Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1943)
!Tues3cry, January 12, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN To) n n u y p Iowa State's - On, Kansas university's flashy capers, with wins over Missouri and Oklahoma in last week's conference play, gave' Big Six basketball fans the impression that they might repeat last year's breeze to the loop championship. Phog Allen's strictly-believing proteges paddled Missouri, 69-44, to eclipse the nine-year-old Big Six scoring record of C9 points established by Oklahoma against Kansas State. In the same game Charlie "Phog dropped me from the squad" Black dumped in 33 points to chalk tip a new mane in tne conference scoring column. The Huskers and Iowa State picked on the same team, Kansas State, and started the season off with wins, while Kansas topped Olathe Naval, 60-32, and Missouri fell to Olathe, 51-42. Huskers to Columbia. Only two conference clashes are on the docket for next Saturday night, with the comeback Ne braska team taking on Missouri at Columbia, and Kansas State pointing their first Big Six win against Oklahoma at Norman. Kansas meets Oklahoma A. & M.'s towering quintet at Lawrence in a blood-battle which should establish, or tear down, the Jay hawks' present enviable national reputation. Only other games which will put loop teams on the record book feature Kansas State against Rockhurst Tuesday, and Kansas facing Camp Crowder at Kansas City Saturday. Blfl SIX 9TANDING8. PU 117 opt 08 32 24 4S 9 NEBRASKA 1 Iowa State 1 Oklahoma ........... Missouri 0 Stat 73 Wednesday: Oklahoma A. If. vs. Kan- k at Lawrence. Saturday: Kn va. Camp Crowder at Kansas City; NEBRASKA va. MlMOurl at Columbia: Kama Stat r. Oklahoma at Norman. RKSVI.Tf LAST WEEK. Kansas 69, Missouri 44. -Kannaa 60, Olathe Clipper 32. NEBRASKA 41. Kansas Stat 33. Iowa State 34, Kansas Stat 24. Olathe Clippers M, Missouri 42. LEADING SCORES. t ft Black, Kansas 3 17 HufMt'her. Kansas ........ 3 rixun, Kansas ..2 T F.vans, Kansas 3 8 Norman, Iowa State...... 1 7 Lll, Kansas gate 3 3 Hthncllbacher, Kas ,3 Thompson, Nebiaska .... 1 5 Jenkins, Missouri 1 Paine, Oklahoma 1 Ihrks. Kansas State...... 3 4 Tucker, Oklahoma 1 4 Bortka, Kansas State.... 3 6 Mark, Missouri 1 4 FiUgibbon, Nebraska .... 1 3 ft Pf pts 42 UNEB-1600 10:30 Campus Varieties (in cluding campus gossip, a Kappa serenade and a special interview.) 11:00 Mystery Melodies. 11:15 Daily Nebraskan of the Air. . 11:20 UNEB Sports Parade. 11:30 Hit Parade. 11:45 Request Program. 12:00 Ghost Night. Villanova college was the first Catholic college founded in Penn sylvanla. NOW! . . Young Jane steps out with the Army on her First Date . JANE WITHERS t30C3GC3DY HUI IW MT.TUNI Of TM MT"J0tftT QUGhW3 - Plat Lo-llitU A WEAVER BROS. AND ELVIRY "The Old Homestead" 7 STATE Big Six Indoor Track Compet Date Changed The annual Big Six indoor track meet will be held at Kan sas City Feb. 27 instead of the March 6 date originally set, M. F. Ahearn, conference secretary announced late Monday. Nebraska is the Big Six in door defending champion, and will go to the meet without forc ing any change in their original schedule. The change was made because the Kansas City police circus is scheduled for March 6 in the municipal auditorium. Ahearn said all Big Six schools will be represented at the meet Huskers Set For Missou' This Week UN Cagers To Be At Full Strength Head basketball coach. Lew Lewandowski cracked his whip hot and , heavy over his Cornhusker caee proteries on the coliseum boards yesterday afternoon in the week's opening drill for Missouri tilt Saturday evening. Fire was abundant on the Husk er front as the Scarlet varsity whipped thru a scrimmage against reserves. Comprising Lewandow ski's first five were Thompson, Bottorff. Fitzgibbon, Heinzelman and Young. Indications were that the Nebraskans will be at full strength when they leave for Co lumbus, Friday. Tigers Lose Four. The Missouri team, to date, has won two and lost four. The Tigers have wins over Missouri valley (32 to 31), and Fort Leonard Wood (49 to 23). In the loss col umn, the Columbia team has dropped twice to Olathe Naval, 40 to 35 and 51 to 42: Illinois 51 to 30: and Kansas 69 to 44. Only comparative scores lor me two teams came out of jaunts to Champaign to take on the Illini, at present burning up me recoras in Big Ten competition. While the Tigers were Deaien points, Nebraska did only half as well, allowing Illinois to run up a 69 to 27 decision, before bounc inc back to hold Indiana to a Doint win marjrin. in a home game Only development in the Big Six circuit over the last weekend was the Kansas Jayhawks victory over Oklahoma. The victory gave rnog Allen's charges the loop lead AMERICA IN 1950 IP THE AXIS WINS . . , . , youll have to find a home In the Japanese rice swamps, in the African desert or in the frozen North. For America, with ita boundless opportuni ties, will be. peopled by the Axis that! what they're fight ing fori IF AMERICA WINS a . a . , . youTl be free to live where yon want, to go wherever opportunity beckons for that's what we're fighting fori And the best way to carry on that fight ia by inventing 10 of your income in War IJondsI Tankers See Loop Repeat Cyclone Champs' Coach Optimistic The 1943 Iowa State swimming team will be about on a par with the 1942 Big Six champions, ac cording to word from the Cyclone camp. Coach Jack McGuire a team will probably face a skeleton sched ule, with the present set-up call ing for only two teams Iowa State and Nebraska indicating a' desire to carry a full load. Second Season. McGuire, who is staring his sec ond season as the Cyclone tank ccach, feels that the individual brilliance of the 1942 team will be offset by more depth and better balance this season. Biggest loss from 1942 is Brian Brown who won three Big Six titles as a sophomore Brown is now in the army. Three major leuermen ana a! minor award winner wm form the nucleus for the predominant ly sophomore team. Capt. Thorn ton Wilson, sprinter, is out with a broken ankle but is expected to be back in the pool in another week and ready for competition by mid- February. Slater Returns. John Slater, conference breast- stroke king, and Fred Musser, sprinter, are the other major let termen. Bill Nielson, another sprinter is a minor letter man. Jack Byerrum, senior sprinter, is the only other candidate not a member of the sophomore class. Jim McCoy, Bob Savage, Joe Reynolds and Ted Salmon, sprin ters: George Lewis, George Pick ens, distance men: Charles Wells I and Dave Clizbe, backstrokers; Ralph Reese, breast stroke, and Bob Boswell, diver, are all sopho mores. Cyclone Five To Miss Action Next Ten Days AMES, Iowa, Jan. 11. Iowa State's Rollin Kuebler will have plenty of time to get a Charley horse worked out of his leg as the Cyclones remain out of cage com petition for a week. The activities of Religious Em phasis Week hold sway on the campus until Jan. 18 when the Cy clones return to action in a game here with Nebraska. Coach Louis Menze plans to take full advantage of the ten day layoff from competition to rive his squad plenty of hard work, On the basis of its showing against Kansas State .Saturday the Cy clones still need more work be fore tackling the rest of the Big Six. Kuebler. hampered by his Injured leg against the Wildcats, should be ready to play full time against the Cornhuskers. Barb Basketball Deadline for Barb basketball entries was set last night by the Intramural department for February 27. Rochester Club, WPA Sponsor Photo Exhibit The Rochester Camera club and the WPA are the sponsors of the latest photography exhibit in gal- lerv A of Morrill hall. The exhibit will last until January 31. Tulane university is in its 109th session. Army Navy Marines Air Forces W-A-V-E-S-WAACs, Sea at Goldenrod Printing Co. ilS North 14 Open Thar. Nltea vr " ' a a . -v.v iv n f O n n n n t n n n n n 9V SpDfdJL For the Faculty: Trobably the best suggestion heard in a Ion:,' time along the line of Mays and means to get students to feed the kitty with war stamps came floating into the office yester day, Seems one of the faculty members thinks it would be a paying proposition to charge admission, i. e., one war stamp, to an all-professor race through, over, under and around the uni versity s obstacle course. Sounds like a good idea. Here's my dime on the line. How about it, faculty members? The Big Six. from all indications, is jroinjr to have one of the biggest years on record. K.U. place awfully, awfully near to iing a wouia-oe cnaiienging That 48-44 win for the Jayhawks ty-44 tnumping of Missouri earlier in the week. If Nebraska s jaunt to Columbia pays off next lind themselves bidding for one ere long. On Subsidizing: Sunday's wordage bn subsidizing brought out of one reader an argument with for some time. He writes: points for prospective students Colleges engage in athletic competition. Therefore, athletics should be encouraged. "Athletes engage in athletics. Athletes go to college therefore good athletes should colleges desiring to find a place and athletically. Still another test of how much athletics mean to colleges. Approach some individual you've never seen before, some aver age person, and ask him to do colleges he s heard of because learning the arts, science, engineering, research, and so on. Then ask him to list all the of their participation in athletics. Ten to one the first list will be a wee bit shorter than the second. Speaking of Kansas: Joe Creighton's top-ranked basketball team, commenting on the Kansas team, gave credit to I could ask for in a defensive man." Loisel, visiting here yester- Uay dubbed Charley Black tops "for his abiilty to rebound,' and forward Schnellbacher for UNGrad.Waldon Nelson is Army Air Force Cadet MARFA, Texas. Aviation Cadet Waldon L. Nelson, UN graduate, is now stationed with the Army Air Forces at a new twin-engine school at Marfa, Texas, it was announced by Col. Gerald Hoyle, commanding officer. The new school is located about 60 miles from the Rio Grande river in the Big hand country of west Texas. MONEY, MONEY The Daily Nebraskan will pay for all Nov. 17th issues brought to the business man ager's office. A SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAYS Individual Instruction Gregg Shorthand and Hpeclal Short Coudmii DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL 202-218 Lincoln Itlilsr. 2-21S1 v. v JIlSL itfhihL definitely reserved a niche some the top of the column by shack- uiuanoma team Saturday nieht. followed their record-breaking Saturday, the Huskers should of the top three loop spots which I have heartily agreed "Athletics form good selling, in schools all over the country. be encouraged to attend those on the map, both educationally, this: ask him to list ail 01 tne of some contribution to higher colleges he s heard of because Loisel, starting forward on Ray Evans as" every thing you all-around offensive play ATO-Phi Delt WaterPoloTilt Heads I-M Card Intramural athletic competition resumes tomorrow evening with the water polo squads of the Phi Gamma Delta and the Phi Delta Theta clashing at 8:30 and the Alpha Tau Omega meeting Sigma Chi in another big test. The finals of the badminton tourney also will roll off this week with Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Xi battling in the cham pionship bracket and Theta Xi and Phi Kappa Psi struggling for the Consolation championship. CLASSIFIED 10 a line per day. Payable la advaaea only. EXCHANGED at the Union: Simon Inn overcoat for Dundee tan overcoat. W. Saks, W2-15S. MISTAKENLY TAKEN Tan overcoat outside Union ballroom, Jan. 10. Plfse exchange. Vincent Martinson. t-3597. n n n 17. 5. Trmatury DepU