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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1943)
Friday, February 12, 1943 Daily Gives'Last'Word On ERC Status Final WMC plans for cnlliiifr KKU students to active duty have boon released which provide for eontinuanee in school for all members until the end of the current semester, "current," be ing defined as the semester in which they were enrolled on or before Dec. 31, 1 Medical, dental and engineering students will act under special provisions, and advanced KOTO students will be called when the army specialized training program begins at their col letro. Detailed plans for each group have been outlined by the war department as iollows 1. Reservists who are not m military colleges, or studying med icine or engineering will be called to duty at the end of the current semester, term or quarter "cur rent" being defined as the period in which they were enrolled on December 3t, 1942. After basic training, they will be eligible to be sent back to college under the Army Specialized Training Tro gram. They will have at least two weeks' leeway between the end of their study period and be ing called to duty. 2. Medical students (including dental and veterinary) in the En listed Reserves will be called at the end of the first full semester beginning in 1943 in most schools, at the end of the usual February to June term. They will be assigned to continue medi cal courses in medical schools which hive Army contracts meaning, in home cases .that they will go on studying right where they arc. At this time, medical students who have commissions in the Administrative Corps may resign, enlist as privates, and be detailed in the same manner as medical students in the Enlisted Reserve. 3. Pre-iucdical students in the ERC will continue on inactive status until the end of the first full semester beginning in 1943, and will then be called. Those selected at induction or at th completion of their basic training for further medical or pre-med ical training will be assigned to colleges under the Army Special ized Training program to continue their studies. 4. Medical and pre-med students who are not in the ERC and are drafted. wHVbe placed on inactive status until the end of the firs full term beginning in 1943. They will then ho called to active duty, and are eligible to be assigned to further medical training 5. Seniors in the ERC (non ROTC who are taking approved teihnical engineering courses will continue in n inactive status un til graduation or the end of the first full semester beginning in 1913, whichever is earlier. After their basic training, they may be assigned back to college. G. Junior ERC engineering stu dents (non-ROTC) will stay on inactive status until the end of the first full semester beginning in 1943. and will then be called to active duty. After basic training they may bo selected to continue their stndviwr under the Army Gift- Stationery? Army Navy Marines Air Forces W-A-V-E-S WAACs, ier Sec M Goldenrod Printing Co. SIS Nerth M Opca Thar. Nilci SEND IIER ONE DOZEN ROSES Assorted Bom Send Flowers la Appredarto to Tour HostM. relecnrph FREY 1338 "O" St. OPEN UNTIL Outlines Specialized Training Program. 7. Junior engineering students who are not reservists will go onto nactive status when drafted until they have finished the first full semester beginning in 1943. They will then be called, given basic training, and may be selected to continue their technical training. 8. Sophomore ERC students in engineering will be called like all other engineering students at the end of the first full semester be ginning in 1943. They may be selected for further technical training. 9. Sophomore ERC students in military colleges also will not be called until the end of the first full semester, and then after basic training may be selected to con tinue their technical courses. 1. Second-year advanced senior division ROTC students (who are also in the ERC will be called to active duty when the Army Spe cialized Training Corps gets under way in the college they are attend ins. They will stav until uraa nation, provided they graduate be fore June SO, 1943. They will then be detailed to their respective branch service schools, and com missioned after a three-month course. Second-year advanced senior di vision KUiucrs, who are not members of the ERC may be in ducted into the Corps, and follow the same procedure as the former ERC-ROTC members. 2. First-vear advanced senior division ROTC students who are also in the ERC will be called to duty when the Army Specialized Training Program begins in their colleges. They will remain in school until the end of the first full semester beginning in 1943 after which they will receive mil itary training in repaleement cen ters instead of the usual second year advanced course. After this they will either be sent back to the colleges for further technical training, or sent to Officer's Can didate School and commissioned. As in the case of second-year ROTC'ers. these first-year men (advanced division) who are not members of the ERC may enlist 3. First and second year ad vanced ocurse ROTC medical stu dents (including dental and vet erinary) will be called to active dutv upon the initiation of the Army Specialized Training Pro gram in the institution attended If their marks are satisfactory they will stay In school until they graduate. 4. Pre-med and medical students in the advanced course ROTC who are not in a medical unit may be discharged from their ROTC con tracts and continued in school under the Army Specialized Train ine Program. If their marks are not satisfactory they will be sent to their branch Officer uanaiaate School to trv for a commission. 5. Basic course ROTC'ers that Valentine's Day February 14th Order Early Sortie to Distant Point & FREY THIRS. 2-6928 P. M. DAILY NEBRASKAN liny :i hliare in I lie I'. S. A. Do it in the obi American wav Huv War llonds ami Stamps without delay. f s freshmen and sophomores who are not in the enlisted reserve are iable to be drafted under the nor mal Selective Service regulations. War Department officials report, however, that their military traili ng will be helpful to them in get- ing into Officer Candidate Schools. Freshman and Soph omore ROTC members who are in the Enlisted Reserve will be handled under the ERC regula tions. (See 1, Enlisted Reserve Corps, unassigned). All senior division ROTC mem bers must appear at their induc tion centers when called with a transcript of their college aca demic and ROTC records for pres entation to the Classiifcation Officer. The War Department assures reservists who expressed a prefer ence at the time of their enlist ment for the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard that their names will be sent to the Bureau of Naval Personnel for consideration at least thirty days before they receive Army orders. If they are accepted by one of the other branches of the service, they will automatically be eligible for re lease from the Army. 1Jou 11 Be X Qd Jt P S ) in a YjiUf Spring J j Sassie Sue Frock 16.95 to 22.95 1 1 Yes, coeds, our new spring '43 collection is here it's gay it's colorful it's clever all the things you'll want to be the night of ) the Prom. Be the first to see them Come in P Saturday. Junior and regular sizes. J Reserve Seniors Resume 'Judo' Training Tomorrow At 9 Reopening of the commando tactics class will be effected to morrow at nine o'clock in the col iseum, according to an announce ment of the military department. The course to be taught every Saturday morning for the remain der of the semester is the newest venture of the military department in teaching its cadets practical know ledge of modern warfare. Open to Volunteers. Subject matter for the course has been especially planned and arranged for senior drill men but is opened to all volunteers. Senior advanced drill officers, going to OCS next summer, have been ad vised to take the training by the military department, it was learned yesterday. At present it is planned to run two classes simultaneously, for be ginners and for second semester students, with the advanced stu dents helping out with the instruc tion of those just beginning. Only requirement for the course is oiu clothing and basketball or gym shoesStudents who expect to take swimming training must obtain a pool permit before beginning the course. This should be done as quickly as possible, it was announced. i.'j fr I vt'-'. valentine! perfumes w'r lugs tiny "Chichi" by Renour . , . hown in th heart and dart bottU , , , many other (in perfuaies 2.7S up . . . Chichi at . . 3.73 7.C0 smart; R earrings i . no femm fatal Tf hai enough earring . . Simon Just-arrivd earrings clover novehie or elegant jeweled piece t I .CO up. hankies t , . beautiful Portugese linen handkerchief . entirely hand-mad delicate embroidery trim i.ea