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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1943)
Wednesday, February 3, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN KohASL SHUkSL Prof. Ed Weir, major domo of the Scarlet track forces, acknowledges a letter from a little guy whose heart is bigger than his body. We refer to Bobby Ginn, steller Husker national mile champion. We'll never forget the mile derby in the national intercol legiate meet here last June. Touted Les MacMitchell, NYU's : lek performer, was favored along with LeRoy Weed, the gangly Calif ornian. Diminutive Bobby looked so little, so ! harmless down there at the starting line. 1 Every heart in the audience quickened when the milers rounded the final turn. Stride for stride, breath for breath, i were Ginn and Weed, a half -foot taller, pounding dcwn the stretch. A wild cheer broke loose as a last-ditch lunge by Bobby broke the tape an inch ahead of the tall boy from Cali fornia. Somewhere in the rear, twenty yards back, floundered the "best miler since Cunningham the great MacMitcneu. "Time four minutes, eleven seconds. New national col- wijit mil rbamnion flinn of Nebraska" bellowed the loud- knookor Tli An in sottn voir! "Great work. Bobbv!" Bob's career as a llusker terminated before it bloomed into full maturity. Unable to join a reserve due to deficient eyesight, Ginn was drafted last summer. i Now from his quarters at San Antonio. Bobby writes of his entrance in the national AAU mile race in Madison Square Garden next month. ? "Tt. all Mm us a YAcr mrnrisA to me last week. After trv ing in vain to get permission at Duncan Field to run in the Sugar Bowl, I figured I might as well not try to get in any competition for the duration. But last week, the Public Rela tione nffir kwpd nf mv desire to run and responded immediate- ly. The mayor came and got me, introduced me to the colonel of the post, who gave me permission to run in me uaraen. Bobby then asks Prof. Weir about smh running problems as whether to work out on the New York boards several days before the race. "Do you think they'd make me stiff, Ed?" asks Weir's protegy. , i "I wish Harry Hunt could go.. It would be great if we could compete together again." In reply to that, Bobby, we Wight say that Harry has been aiding Ed with coaching duties fn& keeping in shape on the side. Harry indicated yesterday v that he hoped to vault in several meets before his V-7 timeis up. ? Last paragraph in the letter dealt with a matrimonial mis take. "According to the write-up in the Omaha World-Herald last week, I am supposed to be married. Well, you tell that guy that he is all wet! Say, Bill Smutz called me the other day from Kelly Field. We'll get together soon." God-speed, Bobby! Mentor May Juggle Starting Olathe Lineup . . . Elson, Cassidy Up News along the Big Six cage front centered Monday around the Oklahoma Sooners who kept close to the league-leading Kansas Jay- hawks with a 46-37 victory over Iowa State on the Cyclone rink. Gerald "Titanic" Tucker con tinued his offensive splurge with a 15-point donation for the eve ning. Kansas topped the Sooners, 48-44, in a close early season fray, but the Oklahomans have been on the rampage since. Brief Scrimmage. Nebraska continued prepara tions for the battle with Olathe Saturday night by scrimmaging briefly. Starting lineup for the Huskers will probably be the same as opened against Oklahoma with two possible changes. Ken Olson, high scorer against the Sooners with nine points, may shove either John Botorff or John Thompson, regular forwards, out of a starting berth. Fred Cassidy's performance against the Sooners n:ay shove him into the starting picture at forward also. Max Young will probably con tinue at center, backed by Bob Heinzelman and John Fitzgibbon at the guard slots. "There'll be a lot of changes," says Mentor Le-wandowski. Rev. Robert Drew Speaks Before YW, YM Students Rev. Robert E. Drew will be guest speaker at the YW-YM eve ning devotional to be held tonight at 7:30 in the Home Ec Parlors on the Ag Campus. Rev. Drew, director of the Wes ley Foundation, will speak on the Book of God. one of the Hazen Book series. CLASSIFIED 10 a line per day. Payable In advanea only. WANTED A K. & E. tltde rule No. 4081). S-7640. Duplex De-citrig Call Ellis Darin, LOST Brown zipper notebook. Name George Anne Manifold. 3-2602. Help! SOS! Husker Track Squad Needs New Talent Head Track Coach Ed Weir, is sued an SOS yesterday for all available UN cinder talent. With a shortage of manpower in all Big Six schools this term, every track ster will have a chance to show his wares. "As long as the university has so many fellows who will be called with the reserves," said Weir, "We might as well offer them our en tire facilities to keep in shape. While keeping in shape, these re servists could have some fun out of it by seeing what they could do for the track team." Only six vets are available for the indoor season which opens Feb. 13 at Columbia, scene of the Husker-Mizzou deal. Next com petition occurs a week later when the Huskers meet Kansas State in a duel meet which will precede the Missouri-Nebraska basketball fray. Freshmen will be available at Somethin, I Days TO TALK UT! ftp m mm UP, STATE c-Hur LUa Daraall la. "Citj Without ' Men" the outset of March, so the Weir outdoor squad should be better equipped with all-round talent. Es pecially need now are middle dis tance performers, jump men, and dashers. Girls at Western college, Oxford, Ohio, have turned their swimming pool over to sailors from the nearby naval training station for two evenings a week. STARTS roonnov; r I hen ho, v r (DyjuuniisL JojcfsdlxaL! f m 7 T ue they J klaalaa la W tnii at N 4V V-f I- really kUitog iT- EVERY fcjv FIFBY THRILL... f th. faaaca t-selUn( aoTH SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN "Keepero. the Flame 11 Als VJ DevM D.f't Saeelal Marine$ in the Making" 80c till P. M . Bcrv. Men tSt hHold High School Swim Meet at ISC AMES, Iowa, Feb. 1. For the econd straight year the Iowa State College swimming pool will be the scene of the Iowa high school swimming championships. ! Lyle Quinn, executive secretary of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, has announced that the 1943 meet will be held here Feb. 27. Starts T0L10RR0V7 ... f ..,., ' J r, . I. HMMtrr fl mtaiB 1 1 m Mmi Imt ioeb .a n n FOR YOUR SECOND SEMES TER BOOKS STOP AT LONG'S NEBRASKA BOOK STORE. WE NOW HAVE THE LARG EST USED BOOK SELECTION IN THE MIDDLE WEST. RE MEMBER YOU CAN SELL OLD TEXTS FOR MORE SO BUY HERE AND SAVE! tflUPUS 1 BUM 155 BE9ES S0OE