The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    bes&xy. January 19. 1943
Former AAU Stars Will Test Huskers
U)Mv Bob. WWkjL
Such Goings On
After a hectic week-end of cage competition within the Big
Six with the current league leaders, Kansas Jay hawks, playing
three games Saturday night, conference sports head for a tem
porary dimout in anticipation of final exam weeks . . . KU
downed three small schools by substantial margins which will
make the Jay record read like the closing chapters of some
success story at the season's end . . . The Creighton Bluejays
' dropped the invading Oklahoma A. A 11 team to lead the Mis
souri Valley schools by head, shoulders and waist.
That Top Spot
Dick Dunkel, sports forecaster doluxe, rated the Creighton
nwo tVio number one tram in the nation with Kansas second wt rntiini Wvnminer
is in there pitching to prove that
' Atlantic seaboard as the mecca
Citichton exhibited the brand
r spectators sit on the edge of their collective seais anu . . .
jit nnv rf ihp UN bovs who traveled to Omaha to watch
Tn their
r nation and the rest are all in a second class ... It would be a
nice thought if we could match the Jays and the Huskers on a
- home and home arrangement with the proceeds to be given to
the various war funds it's
talking point on both campuses.
In Fast Company
c; ut-oIw TTnnVr frmer.
less tailback of the past two seasons, is really traveling with
the big names . . . Now in the army air corps at the Waco
' army flying school Sid is holding down a spot on the cage
team along with Sid Hudson, Washington Senators' hurler ol
' renown; Walter Evers, Illinois champ and a Detroit Tigers
ace in the outfield; Herb Nordquist, a Detroit semi-pro eager,
and Dick Mace, North Dakota eager ... Sid played a lot of
the roundball sport around Lincoln and was a member of the
Elusker grid aggregation.
Three Go On -
Planting over the state sport pages we see that there are
but a trio of high school eage crews that can boast an un
blemished record . . . Leading the list is Lincoln High, defend-
- ing champs in state prep circles, as the current tiUeholders
are racing thru all competition in Nebraska and Iowa alike . . .
. Sharing the circle are Seottsbluff and Falls City, two schools
that always have a leader in the state cage circles . . . All of
this play leads up to a bang-up state tournament.
Success story in reverse???-Ealph King, long-legged tim
ber topper on the Husker cinder squad, who not so long ago
, was a valued assistant in a local mortuary, is now mixing
shakes and fountain concoctions in the Union grin.
Niglils Out . .
(Continued from Page 1)
housemother. Women having
exams on Saturday must be in at
9 p. m. Friday.
Coeds having a scholastic de
linquency may not go out any
night after 9 p. m. during the
whole of exam week.
Quiet hours for organized houses
re to include 8 to 12:30 p. m.
and 1:30 to 5:30 p. m. Houses
should plan a 30 minute rest
period during the evening.
is in the too five ana Indiana
the midwest has replaced the
lor me nanon s cage ariis . . .
of basketball that makes the
opinion there is one team m the
an uiea mai miuiuu
and brother of Dale, the tire
UNEB . . 1600
10:30: Campus Varieties,
(starring the Alpha Chi Seren
ade, campus gossip, and a word
from the draft board).
11:00: Mystery Melodies with
Bud Levinson and Dave Rosen
burg. 11:15: Daily Nebraskan of
the Air with Dick Nash.
11:20: UNEB Sports Parade
by Bob Hyde.
11:30: Tommy Dorsey's
11:45: Boogie Woogie.
12:00: Good night.
Pomona college will train 200
high school graduates, 18 to 21,
for the army air corps in a basic
pre-meteorological course,
Individual Inatruetion
Grree hhiirtliand and Hjwrial
Mtiort 'urMi
202-2 1 R l.lncnln l.lli. I ,lfrIM (I C . 8-S1S1
i - . -'. :. '
Courted Ijncoln Joornal
Two members of the Phillips Oilers, famed A.A.U. cage quint, shown above, are now exhibiting
their wares with Lt. Jack Gardner's Olathe Air Base Clippers. On the left is Grady Lewis and the
man with the ball is Don Lockard. The Clippers test the Huskers' reflexes on Thursday evening in the
coliseum-when the two teams mix. The Clippers split with Kansas; lost an overtime match to Okla
homa and twice downed the Tigers of Missouri.
50-38 Loss
Places Home
Five Second
KU Shares Top Honors
With Iowa; Heinzelman
Leadg Husker Scoring
AMES, la., Jan. 18 Bringing
scoring punch out of pre-season
confinement, the Iowa State Cy
clones bore down to pound out a
hefty 50-38 cage victory over the
visiting Nebraskans here tonight
Always a tough team to whip
on the home floor, the Cyclones
proved that they could knock the
props out of their bunting-minded
mates of the Big Six as they let
the Huskers down not too easily.
With Bob Heinzelman connect
ing with 10 points for the losers
there was not much offensive drive
maintained as the visitors sent a
leather barrage basketward with
out success. The victory gave
Iowa State a tie with Kansas U.
with two victories apiece.
The loss shoved the Huskers
rt r"!VT' ' ror.rss
Plus Disney's "HOW TO FISH"
TODAY I First Show 1 P.M.
efeats UM
into a second place ranking with
two wins against me single aeieau
The Iowa State cage mentor
withheld his prize scorer, Rollin
Kuebler, because ol a " cnaney-
L-ST Try
A VfWfM OHt 11X07
J i J --
. - Lki. "
"out mm wvp em - '
A tlCt FOX A COKi"
55 a mem umm -? -
,v M J
i f-f:
v. i v 1
Hhere must be something special
o 5f toft drink, when men overseas
write home or bring bock tales about H.
That bottle and the familiar trade-mark
Coca-Cola remind them of home. The
delicious taste and refreshment of Coke
bring a refreshing moment on the tunny
side of things. Enjoy it yourself.
mrvrrirn HKinrt AitTHORtTY OF
2U0 g st. s-535'
r "
horse," but he did not need him
as a trio of his starters turned in
neat averages, one of them, Bob
Hayes, dipping the net for 13
markers and the scoring ribbons.
" :. V
, TV
A .V v. .
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