The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1942, Image 1

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7te Baity f m Hni.
Vol. 42, No. 61
Lincoln Nebraska.
Friday, December 18, 1942
Plans For Reserves
irmy, Mavy Issue
The army has annonuced its specialized training program, the navy, its college training
program. Complete information on both is included elsewhere on this page. But what of the
students in college now?
Here is what the army and navy plans to do according to their joint report issued yester
day afternoon.
Here is the status of students now in col
leare as far as the armv is concerned :
Medical students (including dentist and
veterinary in the ERC will he called to active
duly at the end of the first full semester that
begins in 1943 and will be detailed to continue
courses of medical instruction under contracts
to be made by the war department with medi
cal school. Medical students commissioned in
the Medical administrative corps may, at the
same time, resign such commissions, enlist as
privates and be detailed in the same manner
as medical students in the ERC.
Pre-medical students in the ERC will con
tinue in an inactive status until the end of the
first full semester that begins in 194:? and will
then be called to active duty. Those selected
at induction or at the completion of Iheir basic
military training for further medical or prc
inedical training will be detailed for such in
struction under the army specialized training
(See ARMY PLANS, Page S.)
The Navy plan is on a different basis than
that of the army. Here is what the Navy
will do:
All V-l, V-5 and V-7 students now enrolled
in college will be placed on active duty at a
date to be annoxinced as apprentice seamen,
with pay, subsistence and uniforms and will
then spend full time in completing their college
training according to the following schedule:
OMnptetHI i
July 1. lMt
wmin allow for
esmpirtfcM M tfWn(
V-l and V-7 reserves who are undergradu
ates and who qualify as medical, dental and
theological students will be continued on ac
(See NAVY PLANS, Page 5.)
Boucher Announces that UN
ay Get Army-Navy Order
Nebraska may get one of any
number of different types of
specialized schools for training
under the new army-navy pro
gram, according to a statement
made by Chancellor 0. S. Bou
cher last night. Several possi
bilities are open. Just nhich
one Nebraska will get is still
Facilities on the campus are
unusually good for a large num
ber of men, he said. Six to
twelve hundred men could be
quartered in the library. An
other twelve hundred could be
adequately housed in the field
house and the coliseum.
Fed in Union.
The men would be fed in the
Union, the women's dormitor
ies and possibly in the1 city
YMCA. The Y has been asked
to consider their facilities and
report later if they can provide
food for a number of men.
The army program will not
necessitate the use of frater
nily houses on the campus but
if a navy unit is brought here
the fraternities may be asked
for their houses.
If a unit is brought here
which .demands a dormitory,
the women's residence halls
may be turned over. These
possibilities it must be remem
bered are planned for next year
and not next semester.
Frat for Women.
Another possibility if the
dormitories do need to be taken
over nest year, will be to rent
fraternity houses to the univer
sity for housing university
It is altogether possible that
the coliseum, field house, and
library may be put to use next
semester but only those facili
ties will be used next semester
which will not affect the regu
lar university program. Mea
and women will be continuing
their regular program here
: -
: :
x --Ml
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Courteay Lincoln Journal.
. . . the coming semester may
find Irregularities in bousing and
university program facilities.
next semester. The two semesters
next year may find irregularities
in housing and university program
facilities, according tq the chancellor.
ft on dl e on ft s
D on War
Big question in the minds of college students for
months is answered. The Army and the Navy in a
joint statement approved by the War Manpower
Commission announced yesterday that:
1. All members of the army enlisted reserve
corps, except those in the senior advanced
ROTC course and students in specialized tech
nical study such as engineering and medicine,
will be called at the completion of the present
2. All members of the Navy, Marine, and
Coast Guard Reserve will be placed on active
duty at a date to be announced and will then
continue guided study for a period determined
by the number of semesters completed by indi
vidual students.
3. The University of Nebraska was selected as
one of the educational institutions at which special
ized training units will be set up to train army and
navy-picked men.
UN Member School.
In a detailed report to the American Council of
Education, of which Nebraska is a member, the army
and navy outlined a detailed program for the na
tion's colleges and college students which contem
plates that the educational training will be carried
on while the men are on active duty, in uniform, re
ceiving pay and under general military discipline.
Both government and university officials urged
students to remain calm, to stay in school, and to
pursue their studies as diligently as ever even
though they may be in a group to be called at the
end of the semester.
The army action is a part of its new specialized
training program which is designed to meet the need
for specialized, technical training of soldiers on ac
tive duty for which army facilities are inadequate.
Universities will be used; young men to take the
training will be selected on a democratic basis with
out regard to financial resources.
Call as Seamen.
The navy plan, too, calls for calling of students
as apprentice seamen, paying them and assigning
them to designated colleges to follow courses of
study designated by the navy department.
"This plan will permit the selection of the country's best
qualified young men on a broad democratic basis, witliout re
gard to financial resources, and thus permit the navy to induct
and train young men of superior ability for officers and special
ists," the navy report read.
Very shortly, an announcement is expected that will name
the universities chosen to talte part in the army-navy program.
The universities will provide instruction and also necessary
housing and mess facilities.
The Army Program
The army program provides for the calling of reserves, with
certain exceptions. After basic training, certain of such re.
serves plus regularly enlisted men will be selected for special
ized training at universities.
The selection will follow the general plan for the choosing
of enlisted men for Officers Candidate School with such addi
tional methods of ascertaining qualifications as may be deemed
appropriate after consultation with the American Council on
Train as Privates.
All selected students will train as privates; commutation
allowances will not be permitted; quarters and rations will be
furnished by government contract; military training, organized
under , 'cadei j system, subordinated to, academic instruction,