Gams rolled over a innrh inferior ZBT five 38-1. Jule Cohow saved the Zebes from a complete whitewash when he nndu a free throw midway in the first hi If. The winners led at half tune 21-1. Sig Eps, 18; SAM, 3. After holding the Sig Eps on vn tonus during the initial half, the S.Mrtmies faltered the second Send your beau an Arrow! The perfect Valentine gift is an Arrow Tiite Shirt. First off, Arrow White Shirt re about the neatest ever made. The "Mitoga" figure. fit sees to that (curved waist, loped shoulders and tapered sleeves). if I Volunteers "S" Street Madhouse A. C. B. C. Blitz Kids Brown Palace ,. 2-8-43 7:30 1 " 8:00 1 " 8:30 1 " 9:00 1 , . 2-10-43 7:30 1 8:00 1 " 8:30 1 ' 9:00 1 . 2-11-43 9:00 1 " 9:00 2 , . 2-16-43 9:00 1 " 9:00 2 . 2-22-43 7:30 1 8 00 1 " 8:30 9:00 1 . 2 21-43 7:30 1 8:00 1 ' 8:30 1 9 00 1 . 3-13 7:30 1 " 8:00 1 " 8:30 1 " 9:00 1 .. 3-3-43 7:30 1 8:00 1 " 8:30 1 " 9:00 1 . 3-3-43 7:30 1 8:00 1 " 8:30 1 9:00 1 . 3-10-43 7:30 1 d:30 1 .'3-15-43 7:30 1 8:00 1 half, dropping te game 18-3. Wendt was high point man for the winners with seven. The Sig Eps led at the half 4-1. DU, 12; Farm House, 4. K. Kratz tossed in eight points to lead the DU's to a 12-4 win over the Farm House. Delta Sigs, 14; SAE, 12. In the roughest game of the evening, the Delta Sigs stopped a SAE rally just in the nick of time to garner a 14-12 victory. After the winners had piled up a 12-4 intermission lead, the Sig Alphs led by G irey rallied but were two points short. Morrison tossed in six points for the winners, Garey had seven for the SAE.S. Phi Delts, 13; Sigma Nu, 7. After loading 10-4 at half-time, the Phi Delts took things easy for the rest of the game and came out the winners over the Sigma Nils 13-7. Rodney Smith led the winners with four markers. ,f f. ' Then, Arrow makes a collar to flatter avery face. (We'll help you pick out the one that will suit his face best!) What's more, Arrow White Shirts don't shrink out of fit. They have a Sanforized-Iabel shrinkage less than 1. 02.25 up. GOLD'S... Mea's 8Ur. Cinderites Not Favored Saturday . . . Unlike '42 BY HENRY FISHBACK. Nebraska's depleted band of cinder cohorts defending Big Six spike champions depart from Huskerland this morning bound for Columbia, Mo., where they will open the '43 dual meet campaign against the strong Missouri Tigers Saturday afternoon. Ed Weir's graduatio n-war ripped squad boasts but a remote chance of whipping the Tigers who swamped Kansas State last Monday eve 74 to 20. Said Weir concerning the track- fest, "Missouri possesses too much all round strength and will score well all the way along, ' a com ment which depicts the opinions of experts and fans alike. Several individual duels should blossom forth to highlight the fes tivities. Vic Schleich, Husker weightman collides with Missouri's Aussieker, Tiger shot champion in one close battle; Howie Debus will mix with Blackwell in the pole vault; and Bill Brogan and Johrde vie with Jo Raylo, Tiger miler in the distances. Brown Favored. Husker M Brown U geared for a first and possibly meet records in the quarter mile and 880 yard run but aside from Unit, and chanres of Husker in raid duels, experts predict near clean sweeps for the MiK.iourians. Thunderbolt of Coach Chauntcy Blmp son'a Columbia squad, bophomoro Maurice Alexander, who whipped up 1.1 points apninst Ki-State. is geared for firsts and new records in hurdle competition Alexan der, who has ran the highs In 7:5 and the lows In 7 flut. will be backed In the scoring column by Owne Joggerst and Bob Hteuher in the sprints, and Raylo in the distances. NCAA Tourney Scheduled . . . For March 30 COLUMBUS. O. Feb. 11. March 30 is the date that has been set by the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the play ing of the fifth annual basketball championship in Madison Square Garden, New York. Kansas City's Municipal Audi torium will be the scene of the western playoffs on March 26 and 27. The eastern playoffs will take place March 24 and 25 on the Mad ison Square Garden's maples. Coach Harold G. Olsen of Ohio State, who is the tourney chair man, said that runnersup of both the western and eastern tourneys, would meet for a consolation prize. Committees from eight districts, four east of the Mississippi and four west, will select the outstand ing team in their area to play In the preliminaries. J 1 MFl lilMili.i , Extra! "Fighting Engineers II V - si -we a, ' i''HV- j Bobby Bach i 1 v vss if I ; K, cf fa &v It i Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Drafted shortly after he won the national collegiate mile . title (4:11) last June, Husker Bobby Ginn stored away his spikes awaiting the day when once again he could run. The time arrived a month ago when Bob received permission from his company colonel to compete in the national AAU mile race, in New York's Madison Square Garden late this month. Game Time: 8:00 Opening whistle for the Kansas-Nebraska cage mix tomor row night is 8:00. Largest crowd of the current basketball season is expected to flood the bleachers. - I ' - , i INTERFRATERNITY BASKETBALL 1912-43 "B" I.KAr.UK 1 I.KAOl t; t Alpha Tau Omrga Kappa. MlKaia Bel a Sigma INI leHa Taa DeJta MKnia Alpha Mu Kela Tlieta Pi 8lcma I'hl t:Hoa I'M Kappa Pal I.KACI V. S I.KAOl E 4 Farm llcmse Phi fiamma Delta Delta I pllon 7-rla Beta Taa Itelta Sigma PI Wgma Nn Sigma Alpha I ptllon I'lil Delia Tbrta League 1 Date Time Alpha Tan Omega v. Beta Sigma Pl 2-lB-is 7: so Sigma Alpha Mu V. Sigma I'hl l llon. t-l-4.1 S:MI Alpha Tail Omega vs. Sigma Phi l.ppih.a 1-11-4S 1:.M Beta Sigma Piii Vh. Sigma Alpha Mu 2-17-4.1 8:0 Alpha Tau Omrga vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 2-14-43 S:M Beta Sigma 1'nl vs. Sigma I'hl Ipillon I-I4-43 t.-M League 2 Kappa Sigma vs. Delia Tau Delta Z-10-4S 1:30 Beta Tlieta It va. I'hl Kuppa Psi 2-10-4 S:M Kappa Sigma vs. I'M Kappa INI 2-17-4.1 7:311 Delta Tau Delta vs. Beta Theta PI 2-17-4S : Kappa Sigma va. Beta Thela I'i 2-24-4J : Delta Tau Delta vs. I'hl Kapa INI 2-24-41 a.-4 Learue 3 farm Himw vs. Delia 1 psllon 1-10-4J 1:30 Delia Sigma II vs. Sigma Alpha lill(.n .2-10-4S ! Iwm Hwnf vs. Slxma Alpha Kpxllau 2-17-41 8:3 Delta I psllon vs. Delta Sigma PI 2-17-41 Farm House vs. Delia Sigma PI J"14"? 1' Delta I psllon vs. Sigma Alpha Hpsllon 2-24-43 S:M League 4 Phi (iamma Delta vs. 7-ela Beta Tau 2-1S-41 S:M Sigma Nu vs. PW Delta TheU M!ii! ? Phi tismma DHta vs. PM Delta Theta J'!2 7,rta Beta Tau vs. Sigma Na I'll"! !. phi ftamma Delta vs. Sigma Nu I'l Seta Beta Taa vs. PM Delta Tnela 1-I4-4S S:t npwew.Lr'iBniiiiT',"Hf" i I In 1 6CHIMM6t;'.. - We are proud to be hosts to Alpha Phi Friday February 12 V.1V . ,1 Mi. '. Bobby 'Trains On Honeymoon ... It Says Here Bobby Ginn, star Husker track ster and national collegiate mile champion last year, writes from Stinson Held in San Antonio proaching national AAU mile in where he is training for the ap-( Madison Square Garden. "I realize the great advantage' I have of being able to keep in shape. I feel . I am fortunate and am certainly going to do my best for al lthey are doing for me. I have been having trouble with mjr right hip. It is caused by a mis placed vertebra. I miss Dee's put ting it back in place. 4:32 in Rain. "I sometimes have to go several hours before I can find some one to crack my back for me. But then it is released immediately upon doing so. I ran a 4:32 mile last Friday in the rain and a 10:09 two mile in rain and wind. And then a romantic note: ''t did get married last Sunday.WOy had a swell time on our honey moon tho I had to work out for track every day that she was here. My wife has to finish school this term, then she is coming down to live with me here." Bob closes with the hope that he can return to school second se-; mester next year. The letter was sent to Husker cinder coach, Ed, Weir. J "Us, i?c." Gives Manacles McCurdy Loads of Trouble I AMES, Iowa, Feb. 11. If Guard Bob McCurdy of Oklahoma never sees "Us, Inc." again he may be able to regain his "Manacles";, nickname. f Ray and Roy Wchde, twins from Holstein, gained a wide high school reputation as double trouble, on the court. As Iowa State sophomores Monday night they had a look at the man Sooner fans said couldn't be scored on. McCurdy was to guard RayX plays center, and in the first if of the game Ray scored 12 poinu"r A Otui TODAY! SEE! The STRANCEST STORY You Ever Tried to Gel Out of a Dream j PLUS l New Heights in Hilarity From the Top RADIO Teams Edgar Charlie ribber MeGe Bergsa McCarthy and Molly r STARTS SAT. ,-,'HD:ic0r-Ti:r?' .-r.v 'Here We Go Again CTbrARROWslurls ti in 3 Set. Mta Ms