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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1942)
Friday, December 18, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKA 5 Army Plans . . (Continued from Page 1.) Medical and pre-medical stu dents not in the ERC If inducted under Selective Service prior to the end of the first full semester or substantially corresponding academic period that begins in 1943 will be placed on inactive duty to continue such course until the end of that semester. They will then be called to active duty at which time they may be detailed for further medicalu or pre-medical training under the Army spe cialized training program or as signed to other military duty. - Fourth-year students taking ad vanced ROTC will be ordered to .active duty upon graduation or upon completion of the first full semester that begins in 1943, whichever is earlier. Upon enter ing active duty they will be or dered to their respective branch schools and commissioned upon successful completion of the course. Third-year students in the ERC pursuing technical engineering courses will continue in an inac tive status until the end of the first full semester that begins in 1943 and will then be called to ac tive duty. Those selected at the completion of their basic military training for further technical training will then be detailed for such instruction under the army specialized training program. Third-year students pursuing technical engineering courses, not members of the ERC will, if in ducted prior to the end of the first full semester that begins in 1943, be olaced on inactive duty while continuing: such technical engi neering course urtil the end of that semester. They will then De called to active duty. Those se lected at the completion of their basic military training for further technical training will be detailed for such instruction under the army specialized training pro gram. All other ERC students will be called to active duty at the end of the curent semester and upon completion of basic training will be eligible for selection for train ing under this program or for other military duty. The report further reads, "In the event there appears to be occasion for selecting enlisted men for the army specialized training program other than in the foregoing man ner, requests for approval with reasons for the same will be sub mitted to the chief of staff." Navy Plans . . . (Continued from Page 1.) tive duty as apprentice seamen under instruction in accelerated curricular in approved school and seminaries until completion of their professional studies. Engineering students in good standing will be allowed a total of eight equivalent semesters since their martriculation in col lege to complete their studies, re gardless of the number of equival ent semesters completed as of July 1, 1943. V-5 Reservists who are college students may be deferred if re quest has been made from assign- Palladians Name Semester Heads, Install Officers New officers for the second term of the year were installed last Monday night at the busi ness meeting of Palladian literary society as Marjorie Johnston took the gavel from Ralph Marlette. New vice-president, to succeed Miss Johnston, is Dave Marvin Other officers include Betty Toot haker, critic; Glenn Johnston, sec retary; Jean Brehm, corresponding secretary; Maxine Thompson, pro gram chairman; and Bob Veach, treasurer. ment to specific aviation cadet training until the end of the col lege year current at the time of enlistment or transfer. Present probationary commis sioned students on inactive duty in a deferred basis will at a date to be announced shortly, per mitted to resign and accept as signment to the college training program as apprentice seamen on active duty. At satisfactory com pletion of their prescribed profes sional education, they will again be commissioned in the U. S. N. R. YMCA Elects Dee Messinger Prexy Of Men's Group Nominating committee of the university YMCA today announced the results of the recent balloting done for the next semester offi cers and taking over the duties of President Norman Sundberg will be Dee Messinger, sophomore, from Cedar Bluffs, Kas. Messinger, experienced in Y work, spent the last summer working at the McCook, Nebraska YMCA. "Mike" Ueoka was elected vice president, having gained Y experience at Estes conference. Filling the secretary's post is Gil bert Ryder. UN's Oldest Fraternily . . . Sigma Chi Celebrates Sixty Years on Campus With Dinner It was just sixty years ago this winter that the Sigma Chis held their first dinner which has be come what is now called the an nual Sigma Chi dinner dance. It all began in 1883 when it was held to celebrate the founding of the Nebraska chapter which was the only fraternal organization on this campus at that time. For the first few years it was only a ban quet and the dancing was added . Dancing This Week-End sometime later. In the chapter scrap book, in vitations to the affair date back to 1895 when it was held at the Lincoln Hotel as it will be this year. In early years it was held in the chapter house which was lo cated at 13th and "O" streets. Christmas Cards g Very Nice Quility and Assarted K 8 50 for 50c J H Open Eveninfs Until Christmas ' g jjGoldenrod Printing Co.H IIURHY! d by d y Nation Feofilt'- 11 rai test lie'0 LAURENCE LtlGH OUWB THAT HAMILTON WOMAN . CO-FEATIRE Alwavs Ser. Men Mr. Drarula Is Here!! in 'BOWERY STATE AT MIDNIGHT" with BELA LUGOSI FOR CHRISTMAS 60 Sheets j K 50 Envelopes ... Double Box .... $1.75 Fine stationery correctly printed Is a distinctive gift. Beautiful Rippletone Finish Stationery in the two-fold fie . . . printed in rich blue ink with your name and address, monogram, MILI TARY EMBLFM. FRATERNITY OR SORORITY CREST. GRAVES Printing Compony 312 No. 12th Members Honor Eugene Floyd, YW Secretary Eugene H. Floyd, new Univer sity YMCA secretary was honored by faculty and YM student offi cers at a dinner held in the Stu dent Union last nieht. Dr. Pat terson, chairman of the advisory board, acted as toastmaster, giv ing a brief histor nf "niver- sity YM. J. B. Kniffin, general secretary of the city YMCA offered coopera tion with the university YM in the new branch relationship recently set up. The new secretary re sponded by stating the aims and purposes of the YMCA as an in ternational organization and the place it occupies In the world pic ture as well as its particular pro grams on the campus. j The years activities of the ag and city campus organizations were given by Presidents Bob Pet erson and Norman Sundberg. Dee Messinger, new university YM president then gave an outline ?f the future prografl. Lincoln Stores Announce Xmas Season Honrs As a courtesy to last minute shoppers the Lincoln department stores will remain open unUl 10:00 up until Wednesday evrmlg. Most of the Lincoln stores will be closed Christmas eve. Miller and Paine and Hovland and Swanson will open, at 9:30 a. m. and Ben Simons, Colds, Har veys, and Magees will open at 10 a. m. during the rush season. UN Newman Club To Collect Gifts Collection of Christmas gifts which will be given to orphan children will form part of the en tertainment program planned for Newman's club annual holiday party. To bo held in parlor X, Y and Z of the Union at 4:30 p. m., Sun day, Dec. 20, the affair is open to all Catholic studonts. The party Formula for Ladies in Doubt HE'S VAIN . . . he'll wan! gifts thai Halter his appearance . . . gifts of fine apparel from our Store for Men . . . ami he'll he proud as any thing of the Simons label. HE'S FUSSY . . . so watch out for his pet likes ami dislikes ... we suggest that you use this ' convenient check list. Arrow Shirts 2.25 up Ski-Mo I'ajama 2.50 Wool Hour ."k In 2.30 Balhriggan Pajamas 2.50 Swank Jewelry 30c to 5.00 First Nightcr Pajamas 3.50 Rayon Pajamas 3.95 to 5.00 Leisure Coals 7.95 to 12.95 Interwoven Hose 45c and 65c Sletson, Knox Mats 5.00 lo 10.00 Men's House Slippers 2.50 lo 5.00 lliekoek leather Hells and Suspenders 1-00 und 1.50 McGregor Sweaters 3.95 lo 13.50 Men's Shorts or Shirts 60c lo 1.25 l ine Leather Billfolds 1.00 lo 10.00 Luxurious Lined RoIes 9.95 to 16.93 Ties . . . Arrow, Botany, Nor-Kast, Kesilio, Bonny Poplin, Njlon 1.00 and 1.50 Icathcr Coals and Jackets 10.93 lo 25.00 Men's All Wool Flannel Hohes 6.95 lo 12.95 Men's Gabardine (Kayon) Robes 5.95 to 12.95 All Wool, Pure Silk or Rayon Scarfs. .1.00 lo 5.00 Large Assortment of Novelty Gifl-Wear 1.00 to 15.00 Lined or Unlined Fine Leather Gloves. 2.00 to 6.50 While or Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs 35c to 1.00 Men's Shaving Sets and Perfumes A Large Assortment of (Quality Luggage Gift Certificates complete military aitt department main ttoor is in charge o( freshman club members.