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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, February 10, 1943 6 By Norris Anderson (Sports Editor) tRJW-'------ - CvTl, I (' t ' I V ,s v I v , ) v v. us Wtimmm i -ft :Jl Jubt a President Roosevelt keeps Undersecretary Sumner Wells about white house premises for minor duties, so doesn't the almie;htyiCan.san Phog Allen retain the services of Chuck Kllio'tt as direction of the KU sports news service, better known as the P. P. P. (Phog's Private Press.) Statements denouncing "glandular giants," unimportance of football, and how Oklahoma got Tucker have in the past flown from Phog's oral cavity via Chuck's Corona to every newspaper in the nation. Once every blue Monday a release not concerning: Mr. Al len slips out of Mount Oread. This being blue Tuesday Chuck ships sis a "synopsis" of Dr. Allen's star performer, Charley Black. "Aire 21, wt. 108, ht. C 4." Junior letterman '42, Charlie attended Highland Park high school in Topeka for three years before transferring to Southwest high of Kansas City where his coach was Mel Bishop. lie was eligible only his second se mester at Southwest because of his transferring, but he was a sensation. As a result he was enticed to attend University of Wisconsin. After his freshman year there his parents moved t. Lawrence -and Charlie started in at K. U. He was a member of the If'tl freshman team which was labeled the best in K. U. basketball history (Ray Evans, Don Etti tiger, Jack Ballard. Paul Turner, and Black). " As a sophomore last year he started out in a blare of glory with 2f points against Oklahoma in his first Big Six game. lie went ahes-d to average 12.8 points a game in conference play which placed him second to Ralph Miller (Kansas) in full-season scoring. Up made every all-Big Six team either as for ward or guard last year. This year he had a little trouble with his attitude and was dropped from the squad but is back now, better than ever. "Coach 'Phog' Allen rates him as the 'best man I've ever coached.' He is one of the finest natural athlees ever to come to the tin i y. He can shoot any kind of a shot with uncan ny acriirr.acy from a one-hand push shot to a one-hand swing attempt to a two-hand overhead try or an orthodox set shot. II is long arms make him invaluable at blocking shots on the defensive. This ability has caused Allen to play Black at for yard on the offensive. lie is the greatest offensive threat on the team and will spearhead the Jayhawk attack. He is ma joring in physical education, enlisted in the army air corps re serve, and is the only married man on the team." Task of covering Mr. Black will undoubtedly- fall to Moxic Young, top defensive Dusker. Young's height and aggressive play, plus a reassuring air of steadiness, constantly draw him the thankless job of covering the foe's top offensive performer. Three additional Max Young's may be required to stop three other Jayhawks who constantly find the meshes.. Guard Ray Evans (average 10 per game), Forward Otto Schnellbacher (10.3), and Euescher 9.8) require considerable defensive atten tion. Conditioning, Experience Needed for UN Track Squad . . . Mizzou Saturday BY HENRY FtSHBACK. Spike professor, Ed Weir, wait ing patiently for news to trickle thru concerning the Missouri-Kansas State cinder gathering, whipped his scant Scarlet track crew thru conditioning drills last night Weir toiled by the pole vault pit a good part of the afternoon, tak ing pains in rounding slow-conditioning Howie Debus into shape. Debus, out on the cinders for the first time during the week, was active at the pit and the shot put ring. His mark in shoving the iron ball carried out around the 46-foot mark. Weir hopes he'll be ready to supplement Schleich in the weight event Saturday and also figure prominently in pole vault competition. There he placed Becond in the conference meet last Spring. 48-Foot Put. Schleich hefted the iron pellet out close to the 48-foot mark while Eisenhart rounded out the weight performance with several enable efforts in brief drills yesterday. Nebraska's chances of slicing into the. Missouri point total Sat urday depend much on several newcomers, according to Weir. Uhrlstenson and Tallmen are counted in the hurdles and Hazard In the sprints. Veteran Al Brown leads a brace of middle distance men In Jim Brogan, Paul Johrde, Bowles, and others. urewn, tops of the group, whipped thru a 2:02.1 ' 880-yard grind performance recently. James Vaults. Peterson in the broad jump; James, far behind Debus in the pole vault, and Abbott a 6-foot high-jumper complete the unit that Weir indicates he'll throw against Missouri "Petring, high-Jumper, sprinter, and broad jumper, has been slow rounding into shape and with Zik round, won't be ready until the Kansas State tussle," said the Cornhusker hnd'nnn. casting an- c1- gloomy Siiadow over Husker Interfraternity Basketball Schedule 1942-43 "A" League 1 League Phi Gamma Delta Bct Tneta p , Sigma Alpha Mu Beta Sigma Psl Zeta Beta Tau Farm House Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Dalta Tau Delta Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Sigma Pi League 3 League 4 Alpha Tau Omega De,ta Upsilon Phi Kappa Psi Theta Xl Sigma Nu Kappa Sigma Xi Psi Phi Alpha Sigma Phi Phi Delta Theta Alpha Gamma Rho League 1 Date Time Phi Gamma Delta vs. Zeta Beta Tau 2-11-43 7:30 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Delta Sigma Pi 2-11-43 8:00 Delta Tau Delta to. Sigma Alpha Mu 2-11-43 8:30 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2-16-43 7:30 Zeta Beta Tau vs. Delta Tau Delta 2-16-43 8:00 Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Delta Sigma Pi 2-16-43 8:30 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Delta Tau Delta 2-18-43 7:20 Delta Sigma Pi vs. Zeta Beta Tau 2-18-43 8:00 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 2-18-43 8:30 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Delta Sigma Pi .....2-23-43 7:30 Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Delta Tau Delta 2-23-43 8:00 Zeta Beta Tau vs. Sigma Alpha Mu 2-23-43 8:30 League 2 Date Time Sigma Chi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon 2-11-43 7:30 Beta Sigma Psi vs. Farm House 2-11-43 8:00 Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon 2-16-43 7:30 Sigma Chi vs. Beta Sigma Psi 2-16-43 8:00 Farm House vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon 2-18-43 7:30 Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Chi 2-18-43 8:00 Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Beta Sigma Psi 2-23-43 7:30 Beta Theta Pi vs. Farm House 2-23-43 8:00 League 3 Date Time Xi Psi Phi vs. Phi Delta Theta 2-11-43 7:30 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Nu 2-11-43 8:00 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Delta Thtta 2-16-43 7:30 Xi Phi Phi vs. Phi Kappa Psi 2-16-43 8:00 Sigma Nu vs. Phi Delta Theta 2-18-43 7:30 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Xi Psi Phi 2-18-43 8:00 Phi Delta Theta vs. Phi Kappa Psi 2-23-43 7:30 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Sigma Nu 2-23-43 8:00 League 4 Date Time Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Gamma Rho 2-11-43 8:30 Theta Xi vs. Kappa Sigma 2-11-43 8:30 Delta Upsilon vs. Alpha Gamma Rho 2-16-43 8:30 Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Theta Xi 7. 2-16-43 8:30 Kappa Sigma vs. Alpha Gamma Rho 2-18-43 8:30 Delta Upsilon vs. Alpha Sigma Phi 2-18-43 8:30 Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Theta Xi 2-23-43 8:30 Delta Upsilon vs. Kappa Sigma 2-23-43 8:30 Court No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 Court No. 3 No. 3 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 No. 3 Court No. 1 No. No, NO, No, No ,No, 1 2 2 3 3 1 No. 1 Court No. 1 No. 3 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 3 Small Squad Answers Call For OU Track . . , Bright Frosh NORMAN. Okl. Feb. 9 A war- riddled University of Oklahoma track squad that numbers only IS men, freshmen and varsity com bined, is looking ahead to its first outdoor meet, the annual Texas Relays April 3 at Austin, Tex. The Sooners will send a handful of varsity and sophomore thin clads to the Big Six indoor meet February 27 at Kansas City's Mu nicipal Auditorium, but the Big Six's disbarment of freshmen for this event means that Oklahoma can be represented only scantily Oklahoma's indoor team that finished second to Nebraska last year in the Big Six indoor meet has since marched off to war al most en masse. Only one Sooner who scored in last year's confer ence indoor engagement at Kansas City is back this season. He is Kenneth "Crow Hop Farm who won the broad jump. Promising Frosh. This means that Oklahoma's yearlings can compete in the Texas Relays and John Jacobs, veteran Sooner coach, has two promising freshmen who will con siderably bolster the Oklahoma re lay combinations. One of them is Andy Cary of Duncan, wiry Oklahoma High School 440 and 880 yard champion. Another is Lynn "Hobo" Gllstrap of Ardmore, diminutive all-around champion of the 1043 Oklahoma Interscholastics here. Gllstrap won the high jump, broad jump and hop step and jump in class A of the state high school games here last May, but 'Jacobs is re-canting him into a sprinter and hurdler, Game Captain Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Not too big, but plenty dynamic is the way Husker cage fans de scribe Johnny Thompson, second high scorer and flame captain Saturday night. Today is flic LAST 3M To buy your IMS at the special price of The Price is $4.50 Tomorrow So Buy Yours TODAY On Sale at the Cornhusker Office Tucker Sparks Sooner Victory ... Over IS Oklahoma's rampant cage club continued to move ahead in the Big Six cage derby Monday night by tipping the Iowa State club 47 to 20. Gerald "Titanic" Tucker, top Big Six scorer, hit the mesh for 13 tallies to boost his league total to 80 points in five games. Towa stale fx ft fi Oklahoma fg ft f Mickeit'n f 0 0-0 21 Reich f 2 2-3 1 Ray We'e t 3 0-0 2iHeap f 1111 OrndovCe f 1 0-0 0 1 Roberts f 2 1-10 Fuerback g 0 0-1 ljMarteney t 0 1-10 Oulman g 2 2-3 31 Tucker c 5 3-3 0 Norman g 3 0-1 21 Paine g 2 1-10 Roy We'e ( 0 0-1 llMcCurdy g 1-1 0 I Totali t 2-6 111 TotaH IS 11-14 Halftime anore: Oklahoma 23, Iowa State 6. Officials: Kd1le Hogue, Rock hurrt and John Lance. PltUburg. t