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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, January 15, 1943 4 Jo Weaver Becomes Bride Of Robert Kline on Saturday Miss Josephine Mo' Weaver, l;iuili- ter of former (Jovernor ami Mis. A. .T. leaver, of Kails City, was married Sat unlay to Koiiett Kline, also of Kalis City. Miss Weaver is a student at tlie Uni versity of Nebraska and a member of Ki Beta Plii. Sho will graduate in June. Mr. Kline lias been employed in Ber muda on a const !'U-t ion job. The eouple will return to Lincoln Friday alter a short wedding trip. 4 t M Courtesy Lincoln Joornl. Sc let ocieu The Phi Delts ami Kappas have been expecting this announcement momentarily for the last several months and now it arrives . . . . Chick Thorne has hung his Phi Delt pin on Kappa Jeanne Browne. Rumor has it that she took it be fore Chick's fraternity son Norm Hoelk got it for initiation, to hang on Theta Joline Ackerman. From the Delt house we got wind of a couple of recent pin hangings. Proxy Bernie Weygint has hung his pin on Betty Malone and footballer Ed Nyden turned his over into the keeping of Alpha Chi Phyl Ray. Then Mon day night King Spittler passed the cigars in honor of his recent pin ning of Dorothy Statts of the dorm. Join the Delts Joining the Delt migration to the University dub Saturday night w ill be such likely couples as Jean Krutzer and Pi Phi Jane Moyer; Bid Wanser and Ann Barrett; Bob Keller and Betty Jacobs; Lloyd Melick and Alpha Chi Ruth Lund; and Harry Mease and Tri Delt Rosemary Riley. The Sigma Kappas will be dancing and dining formally at their dinner dance Friday night. It will be held at the sorority house and will be closed except to sisters and their dates. Some of the dates for the affair will be Mary Jane Rettenmayer and Don Dean; Betty Parker and Jack Hendiif; Margaret Richmond and Jerry Putjente, AGR; and Betty Storjohn and Walter Olson, Delta Sig. Are They? The Tri Delts are wondering if Fanehon Jones and Sigma Nu Hank Anderson are really going steady or just not dating anyone else. A few more dates for the Sig Ep blue party tonight. Kenny Atikerman with Dorothy Black, Chi O; Ray Miller and Alpha Xi Anne Jacobs; Warren Dawson and Lois Nelson; and "Dean Skokan and AOPi Jean Lingenfiltcr. Phi Rho"s, mcd fraternity boys, were down for a big rush party this week to replace the usual rush week. Towne dub and Brown Palace are having an hour dance Friday night. ATO's Elect Congratulations to Bob Schla ter, new president of Alpha Tau Omega. The Kappas have extended a blanket invitation to their" party which will be held at the Corn husker Hotel ballroom Saturday night. Louise Wilke, Kappa Delta, has left to begin training in the WAVES. SAVE AMERICA bi R7 un rase msm $iL StaiwjicAi? Army Navy Marines Air Forces W-A-V-E S WAACs, Bth" See at Goldenrod Printing Co. .T. North 14 Open Thur. Nltei Si. Paul Church To Hold Annual Recognition Dav The place of the student in the life of the church will be discussed next Sunday at St. Paul Church, which will observe tis annual stu dent recognition day. "A Time for Greatness" is the title of the morning sermon by Dr. Kennedy. A vesper service will be held at 7:30 in which special recog nition will be given to those affi liated with the church. Over a hundred students are ex pected to attend the fellowship lunch at 5:30 Sunday at the Gulf Coast Training Center Graduates Three Former Students at Nebraska U Included in the greatest number of pilots in the history of the Army Air Forces Gulf Coast Training Center reeeiin- their silver wiuss recently were three former KX students, l.t. Lloyd i. McQuay, 1st Li. iiobert A. Olson, and Lt. William W. Smiley. The .(.ulf Coast Training Center has been following a tremendous expansion program, launched even before Pearl Harbor, and graduated II elasses last year. A forecast thai Ihe 1!U1 production will far outnumber 1 hat of l!42 is based on the fact that many new schools in the Training Center are now Hearing completion and will contribute flying graduates. Augmented by classes from two new fields. Blaekland two-engine at Waco, Tex., and Em gle Pass Tex., single-engine fighter schools. 4:!-A is the beginning of the 1!H: output of pilots. PRECISION FLYING THEIR WATCHWORD. Precision is Ihe watchword wilh the pilots of these twin-engine AT-9 training planes, caught by the camera in a formation flight over the army advanced flying school at Lub bock, Tex. Three former UN students are among those who received their silver wings in class there and are "ready and ravin' to goM to join their comrades in spreading aerial death and destruction to the axis. churhc. Following the lunch will be a student panel discussion pe riod. The personal religion group led by Pauline Roberts will meet during this hour. Part-time Jobs Arc Open to Men Men students desiring jobs either now or next semester are urged to see Mr. Epp in Room 8, Administration building. Available are positions as a barber, garage serviceman, janitor, messenger, waiter, shoe salesman, and veterinary helper. Lucky Thirteen: Sigma Ep 'Blue9 Party Is Tonight Everything turns "Blue" at the Sigma Phi Epsilon 13th annual blue party which will be held to night. Blue, in everything but the gaiety, will be the theme of the af fair. The ballroom will be illum inated by a soft blue light, flood ing the floor from the ceiling and walls. Blue dress is mandatory for those attending. The Blue Party made its debut thirteen years ago as a spring formal. Each year since it has been one of the outstanding Greek social events on the campus. This year the party has been moved up due to war conditions, and it will be informal. A SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAYS Individual Instruction (irr( Minrlhand Mid ShiIiU Slmii ur DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL ili-IS Lincoln 1 In. I Iff BWr.t-JKtt j W ADVANCE SHOWMG ff1 MlLr if iik i i y jyJ w n V AV H V mMM c-95) 3(&ci HkvSr2 & l SlmOOK plaid ting. r I ham ... trilh hrcnmlng VAlCWy Scattered pa J tiet over attractive spun fl , rayon. (8.95) L. I FROCKS for SPRING ...3 rd Floor KK.VLDING Snrinc, 1913! Two famous mak ers prchenl iheir spring-into-summer rolleelions of tlie little class dresses yon love. Tliey go every where, they do every thing... they're All Ameriran ! jV Designed for figure-flattery simplicity you like. with the j Fine fahricg . . . with prerision workman ship and attention to details. So wearable ... for school, for shopping, for all your springtime fun! GISC.IIAMS . . . SEERSUCKERS . . . RiYO CREPES CHAM BRAYS . . . SPUS RAYONS Shea 12 to it $1 to 12.93 Miller's L'Aiglons and Lynbrooks Third Floor. LLERUA! 0